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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 102,161 - 102,180건 출력
  • 102161
    Book Info
    Comes commercii, or the trader's-companion. Containing I. An exact and useful Table, shewing the Value of any Quantity of Goods or Wares ready cast up, more adapted to Merchants Use than any other extent; which is demonstrated by 14 Examples relating chiefly to Buving and Selling. II. A Table calculated for Universal Use, which Use is shewn in the Solution of Questions, in Multiplication, Division
    Hatton, Edward
  • 102162
    Book Info
    Concio ad synodum ab archiepiscopi commissariis, episcopis & clero Provinci? Cantuariensis celebratam. Habita In Ecclesia Cathedrali D. Pauli, London. Die 24 Januarii, A. D. 1734-5. A Sam. Lisle, S. T. P. Archidiacono Cantuariensi
    Lisle, Samuel
  • 102163
    Book Info
    Considerations on the necessity of taxing the annuities granted by Parliament in the reigns of King William, and Queen Anne; and reducing one fifth of the capital stock of all persons possess'd of five thousand pounds or more in the South-Sea Company: In order to pay off the National Debt, And Ease Trade, and the Landed Interest
    Bruce, John
  • 102164
    Book Info
    Contemplations of the state of man in this life, and in that which is to come. By Jeremy Taylor, ...
    Nieremberg, Juan Eusebio
  • 102165
    Book Info
    Coriolanus. A tragedy. By Mr. William Shakespear
    Shakespeare, William
  • 102166
    Book Info
    Cornelii Nepotis Vit? excellentium imperatorum: cum versione Anglicâ, in qua Verbum de Verbo, quantum fieri potuit, redditur: notis quoque Anglicis, & indice Locupletissimo. = Or, Cornelius Nepos's Lives of the excellent commanders. With an English translation, as Literal as possible: with English notes, and a large index. By John Clarke, Master of the Publick Grammar-School in Hull. In Pursuance
    Nepos, Cornelius
  • 102167
    Book Info
    Critical notes on the Old Testament: wherein the present Hebrew text is explained, and in many places amended, from the ancient versions, more particularly from that of the LXXII. Drawn up in the Order the several Books were written, or may most conveniently be read. To which is prefix'd, a large introduction, adjusting the authority of the Masoretic Bible,. and vindicating it from the Objections
    Wall, William
  • 102168
    Book Info
    Cupid and Psyche: or, Colombine-Courtezan. A dramatic pantomime entertainment. Interspers'd with ballad tunes. As it is perform'd at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's servants
  • 102169
    Book Info
    Curious and diverting journies, Thro' the whole Island of Great-Britain. Containing, I. A particular description of the principal cities and towns, their Situation, Magnitude, Government, and Commerce. II. The customs, manners, speech, as also the Exercises, Diversions, and employment of the people. III. The produce and improvement of the lands, the Trade, and Manufactures. IV. The sea ports and f
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 102170
    Book Info
    Cymbeline. A tragedy. By Mr. William Shakespear
    Shakespeare, William
  • 102171
    Book Info
    Darius's feast: or, the force of truth. A poem, addressed to the Right Honourable the Earls of Salisbury and Exeter
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 102172
    Book Info
    David e Bersabea oratorio di Paolo Rolli F.R.S. Composto da Nicolò Porpora per la Nobilità Britannica
    Rolli, Paolo
  • 102173
    Book Info
    Dawley, D'Anvers, and Fog's Triumph; or, the Downfal of Belzabub, Bell, and the Dragon: a New Ballad
  • 102174
    Book Info
    Descriptio astrolabii nautici novi a Johanne Hadley, Armig. V. P. R. S. inventi, apti ad observationes syderum altitudinis, vel Angulorum quorumcunque. Annexa sunt praecepta, quibus Observationes illae facilius certiusque a Nautis peragi possint
    Hadley, George
  • 102175
    Book Info
    Dictionarium anglo-svethico-latinum in quo, praeter cetera, voces anglicanæ quotquot gothis debentur. Ad Origines suas revocantur, collegit, digessit et publici juris fecit Jacobus Serenius, Ad Templum Ulricae Eleonorae Lond, Pastor Reg. Societ. Angl. Soc. Praemittitur Reverendi Admodum Episcopi Lincopensis Erici Benzelii praefatio de nova, quam parat, Ulphilae editione itemque auctoris de veterum
    Serenius, Jakob
  • 102176
    Book Info
    Directions and prayers for the use of the patients in the foul wards of the Hospital in Southwark, founded at the sole costs and charges of Thomas Guy Esq;
    Guy's Hospital
  • 102177
    Book Info
    Directions for travelling through Holland and Germany, &c. In which is contained, The Best Routs to be taken from Landing at Helvoet-Sluys, or Rotterdam in Holland, to the Hague, Leyden, Amsterdam, and most other Towns in the Seven Provinces: Also to Hanover, Hamburgh, Frankfort, Vienna, Leipsick, Berlin, Dantzick, and most of the Principal Towns in Germany; even to Venice in Italy, and Paris in F
  • 102178
    Book Info
    Discontent the universal misery. In an epistle to a friend
  • 102179
    Book Info
    Discourses concerning religion and government, inscribed to all lovers of truth and liberty. By A. C-s
    Radicati, Alberto
  • 102180
    Book Info
    Disputatio juridica, Ad Tit. 4. Lib. III. Digest. Quod cujusque Universitatis nomine vel contra eam agatur. Quam, favente numine, Ex Auctoritate clarissimi ac confultissimi Viri, D. Roberti Dundas De Arniston, Inclytae Facultatis Juridicae Decani; nec non Ex ejusdem Facultatis consensu & decreto, pro advocati munere consequendo, publicae disquisitioni subjicit Jacobus Erskine Auct. & Resp. Ad Diem
    Erskine, James