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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 102,221 - 102,240건 출력
  • 102221
    Book Info
    Gnothi seauton. Know your self. A poem:
    Arbuthnot, John
  • 102222
    Book Info
    God's wonders in the great deep. Containing several wonderful and amazing relations, both Ancient and Modern, of persons at sea, who have met with strange and unexpected deliverances, when they have been encompassed with the greatest dangers, and exposed to the utmost Extremeties. To which is added, forms of prayer and Praises suited to their several Circumstances, and various Occasions
  • 102223
    Book Info
    Good news to the distressed: or, Proper Amendments to the Bill for a Charitable Lottery, for the Relief of Distressed Virgins in Great Britain. Maturely calculated for the Benefit of all Persons Aggrieved, whether Maids, Wives, Widows, Batchelors, Widowers, or Married Men. To which is Annex'd, A Genuine and Exact Copy of the said Bill for a Charitable Lottery, &c. Being the same Bill for which the
  • 102224
    Book Info
    Gospel sonnets, or, spiritual songs. In six parts. I. The Believer's Espousals. II. The Believer's Jointure. III. The Believer's Riddle. IV. The Believer's Lodging. V. The Believer's Soliloquy. VI. The Believer's Principles. Concerning Creation and Redemption, Law and Gospel, Justification and Sanctification, Faith and Sense, Heaven and Earth. The fourth edition, with large additions and great imp
    Erskine, Ralph
  • 102225
    Book Info
    Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. A tragedy. As it is now acted by his Majesty's servants. Written by William Shakespear
    Shakespeare, William
  • 102226
    Book Info
    Hamlet, Prince of Denmark; a tragedy, as it is now acted by his Majesty's servants. Written by William Shakespear
    Shakespeare, William
  • 102227
    Book Info
    Hampstead-Wells: or, directions for the drinking of those waters. Shewing, I. Their Nature and Virtues. II. The Diseases in which they are most Beneficial. III. The Time, Manner, and Order of Drinking. IV. The Preparation of the Body requir'd. V. The Diet proper to be used by all Mineral Water-Drinkers. With an appendix, relating to the original of springs in general ; with some Experiments of the
    Soame, John
  • 102228
    Book Info
    Heylsame Worte des Glaubens und der Gottseeligkeit. Oder Kurtzer Entwurff der im Jahre 1733-34. uber die ordentlichen Evangelien gehaltenen Predigten. ... von Henrich Werner Palm. ...
    Palm, Heinrich Werner
  • 102229
    Book Info
    Hibernicus's letters: or, a philosophical miscellany. Containing (among many others) essays on the following useful and entertaining subjects, viz. of happiness. of imaginary evils. Of Beauty. Of Castle-Building. Of false Contempt of the World. Of Witches and Apparitions. Of the Art of Printing. Of Laughter and Ridicule. Of False Taste. Of Useless Studies. Of Toleration. Of Solitude. Of Epistolary
    Arbuckle, James
  • 102230
    Book Info
    Hippocrates upon air : water, and situation; upon epidemical diseases; and upon prognosticks, in acute cases especially. To this is added (by way of comparison) Thucydides's account of the plague of Athens The whole translated, methodis'd, and illustrated with useful and explanatory Notes. By Francis Clifton, M.D. Physician to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, Fellow of the College of Phy...
  • 102231
    Book Info
    His Grace John Duke of Roxburgh, appellant. Christian Kerr Lady Chatto, and Charles Kerr, Esq; her husband, respondents. The respondents case
    Kerr, Christiana
  • 102232
    Book Info
    His Majesty's most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Tuesday the sixteenth day of April, 1734
    Great Britain
  • 102233
    Book Info
    Histoire de Charles XII, roi de Suede. Par M. de Voltaire. Avec des remarques historiques & critiques, pour servir de supplement à cet ouvrage. Par M. de la Motraye
  • 102234
    Book Info
    Historiæ pueriles. By Robert Wharton
    Wharton, Robert
  • 102235
    Book Info
    Hymn to the goddess of silence. By Hildebrand Jacob, Esq;
    Jacob, Hildebrand
  • 102236
    Book Info
    I give light. The Tinclarian Doctor's eleventh epistle, written in the sixty fifth year of his age, 1734, which contains a new light
    Mitchel, William
  • 102237
    Book Info
    Il pastor fido, opera. Da rappresentarsi nel novo Reggio Teatro di Covent-Garden
    Guarini, Battista
  • 102238
    Book Info
    Il pastor fido, tragicommedia pastorale del signor Cavalier Guarini
    Guarini, Battista
  • 102239
    Book Info
    Infant-Baptism no institution of Christ; and the rejection of it justified from scripture and antiquity. In answer to Mr. Fowler Walker's book, entituled, A defence of infant-baptism, &c. To which are annex'd, animadversions on the Reverend Dr. Thomas Ridgley's Dissertation on Infant-Baptism. By David Rees
    Rees, David
  • 102240
    Book Info
    Information for James Erskine of Grange, advocate, against John Cant, common clerk of the burgh of Innerkeithing
    Grange, James Erskine