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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 102,261 - 102,280건 출력
  • 102261
    Book Info
    Letters to Monsieur H*** concerning the most antient gods or kings of Egypt, and the antiquity of the first monarchs of Babylon and China. Intermixed With a great Number of Curious and Entertaining Particulars, describing the Origin of the several Deities among the Heathens. Translated from the French
    R{acute}ev{acute}erend, Dominique
  • 102262
    Book Info
    Lettres écrites de Londres sur les Anglois et autres sujets. Par M. D. V***
  • 102263
    Book Info
    Lex parliamentaria: or, a treatise of the law and custom of parliaments: shewing their antiquity, names, kinds, and qualities. Of the three Estates; and of the Dignity and Excellency of Parliaments, their Power and Authority. Of the Election of Members of the House of Commons in general, their Privilege, Qualifications, and Duties. Of the Electors; and their Rights, Duties; and Manner of Elections
    Philips, George
  • 102264
    Book Info
    Libri post S.S. optimi de principiis mosaicis, authore viro eximio Johanne Hutchinsono, lemmata, sive capitula, in manuale philosophicum & theologicum Juxta rerum descriptarum ordinem Summatim disposita, et latinâ linguâ donata, ab authoris ipsius nec non Archetypi ejus studioso T.P. In Usum Juventutis Academicae
    Hutchinson, John
  • 102265
    Book Info
    Love and artifice: or, a Compleat History of the amour between Lord Mauritio and Emilia. Being the Case of Elizabeth Fitz-Maurice, alias Leeson, and the Lord William Fitz-Maurice, relating to a Marriage-Contract between them; which was confirmed by A Court of Delegates, in the Lady's Behalf, on Wednesday, March 14th 1732/3, at Serjeant's-Inn, in Chancery-Lane
  • 102266
    Book Info
    Love and glory: a masque. As it is perform'd at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Written by T. Philips Gent. Set to musick by Mr. T. Arne
    Phillips, Thomas
  • 102267
    Book Info
    Love in all its shapes: or, the way of a man with a woman. Illustrated in the various practices of the Jesuits of the Maison Professe at Paris, with divers ladies of Quality and Fashion, at the Court of France
  • 102268
    Book Info
    Love-letters between a nobleman and his sister: Viz. F-rd Lord Gr-y of Werk, and the Lady Henrietta Berk----ley, under the borrow'd names of Philander and Silvia. Done into verse, by the author of the Letters from a nun to a cavalier
    Behn, Aphra
  • 102269
    Book Info
    Lusus Westmonasterienses, sive epigrammatum et poëmatum minorum delectus, quibus adjicitur, nunc primum edita, solitudo regia
  • 102270
    Book Info
    M. Tullij Ciceronis orationum selectarum liber, editus in usum scholarum Hollandiæ & West-Frisiæ: EX Decreto Illustriss. D. D. Ordinum ejusdem Provinciae
    Cicero, Marcus Tullius
  • 102271
    Book Info
    Macbeth; a tragedy. As it is acted at the theatres. By Shakespear
    Shakespeare, William
  • 102272
    Book Info
    Majesty misled: or, the overthrow of evil ministers. A tragedy. As intended to be acted at one of the theatres, but was refus'd for certain reasons
  • 102273
    Book Info
    Markham's master-piece : Containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leach. Touching the curing all diseases in horses. Drawn with great pains, and approv'd experience, and the publick practice of the best horse-marshals in Christendom. Divided into two books. The first containing cures physical; the 2d, all cures chirurgical. Together with the nature, use, and quality of...
    Markham, Gervase
  • 102274
    Book Info
    Markham's master-piece. Containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leach : Touching the curing all diseases in horses. Drawn with great Pains, and Approv'd Experience, and the Publick Practice of the best Horse-Marshals in Christendom. Divided into two books. The First containing Cures Physical; the 2d, All Cures Chirurgical. Together with The Nature, Use, and Quality of...
    Markham, Gervase
  • 102275
    Book Info
    Mathematical discourses concerning two new sciences relating to mechanicks and local motion, in four dialogues. I. Of the Resistance of Solids against Fraction. II. Of the Cause of their Coherence. III. Of Local Motion, viz. Equable, and naturally Accelerate. IV. Of Violent Motion, or of Projects. By Galileo Galilei, Chief Philosopher and Mathematician to the Grand Duke of Tuscany. With an appe...
    Galilei, Galileo
  • 102276
    Book Info
    Measure for measure. A comedy: as it is acted at the theatres. By Shakespear
    Shakespeare, William
  • 102277
    Book Info
    Measure for measure. By Mr. William Shakespear
    Shakespeare, William
  • 102278
    Book Info
    Medulla historiæ Anglicanæ. The ancient and present state of England. Being a compendious history of all its monarchs, from the time of Julius Cæsar. Written by Dr. Howell. And continued by an impartial hand to the death of His late Majesty King George I. And now in this ninth edition illustrated with sculptures
    Howell, William
  • 102279
    Book Info
    Memoirs of the Count de Forbin, Commodore in the navy of France: ... Containing his narrative of the voyages he made to the East-Indies, ... Translated from the French. The second edition. In two volumes. ...
  • 102280
    Book Info
    Memoirs of the life of John Gordon, of Glencat, in the county of Aberdeen in Scotland: Who was Thirteen Years in the Scotch College at Paris, among the Secular Clergy. Wherein the absurdities and delusions of popery are laid open, the History of Baianism, Jansenism, and the Constitution Unigenitus, impartially related, and the Infallibility of the Romish Church is confuted. To which is prefix'd, A
    Gordon, John