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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 102,321 - 102,340건 출력
  • 102321
    Book Info
    Palladio Londinensis : or, the London art of building. In three parts. Part I. Containing such geometrical problems as are necessary in describing Squares, Circles, Ovals, Polygons, Arches, and Groins. Also the most approved Methods for the Mensuration of Superficies and Solids, and these applied to the measuring of all Sorts of Artificers Works, relating to Building. Likewise the Prices, not o...
    Salmon, William
  • 102322
    Book Info
    Parergon juris canonici anglicani: or, a commentary, by way of supplement to the canons and constitutions of the Church of England. Not only from the Books of the Canon and Civil Law, but likewise from the Statute and Common Law of this Realm. Whereunto is prefix'd, by way of Introduction, First, A brief Account of the Canon Law in general; how and from whence it had its Rise and Beginning in the
    Ayliffe, John
  • 102323
    Book Info
    Parish law: or, a guide to Justice of the Peace, ministers, church-wardens, ... Compiled from the common, statute, and other authentick books; ... Together with correct forms of warrants, commitments, indictments, ... By Joseph Shaw, ...
    Shaw, Joseph
  • 102324
    Book Info
    Parliamentary and political tracts, written by Sir Robert Atkins, Knight of the Bath, And late One of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas
    Atkyns, Robert
  • 102325
    Book Info
    Persius Scaramouch: or, a critical and moral satire on the orators, scriblers, and vices of the present times. In imitation of the first satire of Persius. By way of dialogue betwixt the said Mr. D'Anvers, and Mr. Orator Henley of Lincoln's-Inn-Fields. By Griffith Morgan D'Anvers, M.A. formerly of Jesus-College in Oxford
    D'Anvers, Griffith Morgan
  • 102326
    Book Info
    Persons names that voted for Sir Miles Stapleton, and Edward Wortley Esq; or one of them Singly, within the Weapontake of Claroe
  • 102327
    Book Info
    Peruvian tales, related, in one thousand and one hours, by one of the select virgins of Cusco, to the Ynca of Peru, To Dissuade him from a Resolution he had taken to destroy Himself by Poison. Interspersed with Curious and Historical Remarks, explaining the Religious and Civil Customs, and Ceremonies, of the Ancient Inhabitants of that Great Empire. Translated from the original French, by Samuel H
    Gueullette, Thomas-Simon
  • 102328
    Book Info
    Peruvian tales, related, in one thousand and one hours, by one of the select virgins of Cusco, to the Ynca of Peru, to dissuade him from a resolution he had taken to destroy himself by poison. Interspersed with curious and historical remarks, ... Translated from the original French, by Samuel Humphreys, Esq.
    Gueullette, Thomas-Simon
  • 102329
    Book Info
    Philosophical essays on various subjects, viz. Space, substance, body, spirit, ... with some remarks on Mr. Locke's Essay on the human understanding. To which is subjoined A brief scheme of ontology, ... By I. Watts, D.D.
    Watts, Isaac
  • 102330
    Book Info
    Philosophical meditations, with divine inferences. Containing, I. The proof of a necessary, Self-Existent, Independent, and Eternal Being. II. The Nature of Eternity and Infinite Space consider'd. III. The Nature of the Punishment of the Wicked; with the Author's Opinion of the Place of Hell. IV. The Nature of the Creation of our Globe the Earth, and Remarks upon the Deluge, with Divine Inferences
    Parker, Benjamin
  • 102331
    Book Info
    Phlegon examined critically and impartially. In answer to the late Dissertation and defence of Dr. Sykes. To which is added a postscript, explaining a passage in Tertullian. By John Chapman M. A. Fellow of King's College in Cambridge
    Chapman, John
  • 102332
    Book Info
    Phædri Fabulæ selectæ, Latinè, Anglicè, Gallicè: fifty instructive and entertaining fables of Phædrus, in Latin, French, and English. Attempted after a new method, For the More Speedy Improvement of Youth in Schools. Translated into English by Daniel Bellamy, formerly of St. John's College, Oxford; and illustrated with curious cuts, Copied from the Designs of the Best Masters
  • 102333
    Book Info
    Plan by the Commissioners and Trustees for Improving Fisheries and Manufactures in Scotland, for the application of the funds under their management for three years from Christmas last 1733
    Great Britain
  • 102334
    Book Info
    Plan by the Commissioners and Trustees for Improving Fisheries and Manufactures in Scotland, for the application of their funds. Published by their order
    Great Britain
  • 102335
    Book Info
    Plays written by Sir John Vanbrugh. In Two Volumes. ... Containing The Relapse; or Virtue in Danger. The Provok'd Wife. Esop, in Two Parts. ... Containing The Confederacy. The False Friend. The Mistake. A Journey to London. The Provok'd Husband
    Vanbrugh, John
  • 102336
    Book Info
    Poematia, Latinè partim reddita, partim scripta: a V. Bourne, ...
    Bourne, Vincent
  • 102337
    Book Info
    Poems on several occasions.
    Barber, Mary
  • 102338
    Book Info
    Poems on several occasions. In three volumes. By the late Matthew Prior, Esq;
    Prior, Matthew
  • 102339
    Book Info
    Posthumous works of the late learned William King, L.L.D. in verse and prose. Published from his original manuscripts, purchased of his sister, by Joseph Browne, M.D. To which is prefixed, an account of his life and writings, with a true copy of his last will and testament ...
    King, William
  • 102340
    Book Info
    Practical gauging improved, by the help of a new portable sliding-rule, which performs all the operations of Mr. Everard's rule in a more exact manner, the Single Radius being Eight Foot long. By Tho. Hill, Philomath
    Hill, Tho