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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 102,341 - 102,360건 출력
  • 102341
    Book Info
    Prayers compos'd for the use and imitation of children, suited to their different ages and their various occasions: Together with Instructions to Youth in the Duty of Prayer, drawn up by way of Question and Answer: And a serious Address to them on that Subject. By I. Watts, D.D.
    Watts, Isaac
  • 102342
    Book Info
    Proceedings, precedents, and arguments, on claims and controversies, concerning baronies by writ, and other honours. With the arguments of Sir Francis Bacon, ... and others. Published from the collections of Robert Glover, ... and others. By Arthur Collins, ...
    Collins, Arthur
  • 102343
    Book Info
    Proceedings, precedents, and arguments, on claims and controversies, concerning baronies by writ, and other honours. With the arguments of Sir Francis Bacon, Sir Henry Montagu, the Lord Chief Justice Crew, the Lord Chief Justice Brampston, Judge Dodderidge, Judge Rolles, Mr. Selden, Sir Heneage Finch, Mr. Montagu, (afterwards Lord Chief Baron) Sir William Jones, Sir William Dugdale, Mr. Offley, Si
    Collins, Arthur
  • 102344
    Book Info
    Proposals by the Corporation of the Royal Exchange Assurance, established by His Majesty's royal charter, for assuring houses and other buildings, goods, wares, and merchandizes, from loss or damage by fire
    Royal Exchange Assurance Office
  • 102345
    Book Info
    Proposals for printing by subscription, The history of England, from the coronation of King William and Queen Mary to the eighth year of the reign of his present Majesty King George II. By J. Templeman, Esq;
    Templeman, J
  • 102346
    Book Info
    Quinti Horatii Flacci opera. Interetatione & notis illustravit Ludovicus Deprez, ... jussu Christianissimi regis, in usum serenissimi Delphini, ... Huic editioni accessere vita Horatii, cum Dacerii notis, ejusdem chronologia Horatiana, & præfatio. De satyra Romana
  • 102347
    Book Info
    Rational methods of curing fevers : deduced from the structure, and oeconomy of human bodies, and the different states of the solids, and fluids, under the different classes of fevers. Together With a particular Account of the Effects of Artificial evacuations by Bleeding, Vomiting, Purging, Sweating, and Blistering, &c. With Practical rules deduced from them, shewing in what Cases they are pro...
    Lobb, Theophilus
  • 102348
    Book Info
    Rational methods of curing fevers : deduced from the structure, and oeconomy of human bodies, and the different states of the solids, and fluids, under the different classes of fevers. together With a particular Account of the Effects of Artificial Evacuations by Bleeding, Vomiting, Purging, Sweating, and Blistering, &c. With Practical rules deduced from them, shewing in what Cases they are pro...
    Lobb, Theophilus
  • 102349
    Book Info
    Reasons against matrimony; being a survey of the isle of marriage. OR, A New and Accurate Description of all the Provinces, Districts, Ports, Towns, Rivers, Policy, and Government, of that vast and populous Country. Containing A particular Account of its various Inhabitants under the following Heads; The Discreet, the Prudes, the Ill matched, the Ill-at-Ease, the Jealous, the Cuckolds, whether Con
  • 102350
    Book Info
    Reasons against matrimony; being a survey of the isle of marriage: or, a new and accurate description of all the provinces, districts, ports, towns, Rivers, Policy and Government of that vast and populous country. Containing a particular Account of its various Inhabitants, under the following Heads: The Discreet, the Prudes, the Ill-Match'd, the Ill-at-Ease, the Jealous, the Cuckolds, whether Cont
  • 102351
    Book Info
    Reasons for a war; from the imminent danger with which Europe is threatned, by the exorbitant power of the House of Bourbon; and the necessity of giving immediate assistance to the House of Austria, and the Empire. Humbly address'd to the Parliament of Great-Britain
  • 102352
    Book Info
    Reasons for the neutrality of Great-Britain, deduced from her exploits for the House of Austria
  • 102353
    Book Info
    Reasons of the dissent entred [sic] dy [sic] Hugh Dalrymple of Drummore, ... as assessor for Northberwick, in his own, and the name of the commissioners of the Burghs of Wigtoun, Whithorn and Stranrawer, ...
    Dalrymple, Hugh
  • 102354
    Book Info
    Reflections on the causes of the grandeur and declension of the Romans. By the author of the Persian letters. Translated from the French
    Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat
  • 102355
    Book Info
    Reflections on the causes of the grandeur and declension of the Romans. By the author of the Persian letters. Translated from the French.
    Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat
  • 102356
    Book Info
    Reflections upon accuracy of style. Containing the chief rules to be observ'd for obtaining an accurate style Of the too frequent Use of Antitheses. Of the Use of Metaphors. Of Affectation in Style. Of Flashy Styles. Of the Use of Foreign Words. Of the Laconick Style. Of the Long Style. Of Novelty of Style. Of Poetical Expressions used in Prose. Of the Use of Obsolete Words. Rapin's Rules of Style
    Constable, John
  • 102357
    Book Info
    Remarkable antiquities of the city of Exeter: giving an account of the laws and customs of the place; the offices, ... churches, ... the titles and privileges of the several corporations, and their distinct coats of arms finely engraven on copper-plates: with a catalogue of all the bishops, mayors, and sheriffs, from the year 1049, to 1677. Originally collected by Richand Izacke, Esq; ... The thi
    Izacke, Richard
  • 102358
    Book Info
    Remarks on Dr. Conyers Middleton's Dissertation concerning the state of physicians among the old Romans, &c : Translated from the Latin of P. W., M.D.
    Letherland, Joseph
  • 102359
    Book Info
    Remarks on Spenser's poems
    Jortin, John
  • 102360
    Book Info
    Remarks on a letter in The Gentleman's magazine of February last, concerning excepting against the confirmation of a bishop. To which is prefix'd the said letter