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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 102,461 - 102,480건 출력
  • 102461
    Book Info
    The dependant. An epistle to the Honourable Sir George Oxenden Bart. one of the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury
  • 102462
    Book Info
    The devotional life render'd familiar, easy, and pleasant, in several hymns upon the most common occasions of human life. Composed and collected by T.S.
    Seaton, Thomas
  • 102463
    Book Info
    The dictionary historical and critical of Mr Peter Bayle. The second edition, Carefully collated with the several Editions of the Original; in which many Passages are restored, and the whole greatly augmented, particularly with a Translation of the Quotations from eminent Writers in various Languages. To which is prefixed, the life of the author, revised, corrected, and enlarged, by Mr Des Maizeau
    Bayle, Pierre
  • 102464
    Book Info
    The distrest mother. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane. By His Majesty's servants. By Mr. Philips
    Philips, Ambrose
  • 102465
    Book Info
    The dramatick sessions: or, the stage contest
  • 102466
    Book Info
    The dramatick works of Mr. Nathanael Lee. In three volumes
    Lee, Nathaniel
  • 102467
    Book Info
    The dramatick works of William Shakespear. ... . Containing the Six following Plays, viz. I. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, a Tragedy. II. Julius Caesar, a Tragedy. III. The Life and Death of King Richard III. with the Landing of the Earl of Richmond, and the Battle at Bosworth-Field, being the Last between The Houses of Lancaster and York. IV. The Life and Death of Thomas Lord Cromwell. V. The Tempes
    Shakespeare, William
  • 102468
    Book Info
    The dreadful guilt of bribery, seconded by perjury: in a serious address to the consciences of all persons who have votes in counties, cities, corporations, and burroughs; and of all returning officers, at the ensuing elections of members to serve in Parliament
  • 102469
    Book Info
    The duty of a pastor to his people, represented in a discourse preached at the ordination of the Reverend George Braithwaite, M.A., March the twenty eighth, 1734. At the meeting house near Devonshire-Square. Publish'd at the request of several ministers. By John Gill
    Gill, John
  • 102470
    Book Info
    The duty of frequenting the publick service of the Church of England. Wherein the beauty and excellency of the Book of Common-Prayer are explain'd to the meanest capacities. In a dialogue between a clergyman and his parishioner. By Thomas Bate, ...
    Bate, Thomas
  • 102471
    Book Info
    The english malady : or, a treatise of nervous diseases of all kinds; As Spleen, Vapours, Lowness of Spirits, Hypochondriacal, and Hysterical Distempers, &c. In three parts. Part I. Of the Nature and Cause of Nervous Distempers. Part II. Of the Cure of Nervous Distempers. Part III. Variety of Cases that illustrate and confirm the Method of Cure. With the Author's own Case at Large. By George Ch...
    Cheyne, George
  • 102472
    Book Info
    The english malady : or, a treatise of nervous diseases of all kinds; As Spleen, Vapours, Lowness of Spirits, Hypochondriacal, and Hysterical Distempers, &c. In three parts. Part I. Of the Nature and Cause of Nervous Distempers. Part II. Of the Cure of Nervous Distempers. Part III. Variety of Cases that illustrate and confirm the Method of Cure. With the Author's own Case at Large. By George Ch...
    Cheyne, George
  • 102473
    Book Info
    The english malady : or, a treatise of nervous diseases of all kinds; as spleen, vapours, lowness of spirits, hypochondriacal, and hysterical distempers, &c. In three parts. Part I. Of the Nature and Cause of Nervous Distempers. Part II. Of the Cure of Nervous Distempers. Part III. Variety of Cases that illustrate and confirm the Method of Cure. With the Author's own case at Large. By George Ch...
    Cheyne, George
  • 102474
    Book Info
    The english spelling-book and expositor: being a new method of teaching children and adult persons to read, write, and understand the English tongue in less Time, and with much greater Ease than has hitherto been taught. Containing an Alphabetical Collection of the most useful, proper, and elegant Words, divided into Syllables, and accented, together with a short and easy Explication of each Word
    Boad, Henry
  • 102475
    Book Info
    The excellency and beauty of the Church of England; illustrated, recommended and enforced from scripture, from the writings of the primitive fathers and councils, from reason, and from experience: in an examination and defence of its doctrine, worship, rites, and ceremonies. In three parts. By a lay-hand. Necessary for Families
  • 102476
    Book Info
    The excellent use of psalmody. With a course of singing psalms for half a year. Beginning on the first Sunday in January, and again on the First Sunday in July: And also Proper Psalms for particular Days and Occasions. Both taken out of the directions given by Edmund Lord Bishop of London to the clergy of his diocese, in the year 1724. With an addition since mad by his Lordship, of psalms proper t
    Gibson, Edmund
  • 102477
    Book Info
    The expediency of the Gospel revelation, and of a public ministry, to carry on its important design. In a sermon at the ordination of the Reverend Mr. Henry Lane, M.A. By Samuel Fancourt. To which is annexed, Mr. Lane's confession of faith; and the Rev'd. Mr. Edward Warren's charge at the same time
    Fancourt, Samuel
  • 102478
    Book Info
    The expence of university education reduced. In a letter to A. B. Fellow of E. C.
    Newton, Richard
  • 102479
    Book Info
    The expence of university education reduced. In a letter to A.B. Fellow of Exeter College
    Newton, Richard
  • 102480
    Book Info
    The faithful few. : An ode, inscribed to all lovers of their country
    ProQuest One Literature
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