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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 102,641 - 102,660건 출력
  • 102641
    Book Info
    The prophet Jeremiah's resolution to get him unto great men, and to speak unto them, considered and applied: in a sermon delivered at the publick lecture in Boston, November 21. 1734. Before His Excellency the governour, and the General Court. By John Hancock, A.M. senio Pastor of the Church of Christ in Lexington. N.B. Partly for brevity sake, and partly thro' the infirmity of an old man's memory
    Hancock, John
  • 102642
    Book Info
    The provok'd wife; a comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane
    Vanbrugh, John
  • 102643
    Book Info
    The punishment of sinners in a future state argued and prov'd. In a sermon preach'd at Birmingham, from Luke xvi. 22, 23. By J. Basset
    Basset, J
  • 102644
    Book Info
    The puritan: or the widow of Watling-Street. By Mr. William Shakespear
    Shakespeare, William
  • 102645
    Book Info
    The puritan: or, the widow of Watling-Street. A comedy. By Shakespear
    Shakespeare, William
  • 102646
    Book Info
    The reasonableness and certainty of the Christian religion. |... By Robert Jenkin, D. D. late Lady Margaret's Professor of Divinity, and Master of St. John's College in Cambridge
    Jenkin, Robert
  • 102647
    Book Info
    The reasonableness of an act of grace and indemnity, at this dangerous juncture. Humbly offered to the consideration of Parliament. In which notice is taken of the many acts of grace passed in the reigns of the Renowned Queen Elizabeth, and her late Majesty Queen Anne, under the Administration of Lord Godolphin, &c.
  • 102648
    Book Info
    The reasons alledged against Dr. Rundle's promotion to the see of Gloucester, Seriously and dispassionately considered: in a letter to a member of Parliament for the county of --. By a gentleman of the Temple
    Sykes, Arthur Ashley
  • 102649
    Book Info
    The relapse, or, Virtue in danger being the sequel of The fool in fashion : a comedy acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane.
    Vanbrugh, John
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 102650
    Book Info
    The remonstrance: Containing some account of the Lives and Characters of our Present Political Writers. With reflections on the state of our domestick affairs, and on the present discontents. Written by a British merchant
    British Merchant
  • 102651
    Book Info
    The repeated calls and gracious invitations of Jesus Christ to the chief of sinners; and the danger of their neglecting the great salvation. Set forth in nine sermons. By William Notcutt
    Notcutt, William
  • 102652
    Book Info
    The right of British subjects to petition and apply to their representatives asserted and vindicated. In a letter to ***** With an excerpt from the Review of the Excise-Scheme, &c. on the duty of Members of Parliament to advise with their constituents; and an address to the people of Scotland on the same heads
  • 102653
    Book Info
    The right of the committee consider'd. In a letter to the deputies of the three denominations of protestant dissenters in and about the City of London. By one of the deputies
    One of the deputies
  • 102654
    Book Info
    The sacred miscellany: or, poems on divine subjects. Designed for the benefit and instruction of mean capacities, the bringing up Youth in the Fear of God, the Abhorrence of Atheism and the Evils attending Loose Principles. With suitable prayers. By Daniel Hallows, M. A. Rector of Gilston, in Hertfordshire
    Hallows, Daniel
  • 102655
    Book Info
    The sacred theory of the earth: containing an account of the original of the earth, And of all the General Changes which it hath already undergone, or is to undergo, till the Consummation of all Things. In four books. I. Concerning the deluge, II. Concerning paradise, III. The burning of the world. IV. The new heavens and new earth. With a review of the theory, and of its proofs; especially in ref
    Burnet, Thomas
  • 102656
    Book Info
    The saint: a tale. From the original Italian of Boccace. By Mr. William Ayre
    Boccaccio, Giovanni
  • 102657
    Book Info
    The scarborough miscellany for the year 1732. Consisting of original poems, tales, songs, epigrams, &c. Particularly A Description of the beautiful Situation of that Town, and its Diversions. Dialogue on Love. By the Lady **** The Triumphs of Love. By a young Officer. Rebus on Miss M****** Verses extempore. By a Lady. Written on a Lady's Window. By Sir W****. On a Snuff Box. By Parson R*****. The
  • 102658
    Book Info
    The scarborough miscellany for the year 1733. A collection of original poems, tales, songs, epigrams, &c. Containing I. Scarborough, a poem in imitation of Mr. Gay's Journey to Exeter. II. To Selinda confin'd to her Chamber. III. The Mases Expostulation. IV. On the Ladies bathing in the Sea. By Mr. D. V. To Miss R-on the Point of Marriage. VI. On the mix'd Company at the Ordinaries. Vii. Scarborou
  • 102659
    Book Info
    The scarborough miscellany: for the year 1734. Being a collection of original poems, tales, songs, epigrams, lampoons, satires, and panegyricks, handed about, this season, at Scarborough. With an Invitation to Her Royal Highness Princess Amelia
  • 102660
    Book Info
    The scripture doctrine of the proper divinity, real personality, and the external and extraordinary works of the Holy Spirit, stated and defended; in sixteen sermons, preach'd at the Merchants lecture at Pinners-Hall, In the Years 1729, 1730, 1731. By the late Mr. John Hurrion
    Hurrion, John