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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 102,781 - 102,800건 출력
  • 102781
    Book Info
    A collection of letters extracted from the most celebrated French authors. Viz. Chevalier de Méré Boursault, Fontenelle, Balzac, Count Bussy, Voiture, Costar, Boileau. Adorn'd with that Variety of Subjects, as will serve not only for the Netertainment of those who have made some Advances in the French Language; but also for their Instruction in a polite manner of Writing. With an English translati
  • 102782
    Book Info
    A collection of poems. By the Author of a poem on the Cambridge Ladies
    Author of a Poem on the Cambridge ladies
  • 102783
    Book Info
    A collection of statutes concerning Rochester Bridge
    Great Britain
  • 102784
    Book Info
    A companion to the altar: shewing the nature and necessity of a sacramental preparation, in order to our worthy receiving the Holy Communion. ...
    Vickers, William
  • 102785
    Book Info
    A compendious account of the whole art of breeding, nursing, and right ordering of the silk-worm. Illustrated with figures engraven on Copper: Whereon is curiously exhibited the whole Management of this Profitable Insect
    T. B
  • 102786
    Book Info
    A compleat list, of the Stewards, Presidents, Vice-Presidents, and Treasurers belonging to the Royal Corporation, for the Relief of the Poor Widows, and Children of Clergymen, from the Time their Charter was granted, By King Charles II. Bearing Date July 1. 1678. Together with The Names of all the Preachers, and at what Churches the Sermons were preached, and which of them were Printed to this pre
    Freeman, William
  • 102787
    Book Info
    A compleat system of general geography: explaining the nature and properties of the earth; ... Originally written in Latin by Bernhard Varenius, M.D. since improved and illustrated by Sir Isaac Newton and Dr Jurin; and now translated into English; with additional notes, copper-plates, ... By Mr Dugdale. The whole revised and corrected by Peter Shaw, M.D. In two volumes.
    Varenius, Bernhardus
  • 102788
    Book Info
    A correct list of the nobility of Scotland, conform to the rolls of Parliament; With the Titles of the eldest Sons of Dukes, Marquesses and Earls. To which is subjoined, a list of the Scots members in the honourable House of Commons 1733
  • 102789
    Book Info
    A course of chirurgical operations, demonstrated in the Royal Garden at Paris. By Monsieur Dionis, Chief Chirurgeon to the late Dauphiness, and to the present Dutchess of Burgundy. Translated from the Paris edition
  • 102790
    Book Info
    A defence of lecturers, being an humble reply to the preface before the commentary on the Church-Catechism. By the Most Reverend William, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. In a letter to a friend
    Morrice, John
  • 102791
    Book Info
    A defence of the Christian religion from the several objections of modern antiscripturists. Wherein The Literal Sense of the Prophesies contained in the Old Testament, and of the Miracles recorded in the New, is explained and vindicated. In which is included the whole state of the controversy between Mr. Woolston and his adversaries. By the Reverend Mr. Thomas Stackhouse, Author of the Complete Bo
    Stackhouse, Thomas
  • 102792
    Book Info
    A defence of the Church of Scotland. Being some remarks, by way of query, on three sermons. The first preached and published by Mr. John Currie Minister at Kinglassie, at the opening of the Synod of Fife, 26th September 1732. And the other two by Mr. Ebenezer Erskine Minister at Stirling; one of them before the Synod of Perth and Stirling in October 10th, and the other in the afternoon after celeb
    Currie, John
  • 102793
    Book Info
    A defence of the Protestant faith, against the calumnies of the Church of Rome. Extracted from the works of many learned men who wrote in support of the Reformation. By Enoch Sterne, Esq; L.L.D. And Clerk of the Parliaments
    Sterne, Enoch
  • 102794
    Book Info
    A defence of the antient historians: with a particular application of it to the history of Ireland
    Hutchinson, Francis
  • 102795
    Book Info
    A defence of the dissertation on the eclipse mentioned by Phlegon: Wherein is further shewn, That that Eclipse had no Relation to the darkness which happened at our Saviour's passion: And Mr. Whiston's Observations are particularly considered. By Arthur Ashley Sykes, D. D.
    Sykes, Arthur Ashley
  • 102796
    Book Info
    A defence of the most essential articles of Christian belief, against the cavils of modern atheists and infidels; particularly, the writings of the late Mr. C-ll-ns, and the late Mathew Tindal, Doctor of Laws
  • 102797
    Book Info
    A detection of several misrepresentations of facts in Oldcastle's remarks on the English history, as they were published in the Craftsman, and of the Views with which those Misrepresentations were made. To which is prefixed An Enquiry into the Reasons of Success, in Sale, of all Scandalous Libels: And to which is added An Examination into the infamous Methods which the Craftsman has used to traduc
  • 102798
    Book Info
    A dialogue between Sir Andrew Freeport and Timothy Squat, Esquire, on the subject of excises. Being a full review of the whole dispute concerning a change of the duties on wine and tobacco into an excise
    Freeport, Andrew
  • 102799
    Book Info
    A dialogue between a doctor of the Church of England, and Mr. Jacob Ilive, Upon the Subject of the Oration Spoke at Joyners-Hall in Thames-Street: On Monday, Sept. 24. 1733. Wherein is proved, That the Miracles said to be wrought by Moses were Artificial Acts only
  • 102800
    Book Info
    A dialogue on devotion, after the manner of Xenophon; in which the reasonableness, pleasure and advantages of it are considered. To which is prefix'd, A conversation of Socrates on the being and providence of God. Translated from the Greek
    Amory, Thomas