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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 102,821 - 102,840건 출력
  • 102821
    Book Info
    A general history of printing; from the first invention of it in the city of Mentz, to its propagation and progress thro' most of the kingdoms in Europe: particularly The Introduction and Success of it here in England. With the characters of the most celebrated printers, From the first Inventors of this art to the Years 1520 and 1550. Also An account of their works. And of the confiderable Improve
    Palmer, Samuel
  • 102822
    Book Info
    A hue and cry, or the citizens lamentation after the downfall of B-- and - Bank: together with the lamentations of several honest men, who got daily bread by the late A--n P-e, the breaking up of said bank, being the cause of breaking his heart. Tune, Now ponder well, &c.
  • 102823
    Book Info
    A layman's sermon in defence of priestcraft
  • 102824
    Book Info
    A lecture on worship read at the meeting house in Broad Street Wapping London at a church meeting held on Thursday the thirtieth of November MDCCXXXII. Published at the request of the church
    Rhudd, John
  • 102825
    Book Info
    A letter concerning the necessity of learning for the priesthood: in which there is an enquiry made into that particular qualification for it, in the different ages and nations of the world
    Madden, Samuel
  • 102826
    Book Info
    A letter from Rome, shewing an exact conformity between popery and paganism: or, the religion of the present Romans derived from that of their heathen ancestors. By Conyers Middleton, D. D. Principal Librarian of the University of Cambridge
    Middleton, Conyers
  • 102827
    Book Info
    A letter from a Member of Parliament to his friend in the country; giving his reasons for opposing the farther extension of the excise laws; and shewing, that had the late attempt succeeded, it had been destructive of Parliament, and fatal to the constitution
    Pulteney, William
  • 102828
    Book Info
    A letter from a Member of Parliament to his friends in the country, concerning the duties on wine and tobacco. To which is added, the reply of a Member of Parliament to the mayor of his corporation. Together with the scheme of excise itself
    Walpole, Robert
  • 102829
    Book Info
    A letter from a dissenter to the author of The Craftsman. Occasioned by his paper of the 27th of October last
    Neal, Daniel
  • 102830
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    A letter from a gentleman at London, to his friend at -, in S-shire, concerning honorary freemen
    Gentleman at London
  • 102831
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    A letter from a gentleman in the country to a Member of Parliament in the city
    Gentleman in the country
  • 102832
    Book Info
    A letter from a member of Parliament to his friends in the country concerning the duties on wine and tobacco
    Walpole, Robert
  • 102833
    Book Info
    A letter from a merchant of London to a Member of Parliament: In Answer to a letter from a Member of Parliament to his Friends in the Country, Concerning the Duties on Wine and Tobacco
    Merchant of London
  • 102834
    Book Info
    A letter from an old proctor to a young one, containing serious advice for the conscientious and prudent discharge of his duty. Together with instructions, shewing how to view tythe, so that, in his valuation thereof, he may not injure either the incumbent of the Parish, or the parishioner out of whose Labour it ariseth
    Cavenagh, Terence
  • 102835
    Book Info
    A letter from the Right Hon. W-m P-y, Esq; to the Rlght [sic] Honourable Sir R-----t W------e; with regard to the Observations on the writings of the Craftsman
    Pulteney, William
  • 102836
    Book Info
    A letter from the mayor of the antient borough of Guzzle-Down, to Sir Francis Wronghead, their R--ve in P--t. In answer to his letter of the 19th of Feb. 1732
    Mayor of the antient borough of Guzzle-Down
  • 102837
    Book Info
    A letter of advice to the Reverend Mr. Scurlock: Occasioned by his Extraordinary sermon, Preach'd at St. Paul's Cathedral, On Sunday the 7th Instant, In Vindication of the excise scheme. By a sturdy beggar, Citizen and Merchant of London, who took the Heads of the Sermon, and the most material Points, in Short-Hand
    Seymour, Claudius
  • 102838
    Book Info
    A letter to Protestant Dissenters concerning their conduct in the ensuing elections. Formerly published in the year 1722
    Barrington, John Shute Barrington
  • 102839
    Book Info
    A letter to Sir Hans Sloan, Bart. President of the College of Physicians, London, And of the Royal Society; about the Cure of the Gout, By Oils externally apply'd. From W. Stukeley, M. D. Fellow of the College of Physicians, London, S.R.S. And Rector of All-Saints, in Stanford. Read before the Royal Society, Feb. 1. 1732-3
    Stukeley, William
  • 102840
    Book Info
    A letter to The craftsman, On the Game of Chess. Occasioned by his Paper of the Fifteenth of this Month
    Hervey, John Hervey