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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 102,881 - 102,900건 출력
  • 102881
    Book Info
    A review of the excise-scheme; in answer to a pamphlet, intitled The rise and fall of the late projected excise, impartially considered. ...
    Pulteney, William
  • 102882
    Book Info
    A review of the excise-scheme; in answer to a pamphlet, intitled The rise and fall of the late projected excise, impartially considered. With Some Proper Hints to the electors of Great Britain
    Pulteney, William
  • 102883
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    A review of the remarks on Mr. Chandler's Introduction to the history of the inquisition: in which his answer to the said remarks is consider'd; His Misrepresentations of Fact are farther laid open, and his Prevarications in Defence of them exposed. By William Berriman, D. D. Rector of St. Andrew's Undershaft, and Fellow of Eton College
    Berriman, William
  • 102884
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    A satyr against tea. Or, Ovington's essay upon the nature and qualities of tea, &c. Dissected, and burlesq'd. By Mr. John Waldron
    Waldron, John
  • 102885
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    A scheme or proposal for taking off the several taxes on land, soap, starch, Candles, Leather, Plate, Pots, &c. and replacing the said duties by another tax, which will bring in more Money, in a more Easy and Equal Manner, and less burthensome to the Subject: Humbly offered to the Consideration of the Parliament, as also the People of England, for whose Ease and Benefit this is design'd. Plainly p
  • 102886
    Book Info
    A scripture account of the Lord's Supper: with directions for a right attendance upon that, and all the other parts of Christian worship, especially in publick. By William Willets
    Willets, William
  • 102887
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    A seasonable caveat against popery: or, an essay on the merchandise of Slaves and Souls of Men; Revelations XVIII. 13. With an application thereof to the church of Rome. By a gentleman
    Dudley, Paul
  • 102888
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    A seasonable preservative against the wiles of popery; or modern deism real jesuitism: wherein deism is try'd, unmask'd, and condemn'd, in a letter to a gentleman at Oxford. Occasion'd by a late Jesu-t-l treatise, entitled, Christianity as old as the Creation
  • 102889
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    A second day's journey of the Tinclarian Doctor, dedicated to the Right Honourable the Earl of Lauderdale, written in the sixty-third year of his age, 1733
    Mitchel, William
  • 102890
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    A second defence of Dr. Clarke's demonstration of the being and attributes of God; in answer to the postscript published in the second edition of Mr. Law's translation of Dr. King's origin of evil. By the author of the first defence
    Clarke, John
  • 102891
    Book Info
    A second letter to the Right Honourable Sir Robert Walpole. In which I. Notice is taken of Two Passages in Mr. Janicon's Present State of the United Provinces, highly injurious to the Honour of Great-Britain. II. A brief Account of the Progress and Importance of the Affair of Emden. III. Dendermonde, as a Barrier-Town, considered. IV. The Partition of King William's Patrimony, as Prince of Orange,
    Forman, Charles
  • 102892
    Book Info
    A second letter to the Right Reverend Richard, Lord Bishop of Litchfield and Coventry. In defence of a former letter to his Lordship. Wherein that misrepresented and injured Christian society, called Quakers, are impartially defended against his Lordship's vindicator. By T. S.
    T. S
  • 102893
    Book Info
    A select manual of divine meditations and prayers suited to the most necessary and solemn occasions. And fitted for Morning and Evening Service for every Day in the Week. To which is added, A short Office to be used Before, At, and After the Receiving of the Holy Sacrament. The whole design'd To Purify the Heart and to kindle up the Fervor of Devotion in the Minds of all Serious Christians. Being
    Smith, Joshua
  • 102894
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    A serious address to men in business, concerning the right ordering their affairs; with advice in the case of those who have unhappily mismanaged: in two discourses on Prov. xxvii. 23. By John Ford
    Ford, John
  • 102895
    Book Info
    A serious and useful scheme, to make an hospital for incurables, of universal benefit to all His Majesty's Subjects. ... To which is added, a petition of the footmen in and about Dublin
    Swift, Jonathan
  • 102896
    Book Info
    A serious and useful scheme, to make an hospital for incurables, of universal benefit to all His Majesty's subjects. Occasioned by a Report, that the Estate of Richard Norton Esq; was to be appointed by Parliament for such an Endowment. To which is added, a petition of the footmen in and about Dublin. By a celebrated author in Ireland
    Swift, Jonathan
  • 102897
    Book Info
    A serious disswasive [sic] from an intended subscription, for continuing the races upon Kersal Moore. Address'd to the inhabitants of Manchester, and parts adjacent
    Byrom, John
  • 102898
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    A serious expostulation with the dissenters, concerning the repeal of the sacramental-test at this time. Taken from the Courant of Friday, December 15. 1732
    B. C
  • 102899
    Book Info
    A sermon concerning the excellency and usefulness of the Common-prayer. Preach'd by William Beveridge, D.D. (late Lord Bishop of St. Asaph) at the opening of the parish-church of St. Peter's Cornhill, London, the 27th of November, 1681
    Beveridge, William
  • 102900
    Book Info
    A sermon in commemoration of the great storm, commonly called the high wind, in the year 1703. Preached at the chapel in little Wild-Street, London, November 27, 1733. With an account of the damage done by it. By A. Gifford
    Gifford, Andrew