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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 102,981 - 103,000건 출력
  • 102981
    Book Info
    All vows kept. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Smock-Alley.
  • 102982
    Book Info
    All vows kept: a comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Dublin
  • 102983
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    Alma mater: a satirical poem. Designed to have been published in March last. By a Gentleman of New Inn Hall
    Gentleman of New Inn Hall
  • 102984
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    An Act to recover and preserve the navigation of the river Dee, in the county palatine of Chester
    Great Britain
  • 102985
    Book Info
    An abstract of all the acts passed in the sixth session of the seventh parliament of Great Britain, and in the Sixth Year of the Reign of our most Gracious Sovereign Lord King George the Second
    Great Britain
  • 102986
    Book Info
    An abstract of the sufferings of the people call'd Quakers for the testimony of a good conscience, from the time of their being first distinguished by that name, taken from original records, and other authentick accounts. ... . From the Year 1650 to the Year 1660
  • 102987
    Book Info
    An abstract of twelve Acts of Parliament. Containing I. An Act for the better quallification of justices. II. An Act for preventing frivolous and vexatious Arrests. III. An Act for improving Tillage of Land. IV. An Act for making Process in Courts of Equity effectual against Persons who abscond and cannot be served therewith, or refuse to appear. V. An Act for the Benefit of Landlords and Tenants.
    Great Britain
  • 102988
    Book Info
    An account of the bank of loan at Amsterdam, commonly called the Lombard. By Philopolis
  • 102989
    Book Info
    An account of the many and great loans, benefactions, and charities, belonging to the City of Coventry. To which is annexed, a Copy of the Decretal Order of the Court of Chancery Relating to the Memorable Charity of Sir Thomas White
    Jackson, Edward
  • 102990
    Book Info
    An account of the mineral waters of Spa, commonly called the German Spaw: being a collection of observations from the most eminent authors who have wrote on that Subject. By Henry Eyre, Purveyor for Mineral Waters to Her Majesty
    Eyre, Henry
  • 102991
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    An account of the origin and designs of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge
    Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge
  • 102992
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    An account of the proceedings of the Charitable Society for Relieving the Sick and Needy at the Publick Infirmary in Westminster
    Westminster Hospital
  • 102993
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    An act passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England; begun & held at Boston, upon Wednesday the thirtieth day of May 1733
  • 102994
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    An address to the gentlemen who are deputed from the several Congregations of Protestant dissenters, to attend the report of the Committee relating to the repeal of the corporation and test-acts
  • 102995
    Book Info
    An address to the whiggs, Concerning the dangerous Tendency of Publick divisions, More particularly with relation to the Whigg Interest
  • 102996
    Book Info
    An anatomical exposition of the structure of the human body : By James Benignus Winslow, Professor of Physick, Anatomy and Surgery in the University of Paris, Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences, and of the Royal Society at Berlin, &c. Translated from the French original, by G. Douglas, M.D. Illustrated with copper plates.
    Winslow, Jacques-B{acute}enigne
  • 102997
    Book Info
    An anatomical exposition of the structure of the human body. By James Benignus Winslow, Professor of Physick, Anatomy and Surgery in the University of Paris, Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences, and of the Royal Society at Berlin, &c. Translated from the French original, by G. Douglas, M. D. ...
    Winslow, Jacques-B{acute}enigne
  • 102998
    Book Info
    An answer to a book entitled, Things divine and supernatural conceiv'd by analogy with things natural and human. In which answer it is prov'd, that the author's notion of divine analogy is immediately destructive of all religion, both natural and reveal'd. By a presbyter of the Church of England
    Jackson, John
  • 102999
    Book Info
    An answer to a late book intituled, Christianity as old as the creation. In two parts. Part I. In which that Author's Account of the Law of Nature is consider'd, and his Scheme is shewn to be inconsistent with Reason, and with it self, and of ill Consequence to the Interests of Virtue, and the Good of Mankind. Part II. In which the Authority and Usefulness of the Revelation contain'd in the sacred
    Leland, John
  • 103000
    Book Info
    An answer to a pamphlet lately printed at Edinburgh, intituled, Baptism with water and infant-baptism asserted. Wherein, the mistakes of its author are rectified, and his reasonings confuted
    Besse, Joseph