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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 103,001 - 103,020건 출력
  • 103001
    Book Info
    An answer to a pamphlet on publick credit: occasioned by the bill now depending in the House, to prevent the pernicions practice of stockjobbing. Humbly address'd to the various proprietors of government securities
  • 103002
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    An answer to the Brief remarks of William Berriman, D.D. ... on Mr. Chandler's Introduction to the history of the Inquisition. ... By Samuel Chandler
    Chandler, Samuel
  • 103003
    Book Info
    An answer to the Brief remarks of William Berriman, D.D. Rector of St. Andrews's Undershast, and Fellow of Eton College: on Mr. Chandler's Introduction to the history of the Inquisition. In a letter to the said doctor. By Samuel Chandler
    Chandler, Samuel
  • 103004
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    An answer to the considerations, occasioned by the Craftsman upon excise, so far as it relates to the tobacco trade
  • 103005
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    An answer to the defence of the dissertation or enquiry concerning the gospel according to S. Matthew. In a Letter to a young Gentleman. By the Author of the Letter to a Lady
    Author of the Letter to a lady
  • 103006
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    An apology for Sir Robert Sutton
  • 103007
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    An appeal to the genuine records and testimonies of heathen and Jewish writers; in defence of Christianity. By Thomas Dawson, D. D. Vicar of New Windsor; some Time Member of Convocation. Part I. 1. An appeal to the works of Phlegon, Thallus, and other Heathen Writers; as Evidence for the miraculous Eclipse at Christ's Passion. 2. An Appeal to the Chinese Records; proving that Eclipse to be Univers
    Dawson, Thomas
  • 103008
    Book Info
    An appendix to Hayes's interest book. Shewing, by addition, how to cast up bank, India, South-Sea stock, Annuities, Royal and London Assurances, African, Million-Bank, York-Buildings, Charitable Corporation, English and Welsh Copper, Lottery Tickets, Blanks and Prizes, Premiums, Brokerage, Commissions, Discounts, Navy and Victualling Bills, &c. To which is added a table of great use to the proprie
    Hayes, Richard
  • 103009
    Book Info
    An appendix to the treatise of the horney-coat of the eye, and the cataract. With an answer to Mr. Cheselden's appendix, relating to his new operation upon the iris of the eye. By Benedict Duddell, Surgeon
    Duddell, Benedict
  • 103010
    Book Info
    An appendix to two discourses, In answer to a Scurrilous Libel, entitl'd, The indispensable Obligation of Ministring expresly and manifestly the great Necessaries of Publick Worship &c.
    Smith, George
  • 103011
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    An effectual remedy against the fear of death. By John Norris, M. A. Late Rector of Bemerton near Sarum
    Norris, John
  • 103012
    Book Info
    An elegy to a young lady, in the manner of Ovid. By ------ With an answer: by a lady, author of the verses to the imitator of Horace
    Hammond, James
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 103013
    Book Info
    An english grammar shewing the nature and grounds of the English language, in its present state. With Some general Observations and Directions relating to the Spelling, Pronouncing, and Writing of it. By Isaac Barker
    Barker, Isaac
  • 103014
    Book Info
    An enquiry about the lawfulness of eating blood. Occasion'd by Revelation examin'd with Candour. In a letter to a Friend. With some Remarks upon the Question about eating of Blood stated and examin'd. By a Prebendary of York
    Sharp, Thomas
  • 103015
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    An enquiry into the nature of the human soul; wherein the immateriality of the soul is evinced from the principles of reason and philosophy
    Baxter, Andrew
  • 103016
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    An enquiry into the original of moral virtue wherein it is shewn, (against the author of The fable of the bees, &c.) that virtue is founded in the nature of things, is unalterable, and eternal, and the great Means of private and publick Happiness. with some reflections on a late book, intitled, An enquiry into the original of our ideas of beauty an virtue. By Archibald Campbell, S. T. P and Regius
    Campbell, Archibald
  • 103017
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    An enquiry whether the Christian religion is of any benefit, or only an useless commodity to a trading nation.
  • 103018
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    An epistle from a nobleman to a doctor of divinity: In Answer to a Latin Letter in Verse. Written from H-----n-C----t, Aug. 28. 1733
    Hervey, John Hervey
  • 103019
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    An epistle to a friend
  • 103020
    Book Info
    An epistle to a lady, who desired the author to make verses on her, in the heroick stile. Also a poem, occasion'd by reading Dr. Young's satires, called, The universal passion
    Swift, Jonathan