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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 103,041 - 103,060건 출력
  • 103041
    Book Info
    An excise elegy: or, the dragon demolish'd. A new ballad. To the tune of Packingto's [sic] pound
  • 103042
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    An expostulatory address to the Protestant dissenters, on their present conduct
  • 103043
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    An honest mind the best security against error, in matters of religion. A sermon on John vii. 17. By George Wishart, M. A. One of the Ministers of Edinburgh
    Wishart, George
  • 103044
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    An impartial enquiry into the late conduct of the city of London, Relating to the Excise-Bill. Address'd to the Lord-Mayor, Aldermen, Common-Council-Men, and Citizens of London. By a Common-Council-Man of the same City
  • 103045
    Book Info
    An impartial enquiry into the present question concerning excise; in which the advantages arising to the King and subject, from raising duties by excise, are demonstrated, and the objections thereto obviated: to which is prefixed an introduction containing Observations on national Treaties, and on the Law against Riots, and on the Doctrine of passive Obedience and Nonresistance
  • 103046
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    An impartial state of the present dispute between the patent and players, late belonging to His Majesty's company at the Theatre-Royal, in Drury-Lane
  • 103047
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    An inquiry into the propriety of applying to Parliament, for the repeal of the Corporation and Test-Acts. In a letter to Samuel Holden, Esq;
  • 103048
    Book Info
    An interest-Book, at 3,3 1/2,4,5,6,7,8 per cent. From 1000l. to 1.l. for 1 day to 92 days, and for 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, and 12 months. Exactly examin'd by John Castaing
    Castaing, John
  • 103049
    Book Info
    An introduction to natural philosophy: or, philosophical lectures read in the University of Oxford, Anno Dom 1700. To which are added, the demonstrations of Monsieur Huygens's theorems, concerning the centrifugal force and circular motion. By John Keill M. D. Savilian Professor of Astronomy. F.R.S. Translated from the last ediion of the Latin
    Keill, John
  • 103050
    Book Info
    An introduction to the English tongue: being a spelling book. In two parts. The first, consisting of tables of words from one to seven syllables, disposed in a natural and easy Order, for Children to learn to Spell by; being Accented to prevent false Pronunciation. The second, being observations on the sounds of letters, consonants, vowels, and diphthongs: Directions for the true dividing of Sylla
    Bailey, N
  • 103051
    Book Info
    An introduction to the making of Latin. Comprising, after an easy compendious method, the substance of the Latin syntax. With proper English examples, ... To which is subjoin'd, ... a succinct account of the affairs of ancient Greece and Rome; ... The eighth edition. ... By John Clarke, ...
    Clarke, John
  • 103052
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    An oration spoken on Queen Caroline's birth-day at Bridge-town, in Barbados, March 1. 1733
    Keimer, Samuel
  • 103053
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    An universal etymological English dictionary: ... The sixth edition, with considerable improvements. By N. Bailey, ...
    Bailey, N
  • 103054
    Book Info
    Anakreontos Teiou Mele. Anacreontis Teii carmina: accuratè edita; cum notis perpetuis; et versione latina, numeris elegiacis paraphrasticè expressâ. Accedunt Ejusdem, ut perhibentur, fragmenta; & poetriæ Sapphus, quae supersunt
  • 103055
    Book Info
    Ancient accounts of India and China, by two Mohammedan travellers. Who went to those parts in the 9th century; translated from the Arabic, by the late learned Eusebius Renaudot. With notes, illustrations and inquiries by the same hand
    Sulaym{macr}an al-T{macr}ajir
  • 103056
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    Angelus sideralis: or, an ephemeris of the celestial motions, with an almanack for the year of our Lord God, 1733. ... By John Hartley ...
    Hartley, John
  • 103057
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    Animadversions on a paper intituled An answer to some queries. By the author of the Reasons against pushing, &c.
    Sladen, John
  • 103058
    Book Info
    Annotations on the New Testament of Jesus Christ. In which I. The literal sense is explained according to the Expositions of the ancient Fathers. II. The false interpretations, both of the ancient and modern Writers, which are contrary to the received Doctrine of the Catholick-Church, are briefly examined and disproved. III. With an account of the chief differences betwixt the text of the ancient
    Witham, Robert
  • 103059
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    Answer of Samuel Horsey, Esq; Governor of the York Buildings Company, to the misrepresentation of his conduct, publish'd in some of the daily news papers
    Horsey, Samuel
  • 103060
    Book Info
    Answers for Captain Peter Halket, to the petition of Sir George Wardlaw
    Halket, Peter