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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 103,061 - 103,080건 출력
  • 103061
    Book Info
    Answers for Mary Murray daughter of John Murray of Drumstenchel, to the petition of Alexander Murray of Drumstenchel, and others
    Murray, Mary
  • 103062
    Book Info
    Antichrist's armour-bearer disarm'd: or, the Christian people's answers and remarks on a pamphlet, intituled, The Christian people's testimony made more publick, &c. Containing a short vindication of the sacred grounds of their right to chuse and call their own pastors; and a just Defence of their Conduct and Management in the Affair of their said Testimony, so much quarrel'd by the foresaid Autho
  • 103063
    Book Info
    Appendix ad marmora academiæ Oxoniensis; sive Græcæ trium marmorum recens repertorum inscriptiones: cum Latinâ versione & notis
    Maittaire, Michael
  • 103064
    Book Info
    Archæologiæ philosophicæ: sive doctrina antiqua de rerum originibus. Libri duo. Autore Thoma Burnetio, S. T. P. Editio secunda. Accedunt ejusdem epistolæ duæ de Archæologiis philosophicis
    Burnet, Thomas
  • 103065
    Book Info
    Argument of the Lord Keeper Sommers, on His Giving Judgment in the Bankers Case: Deliver'd in the Exchequer-Chamber, June 23, 1696
    Somers, John Somers
  • 103066
    Book Info
    Ariadne in Crete, an opera; as it is performed at the King's Theatre in the Hay-Market
    Colman, Francis
  • 103067
    Book Info
    Aristotle's compleat master-piece. In three parts. Displaying the secrets of nature in the generation of man. ... To which is added, a treasure of health; or, the family physician: ...
  • 103068
    Book Info
    Arithmetick, both in the theory and practice, made plain and easy in all the common and useful rules, both in Whole Numbers and Fractions, Vulgar and Decimal. Also Interest Simple and Compound, and Annuities likewise Extraction of the Square and Cube Roots. as also the tables and construction of logarithms, with their Use in Arithmetick, and Compound Interest. Together with Arithmetical and Geomet
    Hill, John
  • 103069
    Book Info
    Artium principia: or, the knowledge of the first principles of the mathematicks made easy and intelligible to the meanest capacity. Design'd for the more regular and speedy Introduction of young Beginners into those Sciences. The Whole being contrived with the utmost demonstrative Plainness, and contained under the following Divisions; viz. 1. Geometrical Definitions of Lines, Angles, &c. from a P
    Boad, Henry
  • 103070
    Book Info
    At a general court of the Governour and Company of Copper-Miners in England, held the 5th of April 1733
    Company of Copper-Miners in England
  • 103071
    Book Info
    Athalia. An Oratorio: or sacred drama. As perform'd at the theatre in Oxford. At the time of publick act, in July, 1733. The musick compos'd by Mr. Handel. The drama by Mr. Humphreys
    Humphreys, Samuel
  • 103072
    Book Info
    Authentic memoirs of that exquisitely villanous Jesuit, Father Richard Walpole. Being The Copy of a letter, written from London, by a Gentleman, to his Friend, another English Gentleman residing at Padoua in Italy: Laying open his abominable Practices and base Dealings with that wicked Traytor Edward Squire; Who was lately, and most deservedly, executed for his poisonous Attempts against the sacre
  • 103073
    Book Info
    Ballycastle collieries set in their proper light: with answers to several objections against the benefit that may arise to this kingdom thereby
  • 103074
    Book Info
    Baptism with water, and infant baptism asserted; wherein the errors of a letter, addressed to the clergy of the Church of England in the county of Northumberland, are obviated
  • 103075
    Book Info
    Bellus homo et academicus. Recitarunt in Theatro Sheldoniano apud Comitia Oxoniensia MDCCXXXIII, Lodovicus Langton, et Thomas Baber, Collegii div. Magd. Commensales. Accedit oratio Petri Francisci Courayer, S.T.P. habita in [iisdem] comitiis, Quint. Id. Julii
    Hasledine, William
  • 103076
    Book Info
    Bellus homo et academicus: or the beau and the scholar. Done into English by the Rev. Mr. Moises Rector of Keyworth in Nottinghamshire
    Hasledine, William
  • 103077
    Book Info
    Bishop Atterbury's legacy to all true Englishmen. In five essays, viz. I. On the Excellency of the English Constitution. II. The Errors and Corruptions of the Church of Rome. III. The Rule of Doing as we would be Done unto. IV. The Excellency and Advantage of Private Prayer. V. Considerations on a Future State. To which are added, maxims, reflections and observations, Divine, Moral and Political.
    Atterbury, Francis
  • 103078
    Book Info
    Bishop Atterbury's vindication of Bp. Smallridge, Dr. Aldrich, and himself, from the scandalous reflections of Oldmixon, relating to the publication of Lord Clarendon's History. The second edition. To which is added, a true copy of the last will and testament of Edward Earl of Clarendon
    Atterbury, Francis
  • 103079
    Book Info
    Books lately printed and sold by W. Mears, at the Lamb on Ludgate-Hill
    Mears, W
  • 103080
    Book Info
    Books printed for A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, at the Red Lyon in Pater-Noster-Row, London
    A. Bettesworth | C. Hitch