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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 103,101 - 103,120건 출력
  • 103101
    Book Info
    Common Law Common-Plac'd: Containing the Substance and Effect of All the Common Law Cases, Dispersed in the Body of the Law, Collected As Well from Abridgments As Reports, in a Perfect New Method. Wherein Likewise the Terms of the Law, and the Most Considerable Writs and Processes, Are Concisely Treated of, under Their Proper Titles.
    Jacob, Giles
  • 103102
    Book Info
    Considerations occasioned by the Craftsman upon excises
  • 103103
    Book Info
    Considerations relating to the tobacco trade at London, so far as it relates to the merchants who are factors
  • 103104
    Book Info
    Cælia: or, the perjur'd lover. A play. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's servants
    Johnson, Charles
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 103105
    Book Info
    Damon and Phillida; a pastoral farce. As it is acted at the two Theatres-Royal in London and Dublin. By His Majesty's Servants
    Cibber, Colley
  • 103106
    Book Info
    De fide & officiis Christianorum. Liber posthumus. Autore Thoma Burnetio, S.T.P.
    Burnet, Thomas
  • 103107
    Book Info
    De sacra vernacula epistola
    Massey, Edmund
  • 103108
    Book Info
    De statu mortuorum et resurgentium tractatus. Ajicitur, appendix de futurâ Judæorum restauratione. Autore Thoma Burnetio, S.T.P.
    Burnet, Thomas
  • 103109
    Book Info
    Deborah. An oratorio: or sacred drama. As it is perform'd at the King's Theatre in the Hay-market. The musick compos'd by Mr. Handel. The words by Mr. Humphreys
    Humphreys, Samuel
  • 103110
    Book Info
    Declarations and pleadings in the most usual actions brought in the several courts of King's-Bench and Common-Pleas at Westminster, Viz. In Actions of Scandal of Peers respecting their Honour. Slander of Common Persons respecting their Life, Liberty, Estate, Office, Reputation, &c. Case On Bills of Exchange, Policies of Assurance, &c. On Promises or Contracts Express'd or Imply'd. Written. Printed
    Bohun, William
  • 103111
    Book Info
    Designs of Inigo Jones and others published by I: Ware
    Jones, Inigo
  • 103112
    Book Info
    Diligence in the Christian life necessary to be found in peace. A sermon occasioned by the death of the late Reverend Mr. Daniel Mayo, M.A. who deceased, June 13 aetat. 61. Preached at Kingstone upon Thames, June 24. 1733. By William Harris, D. D. Published at the Desire of the Relations, and of the Congregation
    Harris, William
  • 103113
    Book Info
    Dinim de Sebita, y Bedica. Colegidos del Sulhan Aruh. y traducidos, en idioma español por estilo corriente y breve. Con aprobacion del Señor Haham y licencia de los Señores del Mahamad. Por Aaron Mendoza
    Karo, Joseph ben Ephraim
  • 103114
    Book Info
    Dione. An opera. As it is acting at the New-Theatre in the Hay-Market. Set to musick by Mr. Lampe
    Gay, John
  • 103115
    Book Info
    Dionysiou Longinou peri hypsous biblion. = Dionysii Longini de sublimitate libellus, ad præstantissimam Joannis Hudsoni editionem secundam, quæ Oxoniæ prodiit anno 1718, recognitus & emendatus
  • 103116
    Book Info
    Dionysiou Longinou peri hypsous hypomnema. = Dionysii Longini de sublimitate commentarius, quem nova versione donavit, ... Zacharias Pearce, ...
  • 103117
    Book Info
    Directions to the surveyors of the highways for the county of Westmorland: with some observations on some laws concerning them. By one of His Majesties Justices of the Peace, for the said county
    One of His Majesties Justices of the Peace
  • 103118
    Book Info
    Divine truths vindicated, in the Church of England. By William Hudleston, Vicar of Tirley, alias Trinley, in Glocestershire
    Hudleston, William
  • 103119
    Book Info
    Do you know what you are about? Or, a Protestant alarm to Great Britain: proving our late theatric squabble, a type of the present contest for the crown of Poland; and that the division between Handel and Senesino, has more in it than we imagine. also That the latter is no Eunuch, but a Jesuit in Disguise; with other Particulars of the greatest Importance
  • 103120
    Book Info
    Durham cathedral, as it was before the dissolution of the monastry; containing an account of the rites, customs and ceremonies used therein. Together with the histories painted in the windows. And an appendix of various antiqutties [sic], collected from several manuscripts
    Hunter, Christopher