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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 103,121 - 103,140건 출력
  • 103121
    Book Info
    Dying in faith, open'd and improv'd a sermon occasion'd by the death of the late Mrs. Mary Coope, who Deceas'd July 2. Aged Forty-Six. Preach'd at Peckham in Surrey, July the 8th, 1733. With Some Enlargements. By Thomas Hadfield, M.D.
    Hadfield, Thomas
  • 103122
    Book Info
    Ecclesiastical memoirs of the six first centuries, Made good by Citations from Original Authors: with a chronological table, Containing a Short Account of the Principal Things, placed according to the Order of Time; and with notes, clearing the Difficulties of Facts and Chronology. Written in French by Lewis-Sebastian Le Nain de Tillemont. ... . Which comprehends the Time of Our Lord and the Apost
    Le Nain de Tillemont, Louis-S{acute}ebastien
  • 103123
    Book Info
    Ecclesiastical memorials; relating chiefly to religion, and the reformation of it, and the emergencies of the Church of England, under King Henry VIII. King Edward VI. and Queen Mary the First. ... In three volumes. With a large appendix to each volume, containing original papers, records, &c. By John Stripe, M.A.
    Strype, John
  • 103124
    Book Info
    Eight speeches made in Parliament, on several important occasions. Recommended to the electors of Great-Britain, as a seasonable preparative for the ensuing elections
  • 103125
    Book Info
    Elements of solid geometry, algebraically demonstrated. In three books. With an appendix. By Henry Gore, Teacher of the Mathematicks in Manchester
    Gore, Henry
  • 103126
    Book Info
    Encomium argenti vivi: a treatise upon the Use and Properties of quicksilver; or, The Natural, Chymical, and Physical History of that surprising Mineral, extracted from the Writings of the best Naturalists, Chymists, and Physicians. Wherein its various Operations are accounted for, and the Use of it recommended. With Some Remarks upon the Animadversions of Dr. Turner upon Belloste. By a gentleman
    Dover, Thomas
  • 103127
    Book Info
    Enoch's walk with God exemplified. In a Funeral sermon Preached upon the sorrowful occasion of the death Of the Reverend Mr. Thomas Wickes, Late Pastor of a Church of Christ at Wattesfield in the County of Suffolk. By Tho. Steward. Published at the Desire of the Church
    Steward, Thomas
  • 103128
    Book Info
    Epicoene: or, the silent woman. A comedy, first acted in the year 1609. By the King's Majesty's servants. With the Allowance of the Master of Revels. The author B. J.
    Jonson, Ben
  • 103129
    Book Info
    Esther, an oratorio; or; sacred drama. As it is performed at the King's Theatre in the Hay-Market. The musick formerly composed by Mr. Handel, and now revised by him, with several additions. The additional words by Mr. Humphreys
  • 103130
    Book Info
    Euclid's elements : of geometry, from the Latin translation of Commandine. To which is added, a treatise of the nature of arithmetic of logarithms; likewise another of the elements of plain and spherical trigonometry; with a preface, shewing the usefulness and excellency of this work. By Doctor John Keil, F.R.S. and late Professor of Astronomy in Oxford. The whole revised; where deficient, supp...
  • 103131
    Book Info
    Excise anatomiz'd. Declaring That unequal Imposition of Excise to be the only Cause of the Ruin of Trade, the universal Impoverishment, and destructive to the Liberties of the whole Nation. By Z. G. a Well-Wisher of the common Good
    Z. G
  • 103132
    Book Info
    Excise: Being a collection of letters, &c. containing, The Sentiments and Instructions of the Merchants, Traders, Gentry, and Inhabitants of the principal Cities, Counties, Towns, and Boroughs, in England, to their Representatives in Parliament, against a New Excise, or any Extension of Excise Laws, in what Shape soever. The Whole Alphabetically digested, with the Names of the Members who represen
  • 103133
    Book Info
    Exercitatio geometrica de descriptione linearum curvarum. Auctore Gulielmo Braikenridge, Ecclesiae Anglicanae Presbytero
    Brakenridge, William
  • 103134
    Book Info
    Fables. By the late Mr. Gay.
    Gay, John
  • 103135
    Book Info
    Flavia to Fanny, an eipstle [sic]. From a peerless poetess, to a peerless p- in immortal dogrill. Occasioned by a late epistle from Fanny to her governess
    Peerless poetess
  • 103136
    Book Info
    Fratris Rogeri Bacon, ordinis minorum, opus majus ad Clementem quartum, pontificem romanum. Ex MS. codice Dubliniensi, cum aliis quibusdam collato, nunc primum edidit S. Jebb, M.D.
    Bacon, Roger
  • 103137
    Book Info
    French excise: or, a Compendious Account of the Several excises In France, And the Oppressive Methods us'd in Collecting them. Published for the Information of the People of Great-Britain
  • 103138
    Book Info
    Friendship in death, in twenty letters from the dead to the living. To which are added, Thoughts on death: translated from the Moral essays of the Messieurs du Port Royal
    Rowe, Elizabeth Singer
  • 103139
    Book Info
    Friendship in death: in twenty letters from the dead to the living. To which are added, Letters moral and entertaining, in prose and verse. In three parts. By the same author
    Rowe, Elizabeth Singer
  • 103140
    Book Info
    Gay's Fables epitomiz'd; With Short Poems Applicable to each Occasion, Extracted from the most Celebrated Moralists Antient and Modern, for the use of Schools
    Bellamy, D