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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 103,141 - 103,160건 출력
  • 103141
    Book Info
    Geography anatomiz'd: or, the geographical grammar. Being a short and exact analysis of the whole body of modern geography, after a new and curious method. Comprehending I. A general view of the terraqueous globe. ... II. A particular view of the terraqueous globe. ... Collected from the best authors, ... The thirteenth edition, corrected, and somewhat enlarged; and a set of new maps, by Mr. Sene
    Gordon, Patrick
  • 103142
    Book Info
    George Legh, Esq; appellant. The Right Honourable George Earl of Warrington, Henry Legh, junior, gent. and Sir Henry Mainwaring, Bart. respondents. The case of the respondent the Earl of Warrington
    Booth, George
  • 103143
    Book Info
    Glossarium antiquitatum Britannicarum, sive syllabus etymologicus antiquitatum veteris Britanniæ atque Iberniæ, temporibus Romanorum. Auctore Willielmo Baxter, Cornavio, Scholae Merciariorum Praefecto. Accedunt viri cl. D. Edvardi Luidii, Cimeliarchae Ashmol. Oxon. de fluviorum, montium, urbium, &c. In Britanniâ Nominibus, Adversaria Posthuma
    Baxter, William
  • 103144
    Book Info
    Gnomologia: adagies and proverbs; wise sentences and witty sayings, ancient and modern, foreign and British. Collected by Thomas Fuller, M.D.
    Fuller, Thomas
  • 103145
    Book Info
    God no respecter of persons explain'd and improv'd. In two discourses on Acts x.34.35. By John Tren
    Tren, John
  • 103146
    Book Info
    Good goose don't bite; or, The city in a Hubbub. A new ballad. To the Tune of, Joan stoop'd down to buckle her Shooe, &c.
  • 103147
    Book Info
    Good news, aho! Great news, aho! A new light come to Scotland, herein I shew the marks of them who must go to Hell, with a true Description of those Wthat worship the Beast, and receive his Mark in their Foreheads and Hands, as I shall prove the most Part of the Presbyterian Ministers of Scotland have done, as is also made plain both on their Foreheads and Hands, by swearing these unlawful Oaths,
    Mitchel, William
  • 103148
    Book Info
    Gospel ministers Christ's ambassadors. A Sermon Preached at the Opening of the Provincial Synod of Drumfries, April 10th, 1733. By Mr. Peter Rae Minister of the Gospel of late at Kirkbride, now at Kirkconnel
    Rae, Peter
  • 103149
    Book Info
    Gratulatio Academi? Cantabrigiensis auspicatissimas Gulielmi principis Auriaci et Ann? Georgii II. Magn? Britanni? regis fili? natu maxim? nuptias celebrantis
  • 103150
    Book Info
    Gratulatio Academi? Cantabrigiensis auspicatissimas Gulielmi principis Auriaci et Ann? Georgii II. Magnae Britanniae regis filiae natu maximae Nuptias celebrantis
  • 103151
    Book Info
    Harmony in an uproar: a letter to F-d-k H-d-l, Esq; A Letter to F-d-k H-d-l, Esq; M-r of the O-a-H-e in the Hay-Market, from Hurlothrumbo Johnson, Esq; Composer Extraordinary to all the Theatres in G-T-B-T-N, Excepting that of the Hay-Market. In which The Rights and Merits of both O-S are properly consider'd
    Johnson, Samuel
  • 103152
    Book Info
    Hell's everlasting flames avoided: Heaven's eternal felicities enjoyed. Containing the Penitent Sinner's sad Lamentation for the Deplorableness of his Impious Life. With a short View of the Terrors of the Damned in Hell; and his holy Resolutions to a thorough Reformation: With some Considerations upon the Glory of the Saints in Heaven. Also Holy Preparations to a worthy Receiving of the Lords 'sup
    Hayward, John
  • 103153
    Book Info
    His Grace John Duke of Roxburgh, appellant. James Wauchope of Edmonstoun Esq; respondent. Et é contra. The case of James Wauchope of Edmonstoun respondent in the original, and appellant in the cross-appeal
    Wauchope, James
  • 103154
    Book Info
    His Grace Lionel, Duke of Dorset, Lord Lieutenant General and General Governor of Ireland, His speech to both Houses of Parliament, at Dublin: On Friday the Fifth Day of October, 1733
  • 103155
    Book Info
    His Majesty's commission for establishing a charity for relief of poor widows of commission and warrant officers of the Royal Navy
    Great Britain
  • 103156
    Book Info
    Historical relations: or, a discovery of the true causes why Ireland was never entirely subdued, nor brought under obedience of the crown of England, until the beginning of the reign of King James the First. Dedicated to the King by Sir John Davis, Kt. His then Majesty's Attorney-General of Ireland
    Davies, John
  • 103157
    Book Info
    Histori{aelig} medicae : ... Authore Gulielmo Clinch, M.D.
    Clinch, William
  • 103158
    Book Info
    Hudibras. In three parts. Written in the time of the late wars. Corrected and amended: with additions. To which are added annotations. With an exact index to the whole. Adorn'd with a new set of cuts, design'd and engrav'd by Mr. Hogarth
    Butler, Samuel
  • 103159
    Book Info
    Human ordure, botanically considered. The first essay, of the kind, ever published in the world. By Dr. S-----t
    Dr. S-----t
  • 103160
    Book Info
    Hypotyposis Hygiainonton Logon; a form of sound words: or, a scripture-catechism; shewing what a Christian is to believe and practise, in order to salvation. Very useful for Persons of all Ages and Capacities, as well as Children. Composed by the pious and learned John Worthington D.D. Deceased
    Worthington, John