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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 103,161 - 103,180건 출력
  • 103161
    Book Info
    I have perused a pamphlet entitled, Some reasons why the practice of inoculation ought to be introduced into the town of Bury at present, and have been surprized to find this elaborate piece so little in substance, and so little to the Purpose: Insomuch that at the first, I determined only to point out, and expose the Mistakes of it in Conversation, being under a full Perswasion and Conviction, th
    Warren, Martin
  • 103162
    Book Info
    Idea juris Scotici: or, a summary view of the laws of Scotland. By James Innes ...
    Innes, James
  • 103163
    Book Info
    Il floridante. Drama. Da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro D'Hay-Market
    Rolli, Paolo
  • 103164
    Book Info
    Il libro della preghiere publiche ed amministrazione de' sacramenti, ... secondo l'uso della chiesa anglicana; insieme col Saltero ... Questa nuova impressione revista e corretta per Alessandro Gordon, A.M.
    Church of England
  • 103165
    Book Info
    Il libro della preghiere publiche ed amministrazione de' sacramenti, ED Altri Riti e Cerimonie della Chiesa, secondo l'uso della chiesa anglicana; insieme col Saltero over i Salmi DI David, Come hanno da esser recitati nelle Chiese. E la forma e modo di fare, ordinare e consacrare Vescovi, Presbiteri E Diaconi. Questa nuova impressione revista e corretta per Alessandro Gordon, A.M.
    Church of England
  • 103166
    Book Info
    Information for James Shearer wig-maker in Edinburgh, against James Somervell and others
    Shearer, James
  • 103167
    Book Info
    Information for the Principal and masters of the University of Glasgow; against James Robertson of Bedley
    University of Glasgow
  • 103168
    Book Info
    Instructions for managing bees. Drawn up and published by order of the Dublin Society
    Royal Dublin Society
  • 103169
    Book Info
    Instructions for planting and managing hops : and for raising hop-poles. Drawn up and published by order of the Dublin Society.
    Royal Dublin Society
  • 103170
    Book Info
    Instructions for planting and managing hops : and for raising hop-poles. Drawn up and published by order of the Dublin Society.
    Royal Dublin Society
  • 103171
    Book Info
    Islington: or, the humours of New Tunbridge Wells, entertaining and useful, adapted to the taste of both sexes and all ages: or, the blazing star in the world of the moon; Being a true Description of the Company, Characters, Manners, and Conversation of the various Inhabitants, with some Poetical Embellishments, useful Speculations, serious and comical Puns, Crotchets and Conclusions. That this Wo
    F. G
  • 103172
    Book Info
    Jeptha's rash vow: or, the virgin sacrifice. As it is acted at Lee and Harper's great theatrical booth, over-against the Hospital-gate in West-Smithfield, by comedians from the theatres. To which will be added, The fall of Phaeton
  • 103173
    Book Info
    Jesus Christ set forth as most wonderful in the constitution of his person, the discharge of his offices and most excellent qualifications. In six sermons on Isa. IX. 6. By William Notcutt
    Notcutt, William
  • 103174
    Book Info
    Jethro's advice recommended to the inhabitants of Boston, in New-England, viz. to chuse well-qualified men, and haters of covetousness, for town officers. In a lecture on Exodus XVIII. 21. 9th. 1st. month. 1709-10. By Thomas Bridge, pastor of a church in Boston
    Bridge, Thomas
  • 103175
    Book Info
    Job's creed: or, confession of faith. A sermon occasioned by the death of the Reverend Mr. Edward Wallin, who departed this life June 12, 1733 in the 55th year of his age. Preached June 18. By John Gill
    Gill, John
  • 103176
    Book Info
    Job's creed: or, confession of faith. A sermon occasioned by the death of the Reverend Mr. Edward Wallin, who departed this life June 12, 1733, in the 55th year of his age. Preached June 18. By John Gill
    Gill, John
  • 103177
    Book Info
    Johannis Freind, M.D. Serenissim{aelig} regin{aelig} Carolin{aelig} archiatri, opera omnia medica
    Freind, John
  • 103178
    Book Info
    Johannis Freind, M.D. Serenissim{aelig} regin{aelig} Carolin{aelig} archiatri, opera omnia medica
    Freind, John
  • 103179
    Book Info
    Joseph Cortisos, gent. appellant. Anthony Mendes, James Mendes, and Lewis Mendes, the three surviving sons and executors of Dr. Fernando Mendes, late of London, deceas'd, respondents. The case of the respondent James Mendes
    Mendes, James
  • 103180
    Book Info
    Joseph Cortisos, gent. appellant. Anthony Mendes, James Mendes, and Lewis Mendes, the three surviving sons and executors of Dr. Fernando Mendes, late of London, deceas'd, respondents. The case of the respondents Anthony Mendes and Lewis Mendes
    Mendes, Anthony