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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 103,221 - 103,240건 출력
  • 103221
    Book Info
    Modern history: or, the present state of all nations. Describing their respective situations, persons, habits, ... animals and minerals. By Mr. Salmon. Vol.XIX. ... Illustrated with cuts.
    Salmon, Thomas
  • 103222
    Book Info
    Morning and evening prayers for private families. With a letter shewing the necessity and advantages of performing that duty. To which are added some devotions for a person in private
    Edgworth, Essex
  • 103223
    Book Info
    Mother Osborne's letter to the Protestant dissenters faithfully rendered into English metre, from the London Journal of Saturday, September 8. 1733. By Mother Bunch, sister to the said Mother Osborne
  • 103224
    Book Info
    Motteaux [sic] before the eight copies of verses, by a gentleman at Bath, most humbly presented to their Majesties, and the royal family
    Gentleman at Bath
  • 103225
    Book Info
    Mr. Taste's tour from the island of politeness, to that of dulness and scandal
    Pope, Alexander
  • 103226
    Book Info
    Mrs. Mary Eales's receipts : Confectioner to her late majesty Queen Anne.
    Eales, Mary
  • 103227
    Book Info
    Nathanael's character display'd. A sermon, preach'd the Lord's Day after the funeral of the Hounourable Nathanael Byfield Esq; late judge of the Vice-Admiralty, and one of His Majesty's Council for this province. Who died at his house in Boston, on the 6th of June, 1733. I the 80th year of his age. By Charles Chauncy, M.A. one of the Pastors of the old church. [Five lines from Isaiah]
    Chauncy, Charles
  • 103228
    Book Info
    Navigation spiritualiz'd: or, a new compass for seamen, consisting of XXXII points, ... Whereunto is now added, I. A. Sober consideration of the sin of drunkenness. ... V. The seamen's catechism. ... By John Flavel, ...
    Flavel, John
  • 103229
    Book Info
    Observationes in morbos nautarum: prout in classe serenissimi magn? britanni? regis occurrunt. Cum remediorum specimine. Authore Hen: Huntley, Chirurg
    Huntley, Henry
  • 103230
    Book Info
    Observations on the case of the Right Honourable the Lord Fitzmaurice, and Mrs. Elizabeth Leeson, concerning a pretended contract of marriage
  • 103231
    Book Info
    Observations on the present dispute concerning the repeal of the Corporation and Test-Acts. In which the conduct of those gentlemen, who are called the best friends of the Dissenters, is fairly consider'd. With some remarks on the last resolutions of the committee. By a member of the Church of England
    Member of the Church of England
  • 103232
    Book Info
    Observations on the sea- or pile-worms : which have been lately discover'd to have made great ravages in the pile- or wood-works on the coast of Holland, &c. Containing A particular Account of their Make and Nature, and of the Use of their several Parts in Boreing and Feeding; with a particular Description of their Cells or Lodgments in the Wood. By Mr. Rousset, Of the Royal Academy of Sciences...
    Rousset de Missy, Jean
  • 103233
    Book Info
    Observations upon the laws of excise: shewing, I. That excises must be destructive of trade in general. II. That excises are inconsistent with the liberties of a free people
  • 103234
    Book Info
    Observations upon the prophecies of Daniel, and the Apocalypse of St. John. In two parts. By Sir Isaac Newton
    Newton, Isaac
  • 103235
    Book Info
    Observations upon the prophecies of Daniel, and the Apocalypse of St. John. In two parts. By Sir Isaac Newton.
    Newton, Isaac
  • 103236
    Book Info
    Oedipus, a tragedy. Written by Mr. Lee and Mr. Dryden
    Dryden, John
  • 103237
    Book Info
    Oedipus: a tragedy, as it is acted at His Highness the Duke of York's Theatre. Written by Mr. Dryden and Mr. Lee
    Lee, Nathaniel
  • 103238
    Book Info
    Oeuvres D'Horace en latin et en françois, avec des remarques critiques et historiques. Par Monsieur Dacier. Cinquieme Edition, revue, corrigee d'un nombre considerable de fautes, & augmentee de Notes critiques, historiques & geographiques, & des differentes lecons de Mrs. Bentlei & Cuningam, & du P. Sanadon. Tome Premier
  • 103239
    Book Info
    Of persons on a journey cureing themselves of the secret disease : Or a gleet, whilst they bait, or set up at their inn, without the knowledge of any one, In above a Fourth Part of the Time, and with far less Trouble, than they ever possibly Can, by taking Physick at Home. Dr, Cockburn speaking of this Method of Cure of this Distemper and A Gleet, expresly says, This Book is Given Gratis, Up On...
  • 103240
    Book Info
    Of publick good. An epistle To the Right Honourable John Earl of Stair