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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 103,261 - 103,280건 출력
  • 103261
    Book Info
    P. Virgilij Maronis Bucolica in ordinem prosaicum disposita; una cum vocabulario explicativo; verborum thematis, regimine & significatione; Scansionis Tabula, Hexametri Carminis Legibus, & quibusdam, quae occurrunt, Figuris Rhetoricis. In Usum Juventutis. Curâ & studio Joannis Stirling, A.M.
  • 103262
    Book Info
    Panegyrica oratio habita in regio hospitio, olim domo carthusiana, solis Thomae Suttoni sumptibus armigeri posito. A Ricardo Congreve, in ludo ibidem literario operam navante, Pridie Id. Decemb. Festo in Fundatoris Honorem Anniversario, A. D. MDCCXXXII. auctore Jacobo Hotchkis, A.M.
    Hotchkis, James
  • 103263
    Book Info
    Parish law: or, a guide to justices of the peace, ministers, churchwardens, ... Compiled from the common, statute, and other authentick books; ... By Joseph Shaw, ...
    Shaw, Joseph
  • 103264
    Book Info
    Parochiale Anglicanum: or, the names of all the churches and chapels within the dioceses of Canterbury, Rochester, London, Winchester, Chichester, Norwich, Salisbury, Wells, Exeter, St. Davids, Landaff, Bangor, and St. Asaph. ... With an account of most of their dedications, their patrons, ... By Browne Willis, Esq; ...
    Willis, Browne
  • 103265
    Book Info
    Philosophical essays on various subjects, viz. Space, substance, body, spirit, the Operations of the Soul in Union with the Body, Innate Ideas, perpetual Consciousness, Place and Motion of Spirits, the departing Soul, the Resurrection of the Body, the Production and Operations of Plants and Animals; with some remarks on Mr. Locke's Essay on the human understanding. To which is subjoined A brief sc
    Watts, Isaac
  • 103266
    Book Info
    Philosophical principles of religion. Part II. Containing The Nature and Kinds of Infinites; their Arithmetick and Uses, and the Philosophical Principles of Revealed Religion, now first published. By George Cheyne, M. D. And Fellow of the Royal Society
    Cheyne, George
  • 103267
    Book Info
    Phlegon's testimony shewn to relate to the darkness which happened at our Saviour's passion. In a letter to Dr. Sykes
  • 103268
    Book Info
    Physical and philosophical remarks on Dr. Dover's late pamphlet, entitled, The Ancient Physician's legacy To his Country, Together with Some Animadversions on his scurrilous Treatment of the Professors of Physick in general. With a Word or two on the Usefulness of his Legacy to all Private Families. Wherein is likewise shewn, that the Enthusiast and the Empirick is not upon so good a foot as the S
    Bradley, Henry
  • 103269
    Book Info
    Piscatio. Or, angling. A poem. Written originally in Latin by S. Ford, D. D. And Inscrib'd to Arch-Bishop Sheldon. Translated from the Musæ anglicanæ, by Tipping Silvester, M. A. Fellow of Pembroke College, Oxon
    Ford, Simon
  • 103270
    Book Info
    Plain reasons against the repeal of the Test-Act. Humbly offered to publick consideration
  • 103271
    Book Info
    Plain reasons for being a Christian.
    Chandler, Samuel
  • 103272
    Book Info
    Poems by Allan Ramsay. With new additions and notes, to which is added, The gentle shepherd, a Scots pastoral comedy, with songs; also, a glossary or explanation of the Scots words
    Ramsay, Allan
  • 103273
    Book Info
    Poems on affairs of state, Collected from the Daily, Evening, and Weekly, Papers: to which is added the history of the traytors Edric the father, and Edric the son, and of the settlement of the Danes on the English throne. Dedicated to Henry St. John Esqr, late Lord Viscount Bolingbroke
  • 103274
    Book Info
    Poems on several occasions. By Mary Masters
    Masters, Mary
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 103275
    Book Info
    Poems on several occasions. By a gentleman
  • 103276
    Book Info
    Poems on several occasions. In two volumes. By the late Matthew Prior, Esq; ...
    Prior, Matthew
  • 103277
    Book Info
    Poems on several occasions. Published by subscription
  • 103278
    Book Info
    Poems on several occasions: consisting of tales, epistles, songs, odes, epigrams, and other miscellaneous pieces, upon subjects of humour, and gallantry. None of them ever before printed. By J. Bancks
    Bancks, John
  • 103279
    Book Info
    Poems on several subjects: written by Stephen Duck, some time a poor thresher in a Barn in the County of Wilts, at the wages of four shillings and six pence per week. Which were publickly read by the Right Honourable Thomas Earl of Macclesfield, in the Drawing-Room at Windsor Castle, on Friday the 11th of September, 1730, to Her Majesty. Who was thereupon most graciously pleased to take the author
    Duck, Stephen
  • 103280
    Book Info
    Poems on several subjects: written by Stephen Duck, some time a poor thresher in a Barn in the County of Wilts, at the wages of four shillings and six pence per week: which were publickly read by the Right Honourable Thomas Earl of Macclesfield, in the Drawing-Room at Windsor Castle, on Friday the 11th of September, 1730, to Her Majesty. Who was thereupon most graciously pleased to take the author
    Duck, Stephen