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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 103,281 - 103,300건 출력
  • 103281
    Book Info
    Poems on the principal festivals and fasts of the Church of England. I. On the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary; commonly called, Lady-Day, March 25. II. On the Nativity of our Saviour, or Birth-Day of Christ; commonly called, Christmas-Day, December 25. III. On the Circumcision of Christ, being New-Year's-Day, January 1. IV. On the Epiphany, or, Manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles, Jan
    Hallows, Daniel
  • 103282
    Book Info
    Polymnia: or, the charms of musick. Being an ode, sacred to harmony; occasion'd by Mr. Handel's oratorio, and the Harmonia sacra, perform'd at Whitehall, by the Gentlemen of the Chappel-Royal. Dedicated to Mr. Handel ... By a gentleman of Cambridge
    Gentleman of Cambridge
  • 103283
    Book Info
    Precedents in Chancery, being a collection of cases, argued and adjudged in the High Court of Chancery; from the year 1689, to 1722
    Great Britain
  • 103284
    Book Info
    Primitiæ poetices: sive illustrium veterúmque poetarum sententiæ, Quae sunt suaves, quae purae, quae faciles, & ad alenda Puerorum ingenia aptae; Hinc indè dispersae, in ordinem alphabeticum dispositæ. In hôc Opere valde utili, diúque desiderato, Vis Poetica, Suavitas & Sublimitas; virtutum Laudes, Praecepta saluberrima, multáque alia, quae sunt memoriâ dignissima, continentur. In usum Puerorum, q
  • 103285
    Book Info
    Proportional architecture; or, the five orders; regulated by equal parts: after so concise a method that renders it useful to all artists and easy to every capacity
    Robinson, William
  • 103286
    Book Info
    Proposals for printing by subscription : A Natural History of spiders, and other curious insects. Beautifully Engrav'd on near Fifty copper-plates, by the Best Hands. All Carefully Drawn from the Life by Eleazar Albin, Author of two Curious Treatises, viz. One a Natural History of Insects, and the other of Birds. To which will be prefixed a Preface, giving some Account of the Work, by W. Derham...
    Albin, Eleazar
  • 103287
    Book Info
    Proposals for publishing by subscription, an history of the life of James Duke of Ormonde, from his birth in 1610. to his death in 1688. ... In three volumes in folio. By Thomas Carte, M.A.
    Carte, Thomas
  • 103288
    Book Info
    Proposals offered for the sugar planters redress, and for reviving the British sugar commerce. In a further letter from a gentleman of Barbadoes, to his friend in London
    Gentleman of Barbadoes
  • 103289
    Book Info
    Pwyll y Pader; neu, eglurhad ar Weddi`r Arglwydd. Mewn amryw Bregethau. Wedi ei gyfieithu (gan mwyaf,) a'i wneuthur yn gwbl yn ol Trefn Esponiad y Gwir Barchedig Esgob Blackal ar Weddi'r Arglwydd. Gan Theophilus Evans
    Blackall, Offspring
  • 103290
    Book Info
    Q. Horatii Flacci de arte poetica liber. Ad Pisones. Horace's treatise concerning the art of poetry. Together with notes critical, historical and poetical. By the Earl of Roscommon
  • 103291
    Book Info
    Quinti Horatii Flacci opera. ...
  • 103292
    Book Info
    Reasons for establishing the Colony of Georgia, with regard to the trade of Great Britain, the increase of our people, and the employment and support it will afford to great Numbers of our own Poor, as well as foreign persecuted Protestants. With some account of the country, and the design of the Trustees. By Benjamin Martyn, Esq;
    Martyn, Benjamin
  • 103293
    Book Info
    Reasons for establishing the colony of Georgia, With Regard to the trade of Great Britain, the Increase of our People, and the Employment and Support it will afford to great numbers of our own poor, as well as foreign persecuted Protestants. With some account of the country, and the design of the trustees
    Martyn, Benjamin
  • 103294
    Book Info
    Reasons for explaining and amending the act for the better regulation of juries; in a letter to the Right Honourable, Arthur Onslow, Esq; Speaker of the House of Commons: Concerning a Clause in that Act, which gives a Power to the Master of the Crown Office to strike Juries for the Trial of the Subjects of England, at the Motion of the King's Attorney, in Actions, Informations, or Indictments for
  • 103295
    Book Info
    Reasons humbly offer[ed to the] Lords spiritual and temporal [in Parlia]ment assembled, for granting to [S. Buckley] such privilage for Thuanus in [Latin, as] is already granted to every B[ritish sub]ject who is possessed of the c[opy of any] book in English
    Buckley, Samuel
  • 103296
    Book Info
    Reasons offer'd against pushing for the repeal of the Corporation and Test Acts: Together with Some queries Upon that important Affair. As also, a few words of advice to the pushing dissenters: occasion'd by a certain paper dispersed at a late general meeting, intitled, Reasons for pushing, &c. By a Protestant dissenter, a friend to truth, peace, and liberty
    Sladen, John
  • 103297
    Book Info
    Reasons offer'd against pushing for the repeal of the Corporation and Test Acts; Together with Some Queries upon that Important Affair: As also, A Few Words of Advice to the Pushing Dissenters: Occasioned by a certain Paper dispersed at a late General Meeting, entituled, Reasons for Pushing, &c. By a Protestant dissenter, a Friend to Truth, Peace and Liberty
    Sladen, John
  • 103298
    Book Info
    Reflections on the present conduct of the populace, relating to the government. Particularly, the Prime Minister; and the late motion for a new excise. By Nath. Polhill
    Polhill, Nathaniel
  • 103299
    Book Info
    Reflections upon a pamphlet. Entitled Observations upon the laws of excise
  • 103300
    Book Info
    Reflexions on man, and his relation to other beings. Design'd to promote virtue and contentment. Occasion'd by some late discourses. Shewing, that we derive our natural knowledge of religion and the Deity from that of our selves, and not from abstract and curious Speculations. Illustrated by passages from ancient authors