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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 103,321 - 103,340건 출력
  • 103321
    Book Info
    Sapphus, poetriae Lesbiae, Fragmenta et elogia quotquot in auctoribus antiquis graecis et latinis reperiuntur, cum virorum doctorum notis integris, cura et studio Jo. Christiani Wolfii, in Gymnasio Hamburgensi professoris publici. Qui vitam Sapphonis & indices adjecit
  • 103322
    Book Info
    Satyres et autres oeuvres de Regnier, accompagnées de remarques historiques
    R{acute}egnier, Mathurin
  • 103323
    Book Info
    Scripture difficulties consider'd. A sermon preach'd in the Cathedral church of St. Peter Exon, on Thursday Aug. 31. 1732. At the Anniversary Meeting of the Gentlemen educated at the Free-School there. By John Conybeare, D. D. Rector of Exeter College in Oxford. Publish'd at the Request of the Stewards
    Conybeare, John
  • 103324
    Book Info
    Seasonable reflections occasioned by the bills expected in Parliament relating to the duties on wines and tobacco
  • 103325
    Book Info
    Sedition. A poem. To which are added, I. An hymn to the moon. II. The oyster woman, in imitation of Philip's Splendid shilling
  • 103326
    Book Info
    Selecta colloquiorum Corderii Maturini centuria, notis anglicis adspersa, Et a plurimis, quae vulgares Editiones infestas habent, Mendis repurgata. A Gulielmo Willymott, A. M. Coll. Regal. Cantab. Socio. Usui scholarum
    Cordier, Mathurin
  • 103327
    Book Info
    Semiramis. Riconosciuta. Drama. Da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro D'Hay-Market
    Metastasio, Pietro
  • 103328
    Book Info
    Serious reflections on the present condition of Great-Britain. In an address to the electors of Members to represent them in the next Parliament. From some of their friends in the cities of London and Westminster
  • 103329
    Book Info
    Sermons and discourses on practical subjects : Never before printed. By Robert Moss, D. D. late Dean of Ely, and Preacher to the Honourable Society of Grays-Inn. Published from the Original, at the Request of the said Society. Vol. V.
    Moss, Robert
  • 103330
    Book Info
    Sermons on the following subjects, viz. I. The advantage of the living above the dead. ... XIV. Elisha's cry after Elijah's God, &c. By the late Reverend and learned, Mr. Edward Brodhurst.
    Brodhurst, Edward
  • 103331
    Book Info
    Sermons on the following subjects, viz. I. The advantage of the living above the dead. II. The Comfort and Happiness of true Believers. III. The Art of numbering our Days. IV. The Extremity of his People, God's Opportunity. V. Elihu's Advice under Affliction. VI. The Manner and Advantage of setting God always before us. Vii. Jesus Christ the Father's Servant. Viii. God the Shepherd, or Restorer of
    Brodhurst, Edward
  • 103332
    Book Info
    Sermons on the following subjects, viz. Of the universal sense of good and evil. ... By James Foster
    Foster, James
  • 103333
    Book Info
    Sermons preached on several subjects and occasions by the Reverend Mr. Patrick Wedderspoon late one of the Ministers of the Gospel at West-Kirk near Edinburgh. To which are prefixed a preface, and a small piece of the author's private devotion
    Wedderspoon, Patrick
  • 103334
    Book Info
    Sincerity proved a sure safeguard against all fatal ignorance and error in a discourse on John vii.17. By John Tren
    Tren, John
  • 103335
    Book Info
    Six small tracts; Viz. I. A somewhat more express and explicit Enarration, or Character of the That wicked, &c. 2 Thess. ii. 8. II. A Conjecture on the 36th, 37th, 38th, 39th Verses of the XIth Chapter of Daniel. III. Considerations on the Lth, and LIst Chapters of Jeremiah, with respect to what is there Prophesied concerning Babylon. IV. A third Conjecture touching the right Epocha, or very and t
    Markwick, Nathaniel
  • 103336
    Book Info
    Some brief remarks on Mr. Chandler's introduction to The history of the Inquisition: so far as it relates to the cause of Arianism, and the two first general Councils: in which His gross Misrepresentations of Fact are detected and exposed. Together with a short Reply to his Calumnies against Archbishop Laud. By William Berriman, D. D. Rector of St. Andrew's Undershaft, and Fellow of Eton College
    Berriman, William
  • 103337
    Book Info
    Some considerations humbly offer'd touching the administration and receiving the sacrament of the Lord's supper, as directed by the Test-Act. Shewing, That the Sacramental Test is no Security to the Church of England, against the Dangers of Popery. To which is added, a Dialogue between an Englishan and a Scotsman, about Repealing the Sacramental Test
  • 103338
    Book Info
    Some considerations humbly offer'd touching the administration and receiving the sacrament of the Lord's supper, as directed by the Test-Act. Shewing, that the sacramental test is no security ... against the dangers of popery.
  • 103339
    Book Info
    Some considerations humbly offer'd upon the present attempt of the dissenters, to obtain a repeal of the Test Act. Address'd to a Member of Parliament
  • 103340
    Book Info
    Some considerations on publick credit. And The Nature of its Circulation in the funds. Occasioned by a bill now depending in Parliament, concerning Stock-Jobbing