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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 103,341 - 103,360건 출력
  • 103341
    Book Info
    Some general considerations concerning the alteration and improvement of publick revenues
    Walpole, Robert
  • 103342
    Book Info
    Some observations addressed to the author of the letter to Dr. Waterland, &c. In which, from his own words and Reasoning against the author of Christianity as old as the creation, it is plainly proved, that his letter, defence and remarks ought all to be burned, and the Author of them Banished
    Williams, Philip
  • 103343
    Book Info
    Some observations on national treaties, &c.
  • 103344
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    Some observations on the Bill now depending, intitled, An Act to prevent the infamous practice of stock-jobbing
  • 103345
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    Some observations on the translation and abridgment of Dr. Boerhaave's chymistry: wherein the learned professor is vindicated, from the unjust representations and weak criticisms of his abridger
    Rogers, Joseph
  • 103346
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    Some observations upon a paper, intituled, The list. That is, of those who voted for and against the Excise-Bill
  • 103347
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    Some reasons for continuing the present Parliament
  • 103348
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    Some reasons why the practice of inoculation ought to be introduced into the town of Bury at present:
    Hartley, David
  • 103349
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    Some remarks upon the Revd. Mr. Anderson's positions concerning the unlawfulness of stage-plays. In a letter to the author
  • 103350
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    Some seasonable animadversions an excises: occasion'd by a pamphlet lately publish'd, entituled, Considerations occasion'd by the Craftsman
  • 103351
    Book Info
    Some thoughts concerning the proposed repeal of the Test-Act, in a letter to a friend. Found among the Papers of an Eminent Free-Thinker lately Deceased; And now Published for the better Information of all the True Friends of our present happy Constitution both in Church and State
    R. M
  • 103352
    Book Info
    Some thoughts on the land-tax, general excises, and the least burthensome way of raising taxes; occasion'd by the London Journal on that subject
  • 103353
    Book Info
    Spectacle de la nature : or, nature display'd. Being discourses on such particulars of natural history as were thought most proper to excite the curiosity, and form the minds of youth. Illustrated with copper plates. Translated from the original French.
    Pluche, No{uml}el Antoine
  • 103354
    Book Info
    St. Paul's argument to Felix consider'd. A sermon preach'd in The Cathedral Church of Chester, September the 17th, 1732. Being the Time of the Assize there. By Tho. Brooke, LL.D. Dean of Chester
    Brooke, Thomas
  • 103355
    Book Info
    Swallow: a new almanack for the year of our Lord 1733; ...
    Swallow, John
  • 103356
    Book Info
    Synopsis medicin{aelig} : or, a summary view of the whole practice of physick. Being the Sentiments of the most Celebrated Authors in all Ages, Relating to Diseases, their Causes and Cures. With Most Cases in Surgery and Midwifery. To which are added, Some Observations very Rare and Uncommon; and a Curious Treatise on all Sorts of Poisons. In two volumes. By John Allen, M.D. and F.R.S. Translat...
    Allen, John
  • 103357
    Book Info
    Tamerlane. A tragedy. Written by N. Rowe, Esq.
    Rowe, Nicholas
  • 103358
    Book Info
    Ten practical discourses : concerning the four elements, as they relate to the growth of plants. Viz. I. Of the Improvement of Land in general. II. Of the Principles of Water, and the Necessity of it in Vegetation. III. Various Methods relating to the Draining of Lands. IV. Of the several Parts of Plants, and their respective Offices, &c. V. Of the Anatomy and Motion of Juices in Plants. VI. Of...
    Bradley, Richard
  • 103359
    Book Info
    Terence's Comedies made English, with his life, and some remarks at the end. By Mr. Laurence Echard, and others. Revis'd and corrected by Dr. Echard, and Sir R. L'Estrange.
  • 103360
    Book Info
    The Atheist: Or, the Second Part Of the Souldiers Fortune
    Otway, Thomas
    ProQuest One Literature
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