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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 103,461 - 103,480건 출력
  • 103461
    Book Info
    The english physician : enlarged with three hundred and sixty nine medicines, made of English herbs, that were not in any impression until this. Being, An Astrologo-Physical Discourse of the Vulgar Herbs of this Nation; containing a compleat Method of Physick, whereby a Man may preserve his Body in Health, or Cure himself, being Sick, for Three-Pence Charge, with such Things only as grow in Eng...
    Culpeper, Nicholas
  • 103462
    Book Info
    The evidences of the Christian religion: by the Right Honorable Joseph Addison, Esq; To which are added, several discourses against atheism and infidelity, ... occasionally published by him and others: ... With a preface, containing the sentiments of Mr. Boyle, Mr. Lock, and Sir Isaac Newton, concerning the gospel-revelation.
    Addison, Joseph
  • 103463
    Book Info
    The excellency of divine musick: or a sermon preach'd in the Parish-Church of St. Michael's Crooked Lane, in the city of London, on Thursday the fourth day of October: and at Sir George Wheeler's Chapel, in Spittle-Fields, On Monday the Fifth of November, in the Year of our Lord, 1733. Before Several Members of such Societies who are Lovers of Psalmody. To which is added, A Specimen of Easy, Grave
    Bedford, Arthur
  • 103464
    Book Info
    The excellency of the Christian ministration. A sermon preached before the Sons of the Clergy, at their anniversary meeting in the cathedral church of St. Paul, Febr. 1, 1732. By Henry Stebbing D. D. Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty, and Preacher to the Honourable Society of Grays-Inn
    Stebbing, Henry
  • 103465
    Book Info
    The excise-Bill versify'd. To which is subjoin'd curious and particular remarks
  • 103466
    Book Info
    The expediency of a divine revelation represented. A sermon preach'd before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Citizens of London, at the Cathedral church of St. Paul, on Sunday, February 16, 1728/9. By John Conybeare, D. D. Dean of Christ Church, Oxon. Publish'd at the Request of the Lord Mayor
    Conybeare, John
  • 103467
    Book Info
    The expence of university education reduced. In a letter to A. B. Fellow of E. C.
    Newton, Richard
  • 103468
    Book Info
    The expence of university education reduced. In a letter to A.B. Fellow of E.C.
    Newton, Richard
  • 103469
    Book Info
    The fable of the bees. Part II. By the author of the first
    Mandeville, Bernard
  • 103470
    Book Info
    The fair suicide: being an epistle from a young lady, to the person who was the cause of her death
  • 103471
    Book Info
    The faith and duties of Christians. A treatise in eight chapters. Giving an Account of I. The Foundation of Naraland Instituted Religion. II. The Authority and Usefulness of the Jewish Religion. III. The Christian Dispensation; the Nature and Author of it IV. The Worship of God; and its Sacred Rites, according to the Christian Law. V. Moral Rules and Precepts according to the Christian Law. VI. Th
    Burnet, Thomas
  • 103472
    Book Info
    The farmer's harvest-companion : Containing, a table, shewing the area, or content of any cant, or piece of land, from one Rod broad to sixteen, and from one Rod long to a hundred, to every half quarter of a Rod, both in breadth and length. Also, a table shewing the charge of workmanship of any quantity of land, from one Perch to an Acre, at seventeen several Prices, (viz.) beginning at two Shi...
    Jarvis, Tho
  • 103473
    Book Info
    The fatal consequences of bribery exemplified in Judas. A sermon preached at St. Mary's in Reading. On the Occasion of Election of Members of Parliament. By William Reeves, A. M. Late Vicar of St. Mary's in Reading
    Reeves, William
  • 103474
    Book Info
    The favourite duett, perform'd at Fielding's and Hippisley's booth, at the George-Inn in Smithfield, between Mr. Salway and Mrs. Pritchard, in the characters of Sly and Lovett. Air. ---- Sweet, if you love me, come away, &c.
  • 103475
    Book Info
    The female politician: or the statesman unmask'd. A novel. By the author of The prude
    Author of The prude
  • 103476
    Book Info
    The female politician: or the statesman unmask'd. A novel. By the author of The prude.
    Author of The prude
  • 103477
    Book Info
    The finish'd rake; or, Gallantry in Perfection. Being the genuine and entertaining adventures, of a young gentleman of fortune. Faithfully extracted from memoirs written with his own Hand, and design'd by him to be publish'd, as is believed, had he not been prevented by Death. The whole being interspers'd with several Curious, Whimfical, and Uncommon incidents; particularly his intrigue with a fin
  • 103478
    Book Info
    The first book of architecture: by Andrea Palladio. Translated out of Italian, with an appendix touching doors and windows, by Pr. Le Muet, Architect to the French King. Translated into English, by Godfrey Richards. The whole illustrated with above seventy copper cuts. Also rules and demonstrations, with several Designs, for the framing of any manner of roofs, either Above Pitch, or Under Pitch, w
    Palladio, Andrea
  • 103479
    Book Info
    The first part of the history of the King and Cobler. Shewing How King Henry Viii used to visit the Watches in the City, his Acquaintance with a merry Cobler: How he was entertained in the Cobler's Cellar; and What had lik'd to besal them
  • 103480
    Book Info
    The first satire of the second book of Horace, Imitated in a dialogue between Alexander Pope of Twickenham in Com. Midd. Esq; on the one part, and his learned council on the other
    Pope, Alexander