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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 103,481 - 103,500건 출력
  • 103481
    Book Info
    The first satire of the second book of Horace, Imitated in a dialogue between Alexander Pope, of Twickenham in Com. Midd. Esq; on the one part, and his learned council on the other
    Pope, Alexander
  • 103482
    Book Info
    The first satire of the second book of Horace, imitated in a dialoge [sic] between Alexander Pope of Twickenham in Com. Midd. Esq; on the one part, and his learned council on the other
    Pope, Alexander
  • 103483
    Book Info
    The first satire of the second book of Horace, imitated in a dialogue between Alexander Pope, of Twickenham, in Com. Midd. Esq; on the one part, and his learned council on the other
    Pope, Alexander
  • 103484
    Book Info
    The foundation of moral goodness: or, a further inquiry into the original of our idea of virtue. By a clergyman
    Balguy, John
  • 103485
    Book Info
    The foundation of moral virtue re-consider'd and defended against the remarks of an anonymous writer. By Thomas Mole
    Mole, Thomas
  • 103486
    Book Info
    The fourth satire of the first book of Horace, imitated. Address'd to Alexander Pope esq;
  • 103487
    Book Info
    The fox uncas'd: or, Robin's art of money-catching. A new ballad opera. As it is privately acted near St. James's
  • 103488
    Book Info
    The free-Agency of accountable creatures examined with candour, and defended, in several letters: being a full reply to the most material objections, either from Reason or Revelation, that have been urged against it, either by the Reverend Mr. Bliss, Mr. Norman, Mr. Millar, the nameless Author, the Author of the Abstract, or by Mr. Eliot. With a Preface, containing a short View of the Occasion and
    Fancourt, Samuel
  • 103489
    Book Info
    The free-thinker: or, essays on ignorance, superstition, bigotry, enthusiasm, craft, &c. Intermix'd with several pieces of wit and humour. ... In three volumes.
    Philips, Ambrose
  • 103490
    Book Info
    The freeholder's political catechism.
    Bolingbroke, Henry St John
  • 103491
    Book Info
    The gain of the whole world, no compensation for the loss of the soul. A sermon Preach'd on New Year's Day, 1733. For the Benefit of the Charity-School, at Gravel-Lane, Southwark. By Edward Godwin. Published at the Request of the Managers
    Godwin, Edward
  • 103492
    Book Info
    The garden of love, and royal flower of fidelity. A pleasant history. Written originally by Mr. John Reynolds; ... Now much amplify'd by several hands.
    Reynolds, John
  • 103493
    Book Info
    The gardeners dictionary : containing the methods of cultivating and improving the kitchen, fruit and flower garden, as also, the physick garden, wilderness, conservatory, and vineyard; According to the Practice of the Most Experienc'd Gardners of the Present Age. Interspers'd with The History of the Plants, the Characters of each Genus, and the Names of all the particular Species, in Latin and...
    Miller, Philip
  • 103494
    Book Info
    The gardeners kalendar : directing what works are necessary to be done every month, in the kitchen, fruit, and pleasure gardens, and in the conservatory. With An Account of the particular Seasons for the Propagation and Use of all Sorts of Esculent Plants and Fruits proper for the Table, and of all Sorts of Flowers, Plants, and Trees, that flower in every Month. By Philip Miller, Gardener to th...
    Miller, Philip
  • 103495
    Book Info
    The general account of all monies and effects received and expended by the Trustees for establishing the colony of Georgia in America: For the carrying on the good Purposes of their Trust for One whole Year, from the ninth day of June in the Year of our Lord 1732. (the Date of His Majesty's Royal Charter incorporating the said Trustees) to the ninth day of June, in the Year of our Lord 1733. Exhib
    Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia in America
  • 103496
    Book Info
    The generous physician, or medicine made easy: containing plain and exact descriptions of the causes, symptons, and method proper for cure of several distempers incident to the Human Body. With the best receipts in English, and Directions how to use them, adapted to ordinary Capacities. Written, by Dr. Colbatch, for the Benefit of those whose narrow Circumstances don't enable them to pay me exorbi
    Colbatch, John
  • 103497
    Book Info
    The gentleman and citizen's almanack for the year of our Lord, 1733. ...
    Watson, John
  • 103498
    Book Info
    The gentleman dancing-master: a comedy, acted at the Theatre-Royal. Written by Mr. Wycherley
    Wycherley, William
  • 103499
    Book Info
    The genuine life, confession, and dying speech, of Richard Wallton, student in astrology and physick, commonly call'd the conjuror. Who was executed, at Warwick, on Friday the 10th of this instant August, 1733. For Promoting and Enconraging Humpbry Mousall, Morrice Walker, and William Coley, to commit several Robberies, &c. To which is added, a poem on his death. Written by himself when under Sent
    Walton, Richard{dollar}cd 1733
  • 103500
    Book Info
    The genuine thoughts of a merchant: shewing, that in all the libels, remonstrances, and pretended letters against A new method of levying the duties on tobacco and wine, there is not so much as one word worth answering