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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 103,501 - 103,520건 출력
  • 103501
    Book Info
    The gift of Pallas. A poem. Occasioned by a fine piece of linnen lately sent from Ireland, as a present to Her Royal Highness the Princess Ann
    Carthy, Charles
  • 103502
    Book Info
    The gods in debate: or, no bribe like beauty. A new ballad, on the Prince of Orange's arrival
  • 103503
    Book Info
    The good minister. A sermon preach'd at Stonington, in the colony of ConnecticUt, December 27th. 1732. When the Reverend Mr. Joseph Fish was ordained pastor of a church there. By Daniel Lewis, V.D.M. And Pastor of the church in Pembroke. [Six lines of Scripture texts]
    Lewes, Daniel
  • 103504
    Book Info
    The governors of Christ's-Hospital, London
    Christ's Hospital (London, England)
  • 103505
    Book Info
    The gradual revelation of the Gospel; From the Time of Man's Apostacy. Set forth and Explain'd in Twenty four Sermons, Preached In the Parish Church of St. Mary le Bow, at the Lecture founded by the Honourable Robert Boyle Esq; in the Years 1730, 1731, and 1732. In two volumes. By William Berriman D. D. Rector of St. Andrew's Undershaft and Fellow of Eton College. ...
    Berriman, William
  • 103506
    Book Info
    The great concern of human life: or, a summary account of the fear of God, and keeping his commandments. By Samuel Wright, D.D. The third edition. To which is now added, Human virtues: or a collection of the rules of scripture that teach men to live soberly, and to be happy in themselves. With three discourses on self-possession, as it is the Happiness only of a true Christian
    Wright, S
  • 103507
    Book Info
    The grotto, a poem. Written by Peter Drake, Fisherman, of Brentford. In the year of our Lord 1732
    Green, Matthew
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 103508
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    The happy exchange. Or, the greatest gain accruing from the loss of all things, for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus and Interest in his Righteousness. Set forth in Seven Sermons, from Phil. iii. 8, 9. By William Notcutt
    Notcutt, William
  • 103509
    Book Info
    The happy life. An epistle to the Honourable Lieutenant General Wade
  • 103510
    Book Info
    The harlot's progress; or, the ridotto al'fresco: a grotesque pantomime entertainment. As it is perform'd by his Majesty's Company of comedians at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Compos'd by Mr. Theophilus Cibber, ... The songs made (to old ballad tunes) by a friend.
    Cibber, Theophilus
  • 103511
    Book Info
    The harmony of the four gospels; wherein the different manner of relating the facts of each evangelist is exemplify'd. To which are annexed, references to other parts of the holy scripture, but especially to those contained in the New Testament. With The History of the Acts of the Apostles
    Harley, Edward
  • 103512
    Book Info
    The head of the serpent bruised by the seed of the woman. A sermon on Genesis iii. 15. Occasioned by the death of Mrs. Martha Gifford, late wife of the Reverend Mr. Andrew Gifford, preached January 14, 1732/33. By John Gill
    Gill, John
  • 103513
    Book Info
    The historical Register, containing an impartial relation of all transactions, Foreign and Domestick. With a chronological diary of all The remarkable Occurrences, viz. Births, Marriages, Deaths, Removals, Promotions, &c. that happen'd in this Year: Together with the Characters and Parentage of Persons deceased, of eminent Rank. Volume XVIII. For the year 1733
  • 103514
    Book Info
    The history and fall of Caius Marius. A tragedy
    Otway, Thomas
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 103515
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    The history of Charles XII. King of Sweden. By Mr. de Voltaire. Translated from the French
  • 103516
    Book Info
    The history of Harvides and Donna Lupella. Containing, I. The family of Harvides. II. His amour with a marry'd lady of distinction, called Harriot. III. His Courtship and cruel Treatment of Emilia. IV. His Intrigue with the Duchess de Joyouse, and Madam de Sellena, both upwards of Seventy. V. The terrible Revenge taken by Marcia on Harvides, in Emilia's Behalf. VI. His Marriage with Lupella, and m
  • 103517
    Book Info
    The history of King Lear. Revived with alterations. By N. Tate.
    Tate, Nahum
  • 103518
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    The history of Sir Sidrophel, and his man Whaccum
  • 103519
    Book Info
    The history of Tom Rigby. In three volumes. ...
    Chater, John
  • 103520
    Book Info
    The history of the Test Act: In which the mistakes in some late writings against it are rectified, and the importance of it to the Church explain'd