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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 103,541 - 103,560건 출력
  • 103541
    Book Info
    The ladies diary: or, the woman's almanack, for the year of our Lord, 1733. Being the first after bissextile, or leap-year. Containing many delightful and entertaining particulars, peculiarly adapted for the use and diversion of the fair-sex. Being the thirtieth almanack ever publish'd of this kind
    Tipper, John
  • 103542
    Book Info
    The lady's slip at Bath. With some remarks on the conduct of another certain lady, who, to avoid the like mishap, very prudently sends for a D-h Doctor, of whom I have annex'd a picture at full length
  • 103543
    Book Info
    The lamentation of the poor of the city of Dublin, after the late Lord Mayor, with a word of advice to the freemen, &c. of said city
  • 103544
    Book Info
    The late Lord Beilhaven's memorable speeches in the last Parliament of Scotland, holden at Edinburgh, in November 1706. On the Subject-Matter of the then projected union of Both Kingdoms. Wherein (among many other Remarkable Particulars) the slavish Homage and Respect that the People of Scotland should, on the Event of such union, be in Time oblig'd to pay to every Petty English Exciseman, is expr
    Belhaven, John Hamilton
  • 103545
    Book Info
    The law of truth: or, the obligations of reason essential to all religion. To which are prefixed, some remarks supplemental to a late tract; entitled, Divine rectitude
    Balguy, John
  • 103546
    Book Info
    The life and genuine character of Doctor Swift. Written by himself
    Swift, Jonathan
  • 103547
    Book Info
    The life and genuine character of the Rev. Dr. S--t, D.S.P.D. Written by himself
    Swift, Jonathan
  • 103548
    Book Info
    The life and humorous adventures of William Grigg, of Snarlton in Suffolk. Being A True History of many Curious, Memorable, and Extraordinary Exploits. Publish'd from the original manuscript, preserved in the Grub-Street Vatican. By a native of Grub-Street
    Native of Grub-Street
  • 103549
    Book Info
    The life and most surprizing adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, mariner. Who lived eight and twenty years in an uninhabited island on the coast of America, lying near the mouth of the great river of Oroonoque: ... The whole three volumes faithfully abridg'd and set forth with cuts proper to the subject.
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 103550
    Book Info
    The life of God in the soul of man: or, The nature and excellency of the Christian religion with the methods of attaining the happiness it proposes; also an account of the beginnings and advances of a spiritual life. With a preface. By Gilbert Burnet now Lord Bishop of Sarum.
    Scougal, Henry
  • 103551
    Book Info
    The life of Joseph Addison, Esq; extracted from No III. and IV. of the General dictionary, historical and critical. To which is prefixed, the life of Dr. Lancelot Addison, Dean of Litchfield, his father
  • 103552
    Book Info
    The life of Mr. John Gay, author of The Beggar's-Opera, &c
    Curll, Edmund
  • 103553
    Book Info
    The life of Mr. Woolston, with an impartial account of his writings
    Stackhouse, Thomas
  • 103554
    Book Info
    The life of that eminent comedian Robert Wilks, Esq;
    Curll, Edmund
  • 103555
    Book Info
    The livery rake, And Country lass. An opera. As it is Perform'd By the Company of Comedians of His Majesty's Revels, at the New Theatre in the Hay-Market. With the musick prefix'd to each song
    Phillips, Edward
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 103556
    Book Info
    The lives of the English bishops from the Restauration to the Revolution. Fit to be opposed to the aspersions of some late writers of secret history. N.B. The author being advised to discontinue publishing this work in parts, and to complete the same in the subsequent publication, has comply'd therewith, and accordingly the following sheets in succinct order finish the design, and give an account
    Salmon, N
  • 103557
    Book Info
    The lives of the Roman poets. Containing a critical and historical account of them and their writings, with large Quotations of their most celebrated Passages, as far as was necessary to compare and illustrate their several Excellencies, as well as to discover wherein they were deficient. To which is added, a chronological table, fitted to the Years before and after Christ, shewing the Times when
    Crusius, Lewis
  • 103558
    Book Info
    The london merchants triumphant: or sturdy beggars are brave fellows. A new ballad proper to be sung on the 12th of June. Humbly inscribed to the worthy merchants and citizens of London
  • 103559
    Book Info
    The lord the helper of his people, in his gracious and providential appearance unto a church of Christ in London: with the Last dying Words of that late eminent Servant of Christ, Mr. Joseph Hussey. By William Bentley
    Bentley, William
  • 103560
    Book Info
    The lords protests in the late session of Parliament, viz. I. On the Rejecting of the Pension-Bill. II. On Passing the Bill for Punishing Mutiny and Desertion, &c. III. On the Misapplying of the Sinking Fund. IV. On the Enquiry into the Management of the present South-Sea Directors. To which is added, Britannia excisa in two parts. With an alphabetical list of all the members who voted for and aga
    Great Britain