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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 103,581 - 103,600건 출력
  • 103581
    Book Info
    The modern cook : By Mr. Vincent La Chapelle, Chief Cook to the Right Honourable the Earl of Chesterfield.
    La Chapelle, Vincent
  • 103582
    Book Info
    The modern navigator's compleat tutor : or, a treatise of the whole art of navigation in its theory and practice. Containing I. Domestick or Coasting Navigation, Sundry Notes of the Moon's Motions, Calender, Tides, &c. II. Theoretical Navigation, by various Methods, viz. Geometrical, Logarithmetical, Tabular, and by the Pen only (without Tables or Instruments.) Together with Practical Astronomy...
    Kelly, Joshua
  • 103583
    Book Info
    The modish gallants. A comedy. In which is introduced an interlude call'd The promis'd marriage; or, the dissappointed lady. Inscrib'd to Lord O*******
  • 103584
    Book Info
    The most important transactions of the sixth session of the first Parliament of His Majesty King George II. Anno Domini, MDCCXXXIII. ...
    Great Britain
  • 103585
    Book Info
    The most important transactions of the sixth session of the first Parliament of His Majesty King George II. Anno Domini, MDCCXXXIII. Containing, I. A True Copy of the Excise-Bill, intitled, A Bill for repealing several Subsidies, and an Impost now payable on Tobacco of the British Plantations; and for granting an Inland Duty in lieu thereof. II. The Right Hon. John Barber, Esq; Lord Mayor of the C
    Great Britain
  • 103586
    Book Info
    The mourner: or, the afflicted relieved. By B. Grosvenor, ...
    Grosvenor, B
  • 103587
    Book Info
    The mourning bride. A tragedy. Written by Mr. Congreve.
    Congreve, William
  • 103588
    Book Info
    The muse in distress: a poem. Occasion'd by the present state of poetry; humbly address'd to the Right Honourable Sir William Yonge, Bart. and Knight of the Bath, &c.
  • 103589
    Book Info
    The nation's reproach, and the church's grief: or a serious and needful word of advice to those who needlessly frequent taverns and publick houses and often spend the evening there. In a letter to my neighbours and countrymen. By George Braithwaite, M.A.
    Braithwaite, George
  • 103590
    Book Info
    The nature of the present excise, and the consequences of its farther extension, examined. In a letter to a Member of Parliament
    Egmont, John Perceval
  • 103591
    Book Info
    The necessity of a new Parliament asserted. Being an answer to a pamphlet, intitled, Some reasons for continuing the present Parliament
  • 103592
    Book Info
    The neuter: or, a modest satire on the poets of the age. By a Lady. Dedicated to the Right Honourable Mary Wortley Montague
  • 103593
    Book Info
    The new art of courtship; or, the lovers pacquet. Rules to young persons of either sex, for their behaviour whilst single, and for adjusting the marriage rights; or, ... Writen [sic] by D-n S-t
    D-n S-t
  • 103594
    Book Info
    The new help to discourse. Or wit and mirth intermix'd with more serious matter; ... By W. W. gent.
    Winstanley, William
  • 103595
    Book Info
    The norfolk scheme: or a letter to William Pulteney, Esq; on the present posture of affairs, particularly with relation to the scheme for altering the method of collecting the revenues, by converting the Customs into Excises, shewing the dangerous Consequences of such an Innovation; and Reasons offered to the Honourable House of Commons against maintaining two Standing Armies in Time of Peace, viz
  • 103596
    Book Info
    The occasional writer. To the people; and for the people. By a lover of his country
    Lover of his country
  • 103597
    Book Info
    The opera of operas
    Hatchett, William
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 103598
    Book Info
    The oration spoke at Joyners-Hall in Thames street: on Monday, Sept. 24. 1733. Pursuant to the will of Mrs. Jane Ilive, Who departed this Life, Aug. 29. 1733. Aetat. 63. proving, I. The Plurality of Worlds. II. That this Earth is Hell. III. That the Souls of Men are the Apostate Angels. And IV. That the Fire which will punish those who shall be confined to this Globe after the Day of Judgment will
    Ilive, Jacob
  • 103599
    Book Info
    The oration spoke at Joyners-Hall in Thamesstreet: on Monday, Sept. 24. 1733. Pursuant to the will of Mrs. Jane Ilive, Who departed this Life, Aug. 29. 1733. Aetat. 63. proving, I. The Plurality of Worlds. II. That this Earth is Hell. III. That the Souls of Men are the Apostate Angels. And IV. That the Fire which will punish those who shall be confined to this Globe after the Day of Judgment will
    Ilive, Jacob
  • 103600
    Book Info
    The origin and essence of a general excise. A sermon preached, on a very extraordinary occasion, at a noted chapel in Westminster, on Wednesday the 14th of March, 1732. By Robert Winer, D.D. Rector of the said chapel
    Winer, Robert