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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 103,721 - 103,740건 출력
  • 103721
    Book Info
    The works of Mr. William Wicherley, containing The plain-dealer. The gentleman-dancing-master. Love in a wood. The country-wife
    Wycherley, William
  • 103722
    Book Info
    The wrongheads: a poem. Inscrib'd to Mr. Pope. By a person of quality
    Person of quality
  • 103723
    Book Info
    The young Christian's prayer book. Dedicated to the young people in Birmingham and at Coseley. By Samuel Bourn
    Bourn, Samuel
  • 103724
    Book Info
    Things divine and supernatural conceived by analogy with things natural and human. By the author of The procedure, extent and limits of human understanding
    Browne, Peter
  • 103725
    Book Info
    Thom{aelig} Fieni, Belgii & Bavari{aelig} ducum medici cubicularii, Et In Academia Lovaniensi Medicinae Professoris Primarii, Libri chirurgici duodecim, de pr{aelig}cipuis artis chirurgic{aelig} controversiis : viz. I. De Trepano, five apertione cranii. II. De Depositione cataractae. III. De Depositione ungulae. IV. De Laryngotomia, five sectione asperae arteriae. V. De Paracentesi thoracis. VI...
    Feyens, Thomas
  • 103726
    Book Info
    Three letters on the following questions, Concerning the repeal of the Test. I. Hath the church a right to exclude all from her ministry who refuse to subscribe to her articles and creed. [II.] Hath the Civil Magistrate Authority to limit the Publick Encouragements to the Ministry so Subscribing. [III.] Ought the Corporation and Test-Acts to be Repeal'd or not?
  • 103727
    Book Info
    Three letters to the Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry. I. Concerning the principles of the Quakers, and some late charges against them. II. Containing a confutation of the charges which are made against the Quakers, in a book called A vindication of the Bishop of Lichfield &c. III. Proving the particular Doctrines and Customs which distinguish the Quakers from the Rest of Mankind consistent with p
  • 103728
    Book Info
    Three odes. The royal hero; to the king. The royal nuptials; to the queen. Religion and liberty triumphant; to the prince. By T. Sanderson, B. A. Of Emanuel-College, Cambridge
    Sanderson, Thomas
  • 103729
    Book Info
    Time and the end of time in two discourses, the first about redemption of time, the second about consideration of our latter end / by John Fox.
    Fox, John
  • 103730
    Book Info
    Timon In Love: Or, the Innocent Theft
    Kelly, John
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 103731
    Book Info
    To improve farming, and lessen the usual expences
    Ellis, William
  • 103732
    Book Info
    To the Reverend Doctor Swift, Dean of St. Patrick's. With a present of a paper-book, finely bound, on his birth-day, November 30, 1732
  • 103733
    Book Info
    To the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament Assembled
    Great Britain
  • 103734
    Book Info
    To the divine majesty, a poem
    Preston, William
  • 103735
    Book Info
    Truth: a letter to the gentlemen of Exchange Alley: occasioned by the bill ... to prevent the pernicious practice of stockjobbing. ... Occasioned by a pamphlet entitl'd, 'Change Alley excised.
    F. G
  • 103736
    Book Info
    Tunbrigialia: or, Tunbridge miscellanies, for the year 1733
  • 103737
    Book Info
    Two grammatical treatises: viz. I. Animadversions on the Latin grammar lately published by Mr. Robert Trotter Schoolmaster at Drumfries; by Mr. John Love Schoolmaster at Dumbarton. II. A dissertation upon the way of teaching that language: wherein the objections raised against Mr. Ruddiman's and other such like grammars, for their being too full and particular, are answered and confuted; And the v
    Love, John
  • 103738
    Book Info
    University education: or, an explication and amendment of the statute which, ... prohibits the admission of scholars going from one society to another, ... By R. Newton, ...
    Newton, Richard
  • 103739
    Book Info
    Unto the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session, the petition of Sir William Ker of Greenhead, and Patrick Murray of Chirrytrees, Humbly sheweth, That the deceast Sir Andrew Ker of Greenhead provided his Lady, one of the Daughters of Sir Alexander Don of Newtoun, to a Liferent Locality of Lands in case of her Survivance, which he warranted to be worth 2500 Merks per Annum, her Liferent
    Kerr, William
  • 103740
    Book Info
    Unto the Right Honourable, the Lords of Council and Session, the petition of Sir George Wardlaw
    Wardlaw, George