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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 103,841 - 103,860건 출력
  • 103841
    Book Info
    A letter from John Angelo Belloni, to the gentlemen of the Committee of the Parliament of England, appointed to inspect the affairs of the Charitable Corporation
    Belloni, Giovanni Angelo
  • 103842
    Book Info
    A letter from a lord to a commoner, concerning The Two Church Bills lately Rejected
  • 103843
    Book Info
    A letter from a lord to a commoner, concerning the two church bills lately rejected.
  • 103844
    Book Info
    A letter from a member of the House of Commons, (one of the committee appointed to enquire into the affairs of the Charitable Corporation) to his friends, (some merchants) at Rome. In which is reveal'd the secret means used ... for embezzling the stock. ...
    Member of the House of Commons
  • 103845
    Book Info
    A letter of address from the new Spanish fort at Gibraltar, to the fortifications of old Dunkirk and Graveline.
  • 103846
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    A letter to Achitophel Boutefeu, Esq; Concerning the Education of his Two Sons, Harry and William
    Troublewater, Shimei
  • 103847
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    A letter to Dion, Occasion'd by his Book call'd Alciphron, or The Minute Philosopher. By the Author of the Fable of the Bees
    Mandeville, Bernard
  • 103848
    Book Info
    A letter to Mr. St. -n, late Lord B-. In which the false reasonings and evasions, in a pamphlet called, A final answer to the remarks on the Craftsman's vindication, &c. are plainly detected: and in which is an impartial examination into the most important parts of the late Lord B-'s life and character
    Hervey, John Hervey
  • 103849
    Book Info
    A letter to Samuel Holden, Esq; occasioned by his speech delivered from the chair, at a general assembly of Dissenters, on the 29th of November, 1732
  • 103850
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    A letter to a Member of Parliament from a country gentleman, concerning the growth of the wool, and the nature of the woollen trade in Ireland; ...
  • 103851
    Book Info
    A letter to a Member of Parliament from a country gentleman, concerning the growth of the wooll, and the nature of the woollen trade in Ireland; wherein such a Method is proposed for preventing the Clandestine Exportation of those Commodities, as will be equally beneficial to both Kingdoms
  • 103852
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    A letter to a bishop, concerning some important discoveries in philosophy and theology.
    Forbes, Duncan
  • 103853
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    A letter to a certain great lord, concerning the present state of the church with some advice to the clergy. By an old Christian
    Old Christian
  • 103854
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    A letter to a deist, concerning the beauty and excellency of moral virtue, and the support and improvement which it receives from the Christian revelation. By a country clergyman
    Balguy, John
  • 103855
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    A letter to a freeholder, on the late reduction of the land tax to one shilling in the pound. By a Member of the House of Commons
    Arnall, William
  • 103856
    Book Info
    A letter to a gentlewoman, concerning baptism. With a Prefatory Discourse in relation to those who differ in Opinion or Practice from the Church of England, touching that Sacrament. Also An Office, or Form of Prayer for the Use of Adult Persons. Go, Wash in the Pool of Siloam (which is by Interpretation Sent) He went his Way therefore, and washed, and came Seeing. John ix. 7
  • 103857
    Book Info
    A letter to a lady: wherein The Canonical Authority of St. Matthew's Gospel is defended; The Bishop of London's Third Pastoral Letter vindicated; and The Misrepresentations and Forgeries contain'd in a late Pamphlet, entitled, A Dissertation or Enquiry concerning the Canonical Authority of the Gospel according to St. Matthew, and the Reasons upon which it hath been anciently rejected by Hereticks,
  • 103858
    Book Info
    A letter to a member of Parliament in the North; concerning Scandal and Defamation. With General Remarks on the Ministry, Royal-Society, &c. And taste of the Town. By Thomas Frank, [greek text]
    Frank, Thomas
  • 103859
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    A letter to the Rector of Fryerning, Upon his Refusing to Pay his Rates to the Parish Assessments, &c.
    Hornby, Charles
  • 103860
    Book Info
    A letter to the Right Honourable Sir Ralph Gore, Bart. Speaker of the Honourable House of Commons, And Chancellor of His Majesty's Exchequer in Ireland. Concerning a lately published proposal for a voluntary subscription to erect a trophy in memory of the deliverance of this kingdom, by the glorious victory at the Boyne