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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 103,861 - 103,880건 출력
  • 103861
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    A letter to the Right Honourable Sir Ralph Gore, Bart. speaker of the Honourable House of Commons, ... Concerning a lately-published proposal for a voluntary subscription, to erect a trophy in memory of the deliverance of this kingdom by the glorious victory at the Boyne To which is added a letter from a gentleman in Cornwall to his friend at Bristol, ...
  • 103862
    Book Info
    A letter to the Right Honourable Sir Robert Walpole, for re-establishing the woollen manufacturies of Great Britain upon their ancient Footing, by encouraging the Linen Manufacturies of Ireland. Also, for reducing the pay of the army, encouraging the printing press, renewing the Trade to France upon the Tariff of 1664, and relieving those unfortunate British Merchants that have been ruin'd by the
    Forman, Charles
  • 103863
    Book Info
    A letter to the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Chichester. Occasion'd by His Lordship's sermon on January 30. 1732
    P. C
  • 103864
    Book Info
    A letter to the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Chichester. Occasion'd by His Lordship's sermon on January 30. 1732.
    P. C
  • 103865
    Book Info
    A letter to the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Chichester. Occasion'd by his Lordship's sermon on January 30. 1732.
    P. C
  • 103866
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    A letter to the author of Reflexions historical and political, Occasioned by a treatise In Vindication of General Monk, and Sir Richard Granville, &c. By the Right Honourable George Granville, Lord Lansdowne
    Lansdowne, George Granville
  • 103867
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    A letter to the author of the Defence of the Bishop of Chichester's sermon upon King Charles's martyrdom
    P. C
  • 103868
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    A letter to the author of the London Journal; wherein the sentiments of Mr. Fog, in relation to K.W. are fully explain'd and vindicated on philosophical and certain principles. By Miseleutherus Philoparadox
    Miseleutherus Philoparadox
  • 103869
    Book Info
    A letter to the author of the Vindication of Mr. Nation's sermon: in which the importance of faith, in Matters of Religion, and particularly as to the Doctrine of the Deity of Our Saviour, is consider'd: and the Assembly of the United Ministers of Devon and Cornwall is farther defended. To which is added, a second letter to Mr. Nation, in answer to his vindication of himself. By P.C.
    P. C
  • 103870
    Book Info
    A merry allegorico-botanico-badinical piece: or, the natural history of the arbor-vitæ: or the tree of life
    Stretzer, Thomas
  • 103871
    Book Info
    A miscellany of original poems, translations, &c. Collected and published by Mr. Theobald. Written by W. Walsh, Esq; Dr. J. Donne. Mr. Dryden. Mr. Hall of Hereford. The Lady E- M-- Mr. Butler, author of Hudibras. Mr. Stepney. Sir John Suckling. Dr. Kenrick. And other Eminent Hands
  • 103872
    Book Info
    A miscellany on taste. By Mr. Pope, &c. Viz. I. of taste in architecture. An epistle to the Earl of Burlington. With notes variorum, and a compleat key. II. Of Mr. Pope's taste in divinity, viz. the fall of man, and the first Psalm. Translated for the use of a young lady. III. Of Mr. Pope's taste of Shakespeare. IV. - His satire on Mrs. P-y. V. Mr. Congreve's fine epistle on retirement and taste.
    Pope, Alexander
  • 103873
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    A modest and humble inquiry concerning the right and power of electing and calling ministers to vacant churches. By a minister of the Church of Scotland
    Logan, George
  • 103874
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    A modest defence of a late poem By an unknown Author, call'd, The Lady's Dressing-Room
  • 103875
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    A muse in livery. A collection of poems
    Dodsley, Robert
  • 103876
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    A muse in livery: or, the footman's miscellany
    Dodsley, Robert
  • 103877
    Book Info
    A new family instructor; containing, a brief and clear defence of the Christian religion in general, against the errors of the atheists, Jews, deists & sceptics: and of the Protestant Religion in Particular, Against the Superstitions of the Church of Rome. In familiar discourses between a father and his children. in two parts. Part I. Containing a Father's Instructions to his Son on his going to T
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 103878
    Book Info
    A new family instructor; in familiar discourses between a father and his children, on the most essential points of the Christian religion. In two parts. Part I. Containing a father's instructions to his Son upon his going to Travel into Popish Countries; And to the rest of his Children, on his Son's turning Papist; confirming them in the Protestant Religion, against the Absurdities of Popery. Part
    Defoe, Daniel
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 103879
    Book Info
    A new law-dictionary: containing, the interpretation and definition of words and terms used in the law; and also the whole law, and the practice thereof, Under all the Heads and Titles of the same. Together with such Informations relating thereto, as Explain the History and Antiquity of the Law, and our Manners, Customs, and Original Government. Collected and Abstracted from all Dictionaries, Abri
    Jacob, Giles
  • 103880
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    A new miscellany in verse and prose. By Stephen Maxwell
    Maxwell, Stephen