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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 103,881 - 103,900건 출력
  • 103881
    Book Info
    A new system of the gout and rheumatism : This book is given gratis, up one pair of stairs at the sign of Dr. Chamberlen's famous Anodyne necklace for childrens teeth, fits, ... over against Devreux-Court, without Temple-Bar. And by the author's servant R. Bradshaw, at hi house The golden key in Bambrige-street, near Russel-street end St. Giles's in the Fields.
  • 103882
    Book Info
    A parallel between Muhamed and Sosem, the great deliverer of the Jews. By Zelim Musulman: in a letter to Nathan Rabby
    Radicati, Alberto
  • 103883
    Book Info
    A paraphrase and comment upon the Epistles and Gospels, appointed to be used in the Church of England on all Sundays and holy-days ... By George Stanhope, ...
    Stanhope, George
  • 103884
    Book Info
    A paraphrase and notes on St. Paul's IId Epistle to the Thessalonians: in Imitation of Mr. Locke's Manner. To which are annexed, two brief dissertations, I. Concerning the Kingdom of God, 2 Thess. i. 5. II. Concerning the Man of Sin, &c. 2 Thess. ii. 3, &c. By the author of the Paraphrase and notes on St. Paul's Epistles to Philemon, and 1st to the Thessalonians
    Benson, George
  • 103885
    Book Info
    A paraphrase on part of the Book of Job. By Edward Young, L L. B. Fellow of All-Soul's College, Oxon
    Young, Edward
  • 103886
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    A paraphrase upon our Saviour's sermon on the mount. By Samuel Clarke, D. D. late Rector of St James's Westminster
    Clarke, Samuel
  • 103887
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    A paraphrase upon the Hymn of St. Ambrose. Together with morning, evening and midnight hymns by the Bishop of Bath and Wells
    Ken, Thomas
  • 103888
    Book Info
    A peaceable and friendly address to the non-conformists, written upon their desiring an Act of toleration. Without the sacramental-test. Being a full answer to a pamphlet lately publish'd, intitled, The nature and consequence of the sacramental-test considered. With Reasons humbly offered for Repeal of it. By his Grace the Lord Archbishop of Tuam
    Synge, Edward
  • 103889
    Book Info
    A philosophical enquiry concerning the connexion between the doctrines and miracles of Jesus Christ. In a letter to a friend. By George Turnbull, A.M.
    Turnbull, George
  • 103890
    Book Info
    A philosophical enquiry into the physical spring of human actions, and the Immediate Cause of Thinking
    Strutt, Samuel
  • 103891
    Book Info
    A philosophical essay on musick. Wherein is explained the nature of sound, both in its essence and regulation, &c. ... Together with a thorough explanation of all the different moods used in musick, ... The third edition. By William Turner
    Turner, William
  • 103892
    Book Info
    A phliosophical [sic] dissertation upon death. Composed for the consolation of the unhappy. By a friend to truth
    Radicati, Alberto
  • 103893
    Book Info
    A plan of education for a young prince. By The chevalier Ramsay, author of The travels of Cyrus. To which is added, A thought relating to education, Offer'd to the Examination of such as have Noblemen and Gentlemen (from the Age of Eight to Twelve, aut circiter) under their Care
  • 103894
    Book Info
    A pleading before the reverend synod of Fife, In September 1732. On this Question, Viz. If a Presbytery may lawfully resist a final and peremptory Decree of the General Assembly, ordaining a Point of Executive Obedience?
  • 103895
    Book Info
    A poem of Hugo Grotius on the holy sacrament, translated into English verse
    Grotius, Hugo
  • 103896
    Book Info
    A poem on the death and memory of the famous poet Alexander Pennycuic[k.]
  • 103897
    Book Info
    A practical exposition of the church-catechism: in several discourses on all the parts of it. In two volumes. Useful for all Families. By Matthew Hole, D. D. Late Rector of Exeter College in Oxford
    Hole, Matthew
  • 103898
    Book Info
    A practical treatise upon several different and useful subjects. In which are contain'd, I. An effectual method to augment small livings; and for the more Honourable Support of those Clergymen, who have no Livings at all. II. A Proposal to make the Corporation of Clergymens Sons more useful to its Members. III. A Scheme, for the Relief of the South Sea Sufferers in Distress. Together with Proposal
    Tate, Robert
  • 103899
    Book Info
    A prelude to the grand clash about taking off the Test, being a paragraph in Mr. Faulkner's news-paper, properly transposed and paraphrased
  • 103900
    Book Info
    A preservative against Quakerism, or, a complication of deism, enthusiasm, and divers other ancient and modern dangerous errors and heresies. By way of conference between a minister and his parishioner. Wherein The Principles of the Quakers, or Deists, Enthusiasts, and several other Ancient and Modern Hereticks and Schismaticks, are fairly consider'd; and plainly and fully confuted; and the true P
    Smith, Patrick