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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 103,901 - 103,920건 출력
  • 103901
    Book Info
    A proper reply to a scurrilous pamphlet, entitled, Liberty and Property. In a letter to Eustace Budgell Esq; By Cleomenes
  • 103902
    Book Info
    A proposal for rendering bankruptcies less frequent in and about London
  • 103903
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    A proposal for the better regulation of the stage. With some remarks on the State of the Theatre among the Ancient Greeks and Romans
  • 103904
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    A proposal fully to prevent the smugling [sic] of wool, which by methods entirely new, shows how, and wholly takes of the former charge in the old methods of endeavouring to do it. Also, adds more than ten millions yearly to the trade of the British nation. ... All which with all due deference and respect is offered to the British Parliament
    Gray, Jeffery
  • 103905
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    A proposal humbly offered to the P----t, for the more effectual preventing the further growth of Popery. With the description and use of the ecclesiastical thermometer, very proper for all Families. By Dr. S-t. To which is added, the humble petition of the weavers and venders of gold and silver lace, Embroiderers, &c. As also two poems, viz. Helter Skelter, or the Hue and Cry after the Attomies up
    C. P
  • 103906
    Book Info
    A publick testimony; being the Representation and Petition of a considerable Number of Christian people within the Bounds of several Synods in this Church, In their own Name, and in Name of all adhering thereunto, presented and given in to the General Assembly met at Edinburgh, May 4th 1732, anent grievances
  • 103907
    Book Info
    A relation or journal, of the campaigns of the Marechal de Turenne, in the years one thousand six hundred seventy four, and one thousand six hundred seventy five; 'till the Time of his Death. Done from the French, by an officer of the army
  • 103908
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    A reply to a letter directed to the minister of Moffat, concerning the positive institutions of christianity in which the arguments in Mr. Wallace's sermon before the synod of Dumfries, October 1729, and the Remarks prefix'd to it, are illustrated and defended. By Robert Wallace, Minister of the Gospel at Moffat
    Wallace, Robert
  • 103909
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    A reply to the Defence of the Letter to Dr. Waterland. By the author of the Reply to the letter
    Pearce, Zachary
  • 103910
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    A reply to the Letter to Dr. Waterland, setting forth the many falshoods both in the quotations and the historical facts, by which the letter-writer endeavours to weaken the authority of Moses.
    Pearce, Zachary
  • 103911
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    A report from the Committee to whom all the books, instruments, and papers relating to the sale of the estate of James late Earl of Derwentwater, were referred
    Great Britain
  • 103912
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    A report from the committee appointed to view the Cottonian library, And such of the Publick Records of this Kingdom, as they think proper, and to Report to the House the Condition thereof together with what they shall judge fit to be done for the better Reception, Preservation, and more convenient Use of the same. Published by Order of the House of Commons
    Great Britain
  • 103913
    Book Info
    A review of ecclesiastick patronages, as they are here established by law; and of the conduct of the opposing clergy
  • 103914
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    A scheme for a new lottery: or, a husband and coach and six for forty shillings. Being very advantageous to both sexes; where a Man may have a Coach and Six, and a Wife for nothing. Here's a Whim Wham newly come over, And who will prick at my Lottery-Book? With a scheme to prevent the downfal of the Ch--le cor--n. By an old sportsman. In Female Service wore to Skin and Bone, Fulfils the Proverb, t
    Old Sportsman
  • 103915
    Book Info
    A scheme for payment of the sum of 49,301,855l. 6s. 1d. 1/2 being the national debt of Great-Britain, as it stood the 31st of Dec. 1730, in a few years, without making any additional tax on the subject. Which, If Enacted into a Law, will be of infinite Service to the Merchants Trading to the West-Indies; infallibly secure our Possessions of Gibralter and the Island of Minorca; totally abolish Smug
    Davies, Joseph
  • 103916
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    A scheme plainly demonstrating how several hundred thousand pounds may be rais'd yearly to the government, without officers to collect it, ... By Thomas Downes, ...
    Downes, Thomas
  • 103917
    Book Info
    A second supplement to The moderator between an infidel and an apostate; or a dissertation on some other prophecies cited by the Bishop of Litchfield, against the author of the grounds. By Thomas Woolston, B. D. Sometime Fellow of Sidney Colledge in Cambridge
    Woolston, Thomas
  • 103918
    Book Info
    A second volume of notes and discourses: Containing I. A New List of Errors noted in the present Hebrew Copies of the Old Testament. II. Notes on several Texts of Scripture. III. Discourses on the Reality, Kinds, and Number of our Saviour's Miracles; occasion'd by Mr. Woolston's Six Discourses. The Meaning of the Word, God; and the Doctrine of Providence. The Nature of Sacrifices; particularly of
    Hallet, Joseph
  • 103919
    Book Info
    A secret history of the amours of Edward, the Black Prince, and Alice, Countess of Salisbury: containing several curious memoirs relating to the intreagues of the English court at that time. Inscribed to P. Alexis, and dedicated to the Honourable Mrs. Mary Vane
  • 103920
    Book Info
    A serious call in Christian love to all people, to turn to the spirit of Christ in themselves. ... By Benjamin Holme.
    Holme, Benjamin