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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 104,061 - 104,080건 출력
  • 104061
    Book Info
    An impartial review of Robert Barclay's pretended Apology for the principles of the Quakers. By William Notcutt
    Notcutt, William
  • 104062
    Book Info
    An infallible scheme to pay the publick debt of this nation in six months. Humbly offered to the consideration of the present P--------t. By D--- ---n S----t
    Pilkington, Matthew
  • 104063
    Book Info
    An infallible scheme to pay the publick debt of this nation in six months. Humbly offered to the consideration of the present P--t. By D-n S-t
    Pilkington, Matthew
  • 104064
    Book Info
    An inquiry into some of the causes of the ill situation of the affairs of Ireland; with Some Reflexions on the Trade, Manufactures, &c. of England
  • 104065
    Book Info
    An introduction to the making of Latin. Comprising, after an easy compendious method, the substance of the Latin syntax. With proper English examples, most of them Translations from the Classick Authors, in one Column, and the Latin Words in another. To which is subjoin'd, in the same Method. A succinct Account of the Affairs of Ancient Greece and Rome; intended at once to bring Boys aquainted wit
    Clarke, John
  • 104066
    Book Info
    An ode to His Grace the Duke of Newcastle. Written on the present tranquillity of Europe, establish'd by the influence of the British power
    Newcomb, Thomas
  • 104067
    Book Info
    An ode. Occasion'd by rejecting the proposal for erecting a statue of King William III. in the city of London; and by its being receiv'd in the cities of Bristol and Dublin. dedicated to Sir Nicholas Williams, Bart. Member of Parliament for the County of Carmarthen
    Vaughan, John
  • 104068
    Book Info
    Animadversions upon a paper in the London journal of Saturday, February 26. Which charges the ruin of the family of the Stuarts upon the church, and upon their trusting to the maxim, No bishop, no king
  • 104069
    Book Info
    Annotations on the book of Job, and the Psalms. Collected from several Commentators, and Methodized and Improved, by Thomas Fenton, M. A. Rector of Nately-Scures in Hampshire, and sometime Student of Christ - Church in Oxford
    Fenton, Thomas
  • 104070
    Book Info
    Answers for James Cook shipmaster in Pittenweem, to The Petition of Robert Gordon Merchant in Bourdeaux, and his Factor
    Cook, James
  • 104071
    Book Info
    Answers to some questions mov'd upon occasion of the overture of the General Assembly 1731
    Bisset, John
  • 104072
    Book Info
    Apollo Anglicanus: the English Apollo. ... By Richard Saunder, ...
    Saunders, Richard
  • 104073
    Book Info
    Apparatus ad linguam græcam ordine novo ac facili digestus; in quo defectus aliorum quamplurimi supplentur, flexiones nominum & verborum Fusiùs quàm apud alios tractantur, Dialecti etiam, Quantitates, & Accentus Dilucídiùs explicantur, Quaeque magis vel minus necessaria sunt, typis diversis In Tyronum gratiam distinguuntur. Quibus accessit Tabella Verborum Compositorum. Auctore Geo. Thompson, E. A
    Thompson, George
  • 104074
    Book Info
    Aristophanous Komodiai duo Ploutos kai Nephelai. Meta Scholion Palaion panu ophelimon. = Aristophanis comoediæ duæ Plutus & Nubes: cum scholiis græcis antiquis, quibus adjiciuntur notæ quædam, simul cum gemino indice. In usum Studiosae Juventutis
  • 104075
    Book Info
    Articles of enquiry upon which the ministhers, church-wardens, and side men of every parish within the Archdeaconry of Buckingham, are to ground their presentments, at the visitation of the Archdeaconry of Buckingham, by the Right Reverend Father in God, Nicolas Lord Bisho of St. David's, and Archdeacon of Buckingham
    Church of England
  • 104076
    Book Info
    Athelwold: a tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by his Majesty's servants. By Aaron Hill, Esq;
    Hill, Aaron
  • 104077
    Book Info
    Aureng-Zebe: a tragedy. Written by the late Mr. Dryden
    Dryden, John
  • 104078
    Book Info
    Bedydd plant yn cael ei ymddyffin, lle mae'r rhesymmau am dano o'r scrythur, rheswm, a henafiath yn fyr yn cael eu cynnig ... Gan Fowler Walker, V.D.M.
    Walker, Fowler
  • 104079
    Book Info
    Bibliotheca Grangeriana: or, a compleat catalogue of the library of Thomas Granger, ... Which will begin to be sold by auction at Paul's Coffee-House ... on Monday, Octob. 9. 1732. ... By Thomas Ballard. ...
    Ballard, Thomas
  • 104080
    Book Info
    Bibliotheca curiosa: or, a catalogue of very curious, scarce, and uncommon books and tracts, relating to the history and antiquities of Great-Britain and Ireland, and divers other Nations. With a large Collection of, Parliamentary Affairs, Travels, Uoyages, Trade, Coin, Husbandry, Heraldry, Battles, Sieges, Physick, Alchemy, Mathematicks, Mines, Minerals, Lives, &c. With a Collection of Manuscript
    Lawlor, L