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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 104,141 - 104,160건 출력
  • 104141
    Book Info
    Dissertationes physico-mathematic?, partim antea edit? in actis philosophicis Londinensibus, jam auctiores & emendatiores, partim nunc primum impress?. Auctore Jacobo Jurin, M. D. Colleg. Medic. Londin. & Reg. Societ. Socio, in Nosocomio Thomae Guy, Armri, Medico, olim Colleg. Trinit. apud Cantabrigienses Sodale
    Jurin, James
  • 104142
    Book Info
    Divine inspiration: or, a collection of manifestations to make known the visitation of the Lord, and the coming of his Kingdom ... By the mouth of Hannah Wharton at Birmingham and Worcester
    Wharton, Hannah
  • 104143
    Book Info
    Dol{aelig}us upon the cure of the gout by milk-diet : To which is prefixed, an essay upon diet. By William Stephens, M. D. F. R. S. Fellow of the King and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland, Physician to the Royal Hospital, and Botany Lecturer in the University of Dublin.
    Dol{uml}aus, Johann
  • 104144
    Book Info
    Dr. Bentley's emendations on the twelve books of Milton's Paradise lost
    Bentley, Richard
  • 104145
    Book Info
    Dr. Boerhaave's elements of chymistry, faithfully abridg'd from the late genuine edition, publish'd and sign'd by himself, at Leyden. With all the cuts and explanations, as in the original. To which are added, curious and useful notes, ... By a physician
    Boerhaave, Herman
  • 104146
    Book Info
    Edmundi reverendi admodum Episcopi Londinensis, ad diocesin suam epistola pastoralis tertia; Praecipuè verò in eorum Usum, Qui Celeberrimas tum Londini, tum Westmonasterii Urbes incolunt. occasione sumptâ de quorundam infidelium scriptis, ubi asseritur, 'novi Testamenti libros pro divinâ fidei morumque normâ non habendos esse.' Latinè reddita ab Henrico Stephens, A. B. è Coll. Mert
    Church of England
  • 104147
    Book Info
    Eight sermons preach'd on several occasions. By Thomas Mangey, D. D. Rector of St. Mildred's, Breadstreet, and Prebendary of Durham
    Mangey, Thomas
  • 104148
    Book Info
    Eighteen sermons on several occasions. By Benjamin Gatton, Vicar of Dinton in Buckinghamshire
    Gatton, Benjamin
  • 104149
    Book Info
    Ephemeris: or, a diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological, for the year of our Lord, 1708. It being Bissextile, or Leap-Year. Containing, The Planets Motions and Aspects, Eclipses, Sun's Rising and Setting, Day-Break, Twilight, Planetary-Hour by Day and Night, &c. Astrological Observations on the Twelve Months, and the Four Quarters of the Year: Also the Moon's Rising and Setting throughou
    Gadbury, Job
  • 104150
    Book Info
    Epicoene: or, the silent woman. A comedy, first acted in the year 1609. By the King's Majesty's servants. ... The author B. J.
    Jonson, Ben
  • 104151
    Book Info
    Epicoene: or, the silent woman. A comedy, first acted in the year 1609. By the King's Majesty's servants. ... The author B. J.
    Jonson, Ben
  • 104152
    Book Info
    Essays upon several subjects in law: sciz. justertii, beneficium cedendarum actionum, vinco vincentem, prescription.
    Kames, Henry Home
  • 104153
    Book Info
    Establishment for admitting, maintaining and educating of poor boys, in the Royal hospital for seamen at Greenwich, and for binding them out apprentices to the sea-service. Established at a general court, held at the Admiralty-Office the 22d of December, 1731
  • 104154
    Book Info
    Esther, an oratorio: or, sacred drama. As it is performed at the King's Theatre in the Hay-Market. The musick formerly composed by Mr. Handel, and now revised by him, with several Additions. The additional words by Mr. Humphreys
  • 104155
    Book Info
    Euclide's elements; the whole fifteen books compendiously demonstrated: with Archimedes's theorems of the sphere and cylinder investigated by the method of indivisibles. By Isaac Barrow, D. D. late Master of Trinity College in Cambridge. To which is annex'd, Euclide's data, and a brief treatise of regular solids. The whol revis'd with great care, and some Hundreds of Errors of the former Impres...
  • 104156
    Book Info
    Examination of certain abuses, corruptions, and enormities in the city of Dublin
  • 104157
    Book Info
    Extraordinary and particular vows consider'd, as not necessary under the Mosaick, or expedient under the Christian Institution. A sermon preach'd before the University of Oxford, on Sunday in the afternoon, November the fifth, 1732. By Tipping Silvester, M. A. And Fellow of Pemb. College, Oxon
    Silvester, Tipping
  • 104158
    Book Info
    Ezio. Drama. Da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Hay-Market. Done into English by Mr. Humphreys
    Metastasio, Pietro
  • 104159
    Book Info
    Faithful memoirs of the Grubstreet Society. Now first published by Mr. Bavius
  • 104160
    Book Info
    Faithful memoirs of the life and actions of James Butler, late Duke of Ormonde, &c. Containing, An Account of his Birth of his Behaviour and Actions from the Time of the Revolution to his Flight into France; his Gallantries in Ireland and Flanders; some Secrets relating to his Conduct, after he was made Commander in Chief of Queen Anne's Forces, in the Room of the late D. of Marlborough; and the M