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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 104,161 - 104,180건 출력
  • 104161
    Book Info
    Fate and force: or, Mr. Mudge's liberty set in a true light: in answer to his sermon intitled, Liberty
    Hallet, Joseph
  • 104162
    Book Info
    Female inconstancy display'd in three diverting histories, describing the levity of the fair sex. I. Dulcinus, King of the Lombards: or a new Way to people a Kingdom. II. The History of Nogaret and Mariana. III. Don Garcia, Count of Castille, and the Countess his Wife. To which is added some diverting tales and merry jokes, viz. 1. On Miss V---e enjoy'd in her Sleep. 2. The Microscope. 3. An Epigr
  • 104163
    Book Info
    Female inconstancy display'd in three diverting histories, describing the levity of the fair sex. I. Dulcinus, King of the Lombards: or a new Way to people a Kingdom. II. The History of Nogaret and Mariana. III. Don Garcia, Count of Castille, and the Countess his Wife. To which is added, several diverting tales and merry jokes, viz. 1. On Miss V---e enjoy'd in her Sleep. 2. The Microscope. 3. An E
  • 104164
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    Female innocence: or, a school for a wife. As it is acted at Mrs. Lee's great booth, on the bowling-green, Southwark, by comedians from the theatres
  • 104165
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    Flora; an opera. As it is acted at the Theatre Royal in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields. Being the farce of The country-wake, alter'd after the manner of The beggar's opera
    Hippisley, John
  • 104166
    Book Info
    Forms of prayer, proper to be used before, at, and after the receiving of the Holy Sacrament: Some of which may be fitly made Use of upon other Occasions. To which are added, some meditations, proper to excite a Holy and Devout Frame of Mind
  • 104167
    Book Info
    Four plays of the Right Honourable the Lord Lansdowne. Viz. Heroick Love. The Jew of Venice, alter'd from Shakespear. The She-Galants. The British Enchanters; or, No Magick like Love
    Lansdowne, George Granville
  • 104168
    Book Info
    Four speeches against continuing the army, &c. as they were spoken on several occasions in the House of Commons. As also, a speech for relieving the unhappy sufferers in the Charitable Corporation; As it was spoken in the House of Commons, May 8. 1732. By W- S-, Esq ;
    Shippen, William
  • 104169
    Book Info
    Frasereèides: sive funebris oratio & elegia, in Laudem desideratissimi viri, Jacobi Fraserii, J. U. D. Collegii Regii Aberdonensis Maecenatis & Patroni beneficet. tissimi; Qui Londmi obiit, xxvi Mau, A. D. M.DCC.XXXI. Aetatis suae LXXXVI. Habita in ejusdem Collegii Maximo Auditorio, ejusdemque Annt xxviii die Septembris, qui Fraserio Natalis fuit; coram Universitatis Rectore, Moderatoribus & Profe
    Ker, John
  • 104170
    Book Info
    Full instructions for country gentlemen, farmers, grasiers, farriers, carriers, sportsmen, &c. Being A very curious Collection of well-experienced Observations and Receipts for the Cure of most common Distempers incident to Horses, Oxen, Cows, Calves, Sheep, Lambs, Hogs and Dogs, digested under their proper Heads; many of which have been practised for many Years with great Success, and the rest ta
    Society of country gentlemen, farmers, grasiers, sportsmen | c
  • 104171
    Book Info
    Genuine memoirs of the life and character of the Right Honourable Sir Robert Walpole, and of the family of the Walpoles, From their first settling in England, before the Conquest, to the present Times: Containing several curious Facts, and Pieces of History hitherto unknown. Extracted from original papers, and manuscripts, never yet printed. By William Musgrave, Esq;
    Musgrave, William
  • 104172
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    George Dandin, ou le mari confondu, comedie. Par Monsieur De Moliere. George Dandin, or the husband defeated. A comedy. From the French of Moliere
  • 104173
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    Georgii Buchanani Scoti, Poetarum fui seculi facilè Principis, paraphrasis Psalmorum Davidis poetica; ex optimis codicibus summo studio recognita & castigata à Thoma Ruddimanno. Accessere duæ ejusdem Georgii Buchanani tragediæ sacræ, Jephthes & Baptistes
    Buchanan, George
  • 104174
    Book Info
    God's compassion to an ungrateful people. Consider'd in a sermon The Substance of which was Preach'd at The Rev. Mr. Ridgley's meeting-place near Thames-Street, April the Sixth, 1732. By Samuel Wilson
    Wilson, Samuel
  • 104175
    Book Info
    Gospel-Sonnets: or, spiritual songs: in six parts. Part I. The Beleiver's Espousals: Or, the Way how a Sinner is divorced from the Law as a Covenant, and married unto Christ, &c. Part II. The Believer's Jointure: Or, the Privileges of those that are espoused to Christ, with the Marks and Characters of such. Both these being a Poem on Is. liv. 5. Thy Maker is thy Husband. Part III. The Believer's R
    Erskine, Ralph
  • 104176
    Book Info
    Grammatica Busbeiana, Auctior & emendatior: i.e. Rudimentum grammaticæ Græco-Latinæ metricum in usum Scholæ Regiæ Westmonasteriensis
    Busby, Richard
  • 104177
    Book Info
    Heaven upon earth; in the serene tranquillity and calm composure, in the sweet peace and solid joy of a good conscience, ... and exercised always to be void of offence toward God and toward men. ... By ... Mr. James Durham, ...
    Durham, James
  • 104178
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    Hebraicæ grammatices rudimenta. In usum Scholæ Westmonasteriensis.
    Busby, Richard
  • 104179
    Book Info
    Henriade. An epick poem. In ten canto's. Translated from the French into English blank verse. To which are now added, the argument to each canto, and large notes historical and critical
  • 104180
    Book Info
    His Majesty's most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Thursday the first day of June 1732
    Great Britain