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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 104,221 - 104,240건 출력
  • 104221
    Book Info
    Librorum in omnibus ferè artibus & scientiis insignium, atque à celeberrimis plerumque typographis excusorum, catalogus. = A catalogue of curious, scarce and valuable books in all arts and sciences. Several of them printed by the most eminent printers. Among which are, Folio. The Battles of Alexander. The Count Marsilli's History of the Danube, 6 vol. Vitruvius Britannicus, 3 vol. Large Paper. Dar
    Brindley, John
  • 104222
    Book Info
    Longford's Glyn: a true history. Faithfully translated from the Irish original
    Delany, Patrick
  • 104223
    Book Info
    Longford's Glyn: a true history. Faithfully translated from the Irish original.
    Delany, Patrick
  • 104224
    Book Info
    Love a la mode: or, the amours of Florella and Phillis. Being the memoirs of two celebrated ladies under those names: in which the whole circle of modern gallantry is display'd. Containing particularly, The Life of Florella from the time the Atalantis leaves her. Her Marriage to Lord Gratian. Her Intrigues after his Death. Her keeping an Irish Secretary who could not write. Her Marriage and extrao
  • 104225
    Book Info
    Love after enjoyment, in two epistles from Alexis to Vanella, and Vanella to Alexis
  • 104226
    Book Info
    Love and ambition. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre Royal in Dublin, by His Majesty's servants. By Mr. Darcy
  • 104227
    Book Info
    Love in all shapes: or, the campaigns of Cupid. An Atlantick history. Containing, I. The history of Silvia, a Coquet from her Cradle. II. The Amours of her Brother. III. Her's with her Brother Henrick. IV. The Adventures of Evadne, a Lady celebrated for her Conquest, when in Years. V. The Disappointment; or Marriage dropp'd at the Church-Door. VI. The Marriage of Silvia. Vii. Silvia engages her Hu
  • 104228
    Book Info
    Lucio Papirio dittatore. Drama. Da Rappresentarsi Nel Regio Teatro di Hay-Market
    Zeno, Apostolo
  • 104229
    Book Info
    Lukewarmness in religion, represented and reproved. In two sermons preached at the merchants-lecture, at Salters-Hall: November 2. and 16. 1731. To which is added, a discourse concerning false zeal. By W. Harris D.D.
    Harris, William
  • 104230
    Book Info
    M. T. Ciceronis ad Q. Fratrem dialogi tres de oratore ex mss. emendavit, notisque illustravit Zacharias Pearce, A.B. Trin. Coll. Cantab
    Cicero, Marcus Tullius
  • 104231
    Book Info
    M. Tullii Ciceronis De finibus bonorum & malorum ad Brutum libri quinque. Juxta editionem Gronovii correctissimam summa cura emendati. In usum juventutis academicae
    Cicero, Marcus Tullius
  • 104232
    Book Info
    Malice defeated. A pastoral essay. Occasioned by Mr. Pope's character of Lord Timon, in his epistle to the Earl of Burlington, and Mr. Welsted's answer
  • 104233
    Book Info
    Malpasia. A poem, sacred to the memory of the Right Honourable the Lady Malpas. By Mr. Humphreys
    Humphreys, Samuel
  • 104234
    Book Info
    Man and woman. A dissertation on the Communion of Bodies, Humbly inscrib'd to the publick
  • 104235
    Book Info
    Man humbled by being compar'd to a worm. A sermon preach'd at the publick lecture in Boston, March 9th, 1731,2. The day after the funeral of the Honourable William Tailer, Esq; late lieutenant governour of the province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England. Who deceased at his seat in Dorchester, on the first of the same month, and in the 56th year of his age. By William Cooper, A.M.
    Cooper, William
  • 104236
    Book Info
    Marci Hieronymi Vid? cremonensis Alb? episcopi poemata qu? extant omnia. Quibus nunc primum adjiciuntur ejusdem dialogi de rei-public? dignitate. Ex collatione optimorum Exemplarium emendata: Additis Indicibus accuratis. Tom. I
    Vida, Marco Girolamo
  • 104237
    Book Info
    Marci Hieronymi Vidæ cremonensis Albæ episcopi poemata quæ extant omnia. Quibus nunc primum adjiciuntur ejusdem dialogi de rei-publicæ dignitate. ... Tom. II
    Vida, Marco Girolamo
  • 104238
    Book Info
    Marci Hieronymi Vidæ cremonensis Albæ episcopi poemata quæ extant omnia. Quibus nunc primum adjiciuntur ejusdem dialogi de rei-publicæ dignitate. Ex collatione optimorum Exemplarium emendata: Additis Indicibus accuratis. Tom. I
    Vida, Marco Girolamo
  • 104239
    Book Info
    Marmorum, Arundellianorum, Seldenianorum, aliorumque, academiæ Oxoniensi donatorum; cum variis commentariis & indice, secunda editio
    Maittaire, Michael
  • 104240
    Book Info
    Maturinus Corderius's school-colloquies, English and Latin, ... By Charles Hoole, ... = Maturini Corderii colloquia scholastica, anglo-latine, ... A Carolo Hoole, ...
    Cordier, Mathurin