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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 104,241 - 104,260건 출력
  • 104241
    Book Info
    Memoirs of love and gallantry; or, the Various Faibles of the fair, Display'd in a real history of Several persons of Distinction containing, I. The History of Silvia; a Coquet from her Cradle. II. The Amours of her Brother. III. Her's with her Brother Henrick. IV. The Adventures of Evadne, a Lady celebrated for her Conquest; when in Years. V. The Disappointment; or Marriage dropt at the Church-Do
  • 104242
    Book Info
    Memoirs of the life and character of the late Earl of Orrery, and of the family of the Boyles. ... With a short account of the controversy between the late Earl of Orrery and the Reverend Doctor Bentley; and some select letters of Phalaris, ... translated from the Greek. By Eustace Budgell ...
    Budgell, Eustace
  • 104243
    Book Info
    Memoirs of the life and character of the late Earl of Orrery, and of the family of the Boyles. Containing Several Curious Facts, and Pieces of History, from the Reign of Queen Elisabeth, to the present Times: Extracted from Original Papers and Manuscripts never yet Printed. With a short account of the controversy between the late Earl of Orrery and the Reverend Doctor Bentley; and some select lett
    Budgell, Eustace
  • 104244
    Book Info
    Memoirs of the maritime affairs of Great Britain, especially in relation to our concerns in the West-Indies. To which is prefix'd, the original letter of the author, to (and by the Command of) the Earl of Oxford, when High Treasurer of England, in relation to the South-Sea Company, and the Trade they were designed to carry on; in which the Consequences of an ill Management in that Respect are full
    Pullen, John
  • 104245
    Book Info
    Memoirs of the regency of His Royal Highness the late Duke of Orleans, during the minority of his present Most Christian Majesty Lewis the XVth. Containing the Publick Treaties, State-Instruments, and Principal Matters of the Court of France; with all the Negotiations and remarkable Events which have happen'd in the several Courts of Europe, during the Administration of that Prince
  • 104246
    Book Info
    Memoria technica : or, a new method of artificial memory, applied to and exemplified in chronology, history, geography, astronomy. Also Jewish, Grecian and Roman Coins, Weights and Measures, &c. With tables proper to the respective Sciences; and Memorial Lines adapted to each Table. By Richard Grey, D. D Rector of Hinton in Northamptonshire.
    Grey, Richard
  • 104247
    Book Info
    Memorials of the English affairs: or, an historical account of what passed from the beginning of the reign of King Charles the First, to King Charles the Second his happy restauration. Containing the publick transactions, Civil and Military: together with the private consultations and secrets of the cabinet. By Mr. Whitelock. With a Compleat index
    Whitlocke, Bulstrode
  • 104248
    Book Info
    Mercurius rusticus: or, the country's complaint of the barbarous outrages begun in the year 1642, by the sectaries of this late flourishing kingdom. ... By Bruno Ryves, ...
    Ryves, Bruno
  • 104249
    Book Info
    Merlin: a poem. Humbly inscrib'd to Her Majesty. To which is added, The royal hermitage: a poem. Both by a lady.
    Brereton, Jane
  • 104250
    Book Info
    Microcosmography: or, a piece of the world discover'd. In essays and characters
    Earle, John
  • 104251
    Book Info
    Milton restor'd, and Bentley depos'd. Containing, I. Some observations on Dr. Bentley's Preface. II. His various readings and notes on Paradise lost, and Milton's Text, set in opposite Columns, with Remarks thereon. III. Paradise lost, attempted in rime, book I. Addressed to Dr. Bentley, from Dean Swift. Numb. I
  • 104252
    Book Info
    Milton's Paradise lost. A new edition, by Richard Bentley, D.D.
    Milton, John
  • 104253
    Book Info
    Miscellanea sacra: or, a Curious Collection of original poems, upon divine and moral subjects. Collected from the works of several pious persons
  • 104254
    Book Info
    Miscellaneous letters on several subjects in philosophy and astronomy. Wrote to the learned Dr. Nicholson, late Archbishop of Cashell. Viz. I. An account of the great variety of plants, shell-stones, and many other Curiosities, in the parish of Magilligan, in the County of Londonderry in Ireland; together with a curious Account of the forming the Land, being formerly under Sea. II. On the Declensi
    Innes, Robert
  • 104255
    Book Info
    Miscellanies. The last volume.
    Swift, Jonathan
  • 104256
    Book Info
    Miscellanies. The third volume.
    Swift, Jonathan
  • 104257
    Book Info
    Miscellanies. The third volume.
    Swift, Jonathan
  • 104258
    Book Info
    Modern Erastianism unvailed: or, a further survey of the right of patronages. In which the rights of the Church, and the privileges of its members, in the Call and Maintenance of the Ministry, and and the Duty of the Magistrate with respect to these, are cleared and vindicated from the unjust representations of a pamphlet, intituled, The right of patronages reconsidered With an appendix, containin
    Bisset, John
  • 104259
    Book Info
    Modern history: or, the present state of all nations. Describing their respective situations, persons, habits, ... animals and minerals. By Mr. Salmon. Vol.XV. ... Illustrated with cuts.
    Salmon, Thomas
  • 104260
    Book Info
    Modern history: or, the present state of all nations. Describing their respective situations, persons, habits, ... animals and minerals. By Mr. Salmon. Vol.XVI. ... Illustrated with cuts.
    Salmon, Thomas