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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 104,261 - 104,280건 출력
  • 104261
    Book Info
    Modern history: or, the present state of all nations. Describing their respective situations, persons, habits, ... animals and minerals. By Mr. Salmon. Vol.XVII. ... Illustrated with cuts.
    Salmon, Thomas
  • 104262
    Book Info
    Monsieur de Pourceaugnac, comedie-ballet. Par Monsieur De Moliere. Squire Lubberly. A Comedy with Interludes. From the French of Moliere
  • 104263
    Book Info
    Mr. Oldmixon's reply to the late Bishop Atterbury's vindication of Bishop Smallridge, Dr. Aldrich, and Himself, from Some passages in the preface to the History of the Reigns of the Stuarts. Relating to Mr. Edmund Smith of Oxford's Discovery of indirect practices in the Publication of the History of the Grand Rebellion
  • 104264
    Book Info
    Mr. Oldmixon's reply to the late Bishop of Rochester's Vindication of Bishop Smallridge, Dr. Aldrich, and himself, from the scandalous reflections of the said Oldmixon, examin'd. Wherein is given an account of the numerous alterations in Mr. Daniel's History, as 'tis printed in the Compleat history of England, of which Mr. Oldmixon has declared himself the Sole Editor. To this is prefix'd a letter
    Author of The index-writer
  • 104265
    Book Info
    Mr. Taste, the poetical fop: or, the modes of the court. A comedy. By the author of the opera of Vanelia; or the Amours of the Great
    Author of Vanelia
  • 104266
    Book Info
    Multum in parvo, or, the jubilee of jubilees. Being a description of the great millenium, or, kingdom of Christ on earth; ... With a description of the new heaven, the new earth, and the new Jerusalem; ... Together, with an humble and serious search or inquiry into the doctrines of election, and reprobatation [sic]; ...
  • 104267
    Book Info
    Musick. A poem. Inscrib'd to Mr. Robert Lympany, Aged Ninety, On his generous Benefaction to the Organ at Fulham, A. D. 1732. By an unknown Author
  • 104268
    Book Info
    Musæ juveniles
    Cooke, William
  • 104269
    Book Info
    New and correct tables of the lunar motions, according to the Newtonian theory: as it is truly freed from all errors of the press. Which Tables are demonstratively prov'd to be true, by a sufficient Number of Observations, of the most Eminent Astronomers of this and the last Age, viz. Tycho Brahe, Longomontanus, Heveljus, Ricciolus, Bullialdus, Cassini, De la Hire, Dr. Halley, Mr. Flamsteed, Mr. H
    Wright, Robert
  • 104270
    Book Info
    New books printed for Mr. Curll in the Strand
    Curll, Edmund
  • 104271
    Book Info
    Observations on a new Plan of education of a young prince, by the Chevalier Ramsay. In a letter to the author
    A. B
  • 104272
    Book Info
    Observations on trade, and a publick spirit. and a Publick Spirit. Shewing, I. That all trade ought to be in common, and the Danger of Monopolies. II. That the Abuse of it, by Publick Companies, was the Origin of Stock-Jobbing. III. Of the Deceits arising from the Encouragement of Projectors, Lotteries, and other Cheats. IV. Of the general Benefit of Trade. V. Of the Selling of Places, Corruptions
    Baston, Thomas
  • 104273
    Book Info
    Oedipus: a tragedy. Written by Mr. Dryden and Mr. Lee
    Dryden, John
  • 104274
    Book Info
    Of dulness and scandal. Occasion'd by the character of Lord Timon. In Mr. Pope's Epistle to the Earl of Burlington. By Mr. Welsted
  • 104275
    Book Info
    Of dulness and scandal. Occasion'd by the character of Lord Timon. In Mr. Pope's Epistle to the Earl of Burlington. By Mr. Welsted.
  • 104276
    Book Info
    Of dulness and scandal. Occasion'd by the character of Lord Timon. In Mr. Pope's Epistle to the Earl of Burlington. By Mr. Welsted.
  • 104277
    Book Info
    Of false fame. An epistle To the Right Honourable the Earl of Pembroke. By Mr. Welsted
  • 104278
    Book Info
    Of modern wit. An epistle to the Right Honourable Sir William Young
  • 104279
    Book Info
    Of modern wit. An epistle to the Right Honourable Sir William Young.
  • 104280
    Book Info
    Of taste, an Epistle to the Right Honourable Richard Earl of Burlington. Occasion'd by his Publishing Palladio's Designs of the Baths, Arches, Theatres, &c. of ancient Rome. By Mr. Pope
    Pope, Alexander