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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 104,321 - 104,340건 출력
  • 104321
    Book Info
    Reason against coition. A discourse delivered to a private congregation. By the Reverend Stephen M*****, D. D. Chaplain to the Right Honourable the Earl of * * * * * *. To which is added, a proposal for making religion and the clergy useful: with the author's observations on the cause and cure of the piles, and some useful directions about wiping the posteriors
    M*****, Stephen
  • 104322
    Book Info
    Reasons humbly offered on the behalf of the traders of the City of London, in favour of a clause proposed to the consideration of the right honourable the House of Lords, to be added to a bill, intitled, an act to explain, amend and render more effectual an act made in the twelfth year of the reign of his late Majesty King George the First, intitled, an act to prevent frivolous and vexatious arres
  • 104323
    Book Info
    Reasons offer'd against pushing for the repeal of the Corporation and Test Acts: Together with Some Queries upon that Important Affair: As also, a few words of advice to the pushing dissenters: occasioned by a certain paper dispersed at a late general meeting, entituled, Reasons for pushing, &c. By a Protestant dissenter, friend to truth, peace and liberty
    Sladen, John
  • 104324
    Book Info
    Reasons shewing the necessity of reducing the army, and proving that the navy of England is her only, and natural strength and security. With a new preface
  • 104325
    Book Info
    Reflections, historical and political, occasion'd by a treatise Lately publish'd, entitled, A vindication of General Monk and Sir Richard Granville, &c. To which are added, a reply to that part of it, which relates to Bishop Burnet's History of his own times: and new proofs of the misrepresentation and Partiality in the Earl of Clarendon's and Mr. Echard's histories. Extracted out of the said Vind
  • 104326
    Book Info
    Remains of the late learned and ingenious Dr. William King, Some Time, Advocate of Doctors Commons, Vicar-General to the Archbishop of Armagh, And Record-Keeper of Ireland. Containing miscellaneous pieces in verse and prose, upon various Subjects; with Reflections, Observations, and Critical Remarks upon Men and Books: With a particular Critick upon a Favourite Ministry; particularly, that of Rufi
    King, William
  • 104327
    Book Info
    Remarks on a book intitled, Christianity as old as the creation, with regard to ecclesiastical antiquity. By a priest of the University of Cambridge. There is added also an appendix, defending the Lord Bishop of London's account of the stoical fate, against a late writer. By the same author
    Chapman, John
  • 104328
    Book Info
    Remarks on a paper, entitled, A letter to Protestant Dissenters, concerning their conduct in the ensuing elections. Formerly printed in the year 1722
    Bradbury, Thomas
  • 104329
    Book Info
    Remarks on a sermon preached by the Reverend Mr. Thomas Mole, occasioned by his insisting on a foundation of righteousness among men, independent on, and previous to, the will of God. With a defence of the author against whom the preface to the said sermon is written
    Wright, S
  • 104330
    Book Info
    Remarks on some reproachful and scandalous passages, in a pamphlet lately published on the subject of infant baptism, by Mr. Fowler Walker. In a Letter to the Author In the Behalf of the Baptist - Congregations in South-Wales
  • 104331
    Book Info
    Remarks on the four volumes of The lives of saints, publish'd in English, and printed at London, Anno 1729. Or, four appendixes to be bound up with the said four volumes, to remedy and prevent mistakes. By Theophilus Eupistinus
  • 104332
    Book Info
    Remarks on the occurrences of the years 1720 and 1721; relating to the execution of the South-Sea scheme
  • 104333
    Book Info
    Remarks upon the Right Honourable the Lord Lansdowne's letter to the author of the Reflections historical and political,&c. as far as relates to Bishop Burnet
    Burnet, Thomas
  • 104334
    Book Info
    Remarques historiques & critiques sur L'Histoire de Charles XII. Roi de Suède, par M. de Voltaire, pour servir de supplement à cet ouvrage. Par M. de La Motraye
    La Mottraye, Aubry de
  • 104335
    Book Info
    Remedies against the desolations of fire, and other fatal trials. Occasion'd by the late ruin at Blandford, Tiverton, Ramsey, &c. and by the epidemical visitation in some distant places of our traffick. By George Ollyffe, M.A.
    Ollyffe, George
  • 104336
    Book Info
    Revelation examined with candour. Or, a fair enquiry into the sense and use of the several revelations expresly declared, or sufficiently implied, To be given to Mankind from the Creation, as they are found in the Bible. By a professed friend to an honest freedom of thought in religious enquiries. Vols. first and second. Containing Dissertations upon the several Revelations from the Creation, to t
    Delany, Patrick
  • 104337
    Book Info
    Righteousness the exaltation of a nation. A sermon preach'd at Guildford, March the 24th, 1732. at the assizes held there, Before the Right Honourable the Lord Chief-Justice Eyre, And the Honourable Mr. Baron Thompson. Publish'd at the Request of Mr. High-Sheriff, and the Gentlemen of the Grand Jury. By George Osborne, Vicar of Battersea in Surry
    Osborne, George
  • 104338
    Book Info
    Roberti Welsted tentamen alterum de propriis naturarum habitibus, remediisque ad singulos accommodandis: ...
    Welsted, Robert
  • 104339
    Book Info
    Robin's panegyrick. Or, the Norfolk miscellany. Part III
  • 104340
    Book Info
    Roma antiqua & recens, or the conformity of antient and modern ceremonies, shewing from indisputable testimonies, that the ceremonies of the Church of Rome are borrowed from the pagans. Translated from the French
    Mussard, Pierre