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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 104,361 - 104,380건 출력
  • 104361
    Book Info
    Sganarelle ou le cocu imaginaire, comédie. Par Monsieur Moliere. = The cuckold in conceit. A comedy. From the French of Moliere
  • 104362
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    Signior John Angelo Belloni's letter to my Lord ****
    Belloni, Giovanni Angelo
  • 104363
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    Signor John Angelo Belloni's letter to my Lord ****
    Belloni, Giovanni Angelo
  • 104364
    Book Info
    Siphylis : [sic] A practical dissertation on the venereal disease, in two parts. The fourth edition, still farther improved ... With an alphabetical index prefix'd, ... To which, ... is added, the author's Discourse of gleets. With a prefatory account of Professor Boerhaave's new comments on this disease; ... By Daniel Turner ...
    Turner, Daniel
  • 104365
    Book Info
    Six cantatas humbly dedicated to the Rt. Honble Sackville Earl of Thanet. The words and Music by H: Carey
    Carey, Henry
  • 104366
    Book Info
    Some account of the designs of the trustees for establishing the colony of Georgia in America
    Martyn, Benjamin
  • 104367
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    Some account of the designs of the trustees for establishing the colony of Georgia in America.
    Martyn, Benjamin
  • 104368
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    Some account of the dissenters and their management with regard to the Corporation and Test Acts. In a letter to a friend
    A. B
  • 104369
    Book Info
    Some considerations humbly offer'd upon the bill now depending in the House of Lords, relating to the trade between the Northern Colonies and the Sugar-Islands. In a letter to a noble peer
  • 104370
    Book Info
    Some considerations touching the sugar colonies, with political observations in respect to trade. By a person well acquainted with the sugar trade, but at present residing in the island of Antigua
    Person well acquainted with the sugar trade
  • 104371
    Book Info
    Some impartial considerations on the standing army; addressed to the whole people of England. By a Member of Parliament
    Member of Parliament
  • 104372
    Book Info
    Some observations for improvement of trade, by establishing the fishery of Great Britain; as a proper means to obtain the ballance of trade, employ the poor, and promote the interest of the proprietors of the South-Sea Company, Under their Direction or a Committee to be appointed for that Purpose, agreeable to their Charter and Acts of Parliament passed for the Establishment thereof. With some Hin
    Peck, Philip
  • 104373
    Book Info
    Some observations for improvement of trade, by establishing the fishery of Great Britain; as a proper means to obtain the ballance of trade, employ the poor, and promote the interest of the proprietors of the South-Sea Company, Under their Direction or a Committee to be appointed for that Purpose, agreeable to their Charter, and Acts of Parliament passed for the Establishment thereof. With some Hi
    Peck, Philip
  • 104374
    Book Info
    Some observations on the present state of Ireland, particularly with relation to the woollen manufacture. In a letter to his Excellency the Duke of Dorset
    Egmont, John Perceval
  • 104375
    Book Info
    Some part of the sufferings of John Wynne of Leeswood, Esq; of the parish of Mould, in the county of Flint. Humbly presented to the consideration of their Most gracious Majesties the King and Queen, ...
    Wynne, John
  • 104376
    Book Info
    Some reflections on a late pamphlet, called, The state of the moral world considered
    Dudgeon, William
  • 104377
    Book Info
    Some remarkable passages in the life and death of that singular exemplary holy in life, zealous and faithful unto the death, Mr. Daniel Cargill; ... And with him Mr. Walter Smith, Mr. James Boig, William Cuthil, and William Thomson, ...
    Walker, Patrick
  • 104378
    Book Info
    Some remarks occasion'd by the Revd. Mr. Madden's scheme, and objections rais'd against it. By one that is no projector
    One that is no projector
  • 104379
    Book Info
    Some remarks on The minute philosopher. In a letter from a country clergyman to his friend in London
    Hervey, John Hervey
  • 104380
    Book Info
    Some remarks on The minute philosopher. In a letter from a country clergyman to his friend in London.
    Hervey, John Hervey