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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 104,681 - 104,700건 출력
  • 104681
    Book Info
    The practical farmer : or, the Hertfordshire husbandman: containing many new improvements in husbandry. I. Of Meliorating the different Soils, and all other Branches of Business relating to a Farm. II. Of the Nature of the several Sorts of Wheat, and the Soil proper for each. III. Of the great Improvement of Barley, by Brineing the Seed, after an entire new Method, and without Expence. IV. Of i...
    Ellis, William
  • 104682
    Book Info
    The practical farmer : or, the Hertfordshire husbandman: containing many new improvements in husbandry. I. Of Meliorating the different Soils, and all other Branches of Business relating to a Farm. II. Of the Nature of the several Sorts of Wheat, and the Soil proper for each. III. Of the great Improvement of Barley, by Brineing the Seed, after an entire new Method, and without Expence. IV. Of i...
    Ellis, William
  • 104683
    Book Info
    The practising attorney: or, lawyer's office. Comprehending the business of an attorney in all its branches. Divided into Two Volumes, viz. ... . Contains I. The Practice of the Court of King's Bench. II. The Practice of the Court of Common Pleas. III. The Practice of Courts-Leet, Courts-Baron, &c. ... Contains IV. The Practice of the High Court of Chancery. V. The Practice of Equity in the Excheq
    Bohun, William
  • 104684
    Book Info
    The precedency and pre-eminency of Christ as God-Man, in all the Purposes, or Ways and Works of God, asserted; And plainly proved from express Scripture, and Arguments deduced thence by evident Consequence. Wherein is consider'd, That all Created Beings are by and for him as God-Man, and are all subjected to Him, as their Lord and Sovereign: As also the Predestination of Elect Angels to be Compani
    T. G
  • 104685
    Book Info
    The present government of England in church and state asserted against the oppugners of the Lord Bishop of Chichester's sermon on King Charles's martyrdom; And all such Anarchical and Infidel Pretenders to more perfect Schemes. In a letter to the Reverend Mr. George Lavington, Canon-Residentiary of St. Paul's. By Titus Britannicus, formerly Member of the Constitution-Club at Oxford
  • 104686
    Book Info
    The present state of learning, religion, and infidelity in Great-Britain. Wherein The Causes of the present Degeneracy of Taste, and Increase of Infidelity, are inquir'd into, and accounted for. Publish'd by a sincere friend to the cause of religion and virtue, With a View To awaken the Secure, to stimulate the Lukewarm, to chastise the Profligate, and to animate the Professors of Christianity, to
    Delany, Patrick
  • 104687
    Book Info
    The primer; or, office of the B. Virgin Mary, with a new and approv'd version of the church-hymns. To which are added the remaining hymns of the Roman breviary
    Catholic Church
  • 104688
    Book Info
    The primitive testimony of the people called Quakers: together with exhortations to all those, who are under that profession, in the City of Bristol, to faithfulness therein. By the Mens Meeting of the said people
    Bristol Men's Meeting (Society of Friends)
  • 104689
    Book Info
    The principal acts of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, conveened at Edinburgh the 4th day of May 1732. Collected and Extracted from the Records, by the Clerk thereof
    Church of Scotland
  • 104690
    Book Info
    The principles and facts of the Lord Bishop of Chichester's sermon, and the defence of it, further examin'd and remark'd. In a letter to his Lordship from a gentleman at Durham
    Gentleman at Durham
  • 104691
    Book Info
    The principles and facts of the Lord Bishop of Chichester's sermon, and the defence of it, further examin'd and remark'd. In a letter to his Lordship from a gentleman at Durham.
    Gentleman at Durham
  • 104692
    Book Info
    The principles of the leading Quakers truly represented, as inconsistent with the fundamental doctrines of the Christian religion. Or, a vindication of the Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry from the Charge of Misrepresenting them; in answer to a late Letter to His Lordship on that Occasion, by T. S. and a pamphlet intitled, A cloud of witnesses, &c. by J. B.
  • 104693
    Book Info
    The proceedings at the session of the peace, and oyer and terminer, for the county of Surrey, held at Guilford, ... on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday, being the 23d, 24th, 25th, 27th and 28th, of March, 1732,...
    Great Britain
  • 104694
    Book Info
    The progress of a harlot. As she is described in six prints, by the ingenious Mr. Hogarth. ... with several other entertaining particulars to [sic] tedious to be inserted here.
  • 104695
    Book Info
    The progress of a harlot. As she is described in six prints, by the ingenious Mr. Hogarth. Containing, I. Her coming to Town. Being met by a Bawd who took her home, and arrested her. II. Her being released by a Jew, who took her into Keeping. III. Her being turned out of Keeping. Her taking Lodgings in Drury-Lane. A Description of the Life led by her, and the rest of the Whores there. IV. Her bein
  • 104696
    Book Info
    The progress of a rake: or, the Templar's exit. In ten cantos, in hudibrastick verse. Containing I. His coming out of the West of England, being put under the Care of his Uncle, a Middlesex Justice. II. His Learning at Westminster-School; and his creeping to Bed with the Maid, for fear of the Spirits. III. His going to Brasen-Nose College at Oxford; being expell'd for his Debaucheries; and Return
    Author of the Harlot's progress
  • 104697
    Book Info
    The progress of a rake: shewing The Various intrigues and dangers he met with; under the following Heads. I. His Intrigue with a certain City-Lady, and the Trick she contrived to gratify her Desires. II. His Adventures with the Whores in Drury-Lane, and the Comical Trick that was serv'd the Informers. III. The History of a certain Councellor noted for a good Stomach. IV. His Intrigue with a Butche
  • 104698
    Book Info
    The progress of love. In Four Eclogues. I. Uncertainty. To Mr. Pope. II. Hope. To the Hon. George Doddington, Esq; III. Jealousy. To Ed. Walpole, Esq; IV. Possession. To the Right Hon. the Lord Visc. Cobham
    Lyttelton, George Lyttelton
  • 104699
    Book Info
    The publick virtue of former times, and the present age compared
    Hervey, John Hervey
  • 104700
    Book Info
    The quack's miscellany: in prose and verse: containing I. The author's birth, parentage and education. II. His cure of a bookseller's son ... XIV. The will of a virtuoso at Abington