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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 104,821 - 104,840건 출력
  • 104821
    Book Info
    A compendious view of some extraordinary sufferings of the people call'd Quakers, both in person and substance, in the Kingdom of Ireland, from the year 1655 to the end of the reign of King George the First. In three parts I. Contains the true Grounds and Reasons of their Consciencious Dissent from other Religious Denominations in sundry Particulars; as, Not meeting to worship with them; Not payin
    Fuller, Abraham
  • 104822
    Book Info
    A compendium of the covenants. Viz. I. Of works. And who are under it. II. Of grace. And who are in it. Distinguished into 1. The Covenant of Redemption. 2. The Covenant at Mount Sinai. 3. The New Covenant. Wherein each of these are compared with the other; that the Difference, between them, may be the better discerned: Wherein also, our covenanting with God, is considered. By William Notcutt
    Notcutt, William
  • 104823
    Book Info
    A compendium of truth, or, or, Certain weighty Questions Meekly resolved, and Sincerely recommended to all Christians, as useful to compose and regulate their too much divided and disorder'd Judgments concerning some material Points of Faith, especially to those that unfeignedly desire to promote Unity and Concord amongst the Disciples and Followers of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen
    Sturch, John
  • 104824
    Book Info
    A compleat body of distilling : explaining the mysteries of that science, in a most easy and familiar manner; containing an exact and accurate method of making all the compound cordial-waters now in use, with A particular Account of their several Virtues. As also a Directory Consisting of All the Instructions necessary for learning the Distiller's Art; with a Computation of the original Cost of...
    Smith, George
  • 104825
    Book Info
    A complete history of Algiers. To which is prefixed, an epitome of the general history of Barbary, from the earliest times: interspersed with many curious passages and remarks, not touched on by any writer whatever. By J. Morgan
    Morgan, J
  • 104826
    Book Info
    A complete view of the British Customs. Containing, I. A perfect and distinct account of the several particular branches whereof that revenue consists. ... V. An index, wherein is comprehended the substance of the several laws now in force, relating to the Customs, ... The second edition: ... By Henry Crouch, ...
    Crouch, Henry
  • 104827
    Book Info
    A conversation between two Englishmen. Exactly translated from the original French, as it was privately handed about at the Hague, and suppos'd to be written by the Marquis de F-----n. To which is annex'd, remarks upon the whole
  • 104828
    Book Info
    A curious collection of the most celebrated songs in honour of masonry. As they are sung at all the regular lodges of the Antient and Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons in Great Britain and Principality of Wales, &c.
  • 104829
    Book Info
    A defence of Dr. Clarke's evidences of natural and revealed religion. In answer to the fourteenth chapter of a book, entitled, Christianity as old as the creation, &c. By Henry Stebbing, D.D.
    Stebbing, Henry
  • 104830
    Book Info
    A defence of some passages in the historical account of the Trinitarian controversy, Against the exceptions made in two pamphlets, The One intituled, A True Narrative of the Controversy concerning the Doctrine of the Trinity, being a Reply, &c. The Other intituled, An Inquiry into the Miracle said to have been wrought in the Fifth Century upon some Orthodox Christians, in Confirmation of the Doctr
    Berriman, William
  • 104831
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    A defence of the Holy Catholick Church's notion of transubstantiation against all hereticks and scismaticks
  • 104832
    Book Info
    A defence of the churches right in leasehold estates. In Answer to a Book, called, An Enquiry into the customary Estates and Tenant-Rights of those who hold Lands of the Church and other Foundations, &c. And published under the Name of Everard Fleetwood, Esq; By W. Derham, D. D.
    Derham, W
  • 104833
    Book Info
    A defence of the measures of the present administration. Being an impartial answer to what has been objected against it. In a letter to --
  • 104834
    Book Info
    A defence of the measures of the present administration. Being an impartial answer to what has been objected against it: in a letter to
  • 104835
    Book Info
    A defence of the measures of the present administration. Being an impartial answer to what has been objected against it: in a letter to -
  • 104836
    Book Info
    A defense of the Plea for human reason. Being a Reply to a Book entitled, A Plea for Divine Revelation. In a Letter to the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of London
    Jackson, John
  • 104837
    Book Info
    A demonstration of the insufficiency both of reason and revelation, (separately or Jointly consider'd) in Matters of Religion. With a Conclusion, shewing what is sufficient
  • 104838
    Book Info
    A demonstration of the insufficiency both of reason and revelation, (separately or jointly consider'd) in matters of religion. With a conclusion, shewing what is sufficient.
  • 104839
    Book Info
    A dialogue between the Right Honourable Sir Robert Walpole, and William Poultney Esq; In Imitation of Horace's Ninth Ode, Book 3
  • 104840
    Book Info
    A dialogue between two Englishmen, at the Hague. To which is added, the original copy in French