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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 104,841 - 104,860건 출력
  • 104841
    Book Info
    A dialogue between two Englishmen, at the Hague. To which is added, the original copy in French.
  • 104842
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    A dialogue in burlesque verse, between Parson Betty and Parson Bowman, In Justification of their Sermons. By Timothy Tagg, of Tingle-Lane, Poet-Taster
    Tagg, Timothy
  • 104843
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    A dialogue on beauty. In the manner of Plato
    Stubbes, George
  • 104844
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    A discourse concerning reason, with regard to religion and divine revelation. Wherein is shewn, that reason either is, or else that it ought to be, a sufficient guide in matters of religion. ... By Thomas Chubb.
    Chubb, Thomas
  • 104845
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    A dissertation on the nature of heresy. By a Lover of Truth and Peace
    Nation, William
  • 104846
    Book Info
    A dissertation on the pox: In which are fully Explain'd, its Nature, Symptoms, Progress and Cure, whether in a Simple or Compound State. Also A Full Enquiry into the Use of Specificks, How far they may be depended on for Cure, and when, and in what Cases a Salivation is needful: In which the Force and Efficacy of Mercury is freely and mechanically explain'd, in all Venereal Cases. With some Remark
    Cam, Joseph
  • 104847
    Book Info
    A dissertation on the true Cythisus of the ancients. Proving that the Medicago, or Cythisus Maranthoe, (not the Bastard Sena, as asserted by a late Author) Is the Plant that was held in so great Esteem among the Romans. Also that it may be successfully made Use of for the Improvement of the most dry, barren, hilly Land, as Lucerne has been for that which is moister and nearer a Level; and in every
    Switzer, Stephen
  • 104848
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    A dissertation upon pamphlets: In a letter to a nobleman.
    Oldys, William
  • 104849
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    A disswasive from the heinous sins of perjury and subornation of perjury; particularly with relation to evidence given in the courts of justice
  • 104850
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    A dramatick entertainment, called the Necromancer; or, Harlequin Doctor Faustus. As performed at the Theatre Royal in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields. The ninth edition. To which is prefixed, a short account of Doctor Faustus; and how he came to be reputed a magician
    Rich, John
  • 104851
    Book Info
    A faithful account of the religion and manners of the Mahometans. In which is a particular relation of their pilgrimage to Mecca, the Place of Mahomet's Birth; and a Description of Medina, and of his Tomb there: As likewise of Algier, and the Country adjacent; and of Alexandria, Grand Cairo, &c. With an Account of the Author's being taken Captive; the Turks Cruelty to him; and of his Escape. In wh
    Pitts, Joseph
  • 104852
    Book Info
    A final answer to the Remarks on the Craftsman's vindication; and to all the libels, which have come, or may come from the same quarter against the person, last mentioned in the Craftsman of the 22d of May
    Bolingbroke, Henry St John
  • 104853
    Book Info
    A full and authentick account of Stephen Duck, the Wiltshire poet. Of his Education; his Methods of Improving himself; how he first engag'd in Poetry; and his great Care in writing. Of each of his particular Poems; of the first Encouragements he met with; and his original Sentiments on several Books, Things, &c. In a letter to a Member of Parliament. By J- S- Esq; Poetry Professor for the Universi
    Spence, Joseph
  • 104854
    Book Info
    A full and true account of the sad and deplorable death of Caleb D'Anvers, Esq; who dy'd suddenly last Saturday morning, after a long and languishing illness, occasion'd by a concatenation of distempers. Together with an Exact and Faithful Relation of the Drum-Doctors being sent for to open and diffect him
  • 104855
    Book Info
    A full answer to that scandalous libel, the Free Briton of July 1. That was pretended to be written by one Francis Walsingham Esq; alias Ar---n---ld, Clerk. To which is added, A Postscript, in Vindication of the Answer to the Remarks; for which Mr. Franklin was taken into Custody. By Paul Chamberlayne Gent.
    Chamberlen, Paul
  • 104856
    Book Info
    A full justification of the doctrines advanced in Mr. Bowman's visitation sermon; or, the authority claimed by bishops not warranted jure divino tho' supported jure humano. Containing Arguments proving the Identity and Parity of Bishops and Presbyters by Divine Institution; and that the Postscripts in the Second Epistle of St. Paul to Timothy and in that to Titus (upon which Foundation is built th
  • 104857
    Book Info
    A guide for English travelers, through Holland, &c. &c
    Johnson, Thomas
  • 104858
    Book Info
    A guide to the English tongue. In two parts. The First proper for Beginners, shewing a Natural and Easy Method to pronounce and express both Common Words, and Proper Names; in which particular Care is had to shew the Accent, for preventing Vitious Pronunciations. The Second, for such as are advanc'd to some Ripeness of Judgment, containing Observations on the Sounds of Letters and Diphthongs, Rule
    Dyche, Thomas
  • 104859
    Book Info
    A jovial crew: or, the merry beggars. A comedy. Acted both at the Queen's Theatre, and the Theatre-Royal, at the same time, with the Actors Names who Play'd it at both Houses: And after, upon the Uniting both Companys into One, in Drury-Lane. Likewise all the songs, and a key to the beggars cant. Written by Richard Brome, Author of the Northern Lass
    Brome, Richard
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 104860
    Book Info
    A key to the Craftsman