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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 104,901 - 104,920건 출력
  • 104901
    Book Info
    A new-Year's-Gift, being, advice from a mother to her son and daughter. Written originally in French by the Marchioness De Lambert, and just publish'd with great Approbation at Paris. Done into English by a Gentleman
    Lambert, Anne Th{acute}er{grave}ese de Marguenat de Courcelles
  • 104902
    Book Info
    A parallel of the different methods of extracting the stone out of the bladder. Translated from the French of Henry Francis le Dran, Surgeon-Major at la Charite, and Demonstrator of Anatomy in the same Hospital. Revis'd and corrected by Thomas Dale, M.D.
    Le Dran, Henri-Fran{cedil}cois
  • 104903
    Book Info
    A paraphrase and notes on St. Paul's 1st Epistle to the Thessalonians. In Imitation of Mr. Locke's Manner. By the author of the Paraphrase and notes on St. Paul's Epistle to Philemon
    Benson, George
  • 104904
    Book Info
    A paraphrase and notes on St. Paul's Epistle to Philemon. Attempted in Imitation of Mr. Locke's Manner. With an appendix; In which is shewn, That St. Paul could neither be an Enthusiast, nor an Impostor: And consequently, the Christian Religion must be (as he has represented it) Heavenly and Divine
    Benson, George
  • 104905
    Book Info
    A persuasive to impartiality and candor in judging of the present administration, particularly with regard to our late difficulties and transactions abroad. Addressed to the people
  • 104906
    Book Info
    A philosophical discourse concerning the mutability and changes of the material world; read to the students of Harvard-College, April 7. 1731. upon the news of the death of Thomas Hollis, Esq; of London, the most bountiful benefactor to that society. By Isaac Greenwood, A.M Hollisian professor of philosophy and the mathematicks. made public, at the desire of the reverend the president and fellows
    Greenwood, Isaac
  • 104907
    Book Info
    A philosophical enquiry concerning the connexion betwixt the doctrines and miracles of Jesus Christ. In a letter to a friend
    Turnbull, George
  • 104908
    Book Info
    A philosophical enquiry concerning the connexion betwixt the doctrines and miracles of Jesus Christ. In a letter to a friend.
    Turnbull, George
  • 104909
    Book Info
    A plain and humble address to the clergy and ministers in Great-Britain. A sermon occasioned by reading Mr. Bowman's visitation sermon, at the visitation held at Wakefield, in Yorkshire. Dedicated to the Revd. Dr. Legh, Vicar of Hallifax, in the same County. By a lover of true holiness, and real Christianity
    Lover of True Holiness | Real Christianity
  • 104910
    Book Info
    A poem on the death of the late Thomas Hollis, Esq; Humbly inscrib'd to Mr. John Hollis, Brother of the Deceased. By Sayer Rudd
    Rudd, Sayer
  • 104911
    Book Info
    A poem on the glorious peace of Utrecht: inscrib'd in the year 1713, to the Right Honourable Robert late Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer. By B. Higgons, Esq; Now publish'd and most humbly dedicated to the present Right Honourable Edward Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer
    Higgons, Bevill
  • 104912
    Book Info
    A poem to the memory of Mrs. Oldfield. Inscrib'd to the Honourable Brigadier Charles Churchill
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 104913
    Book Info
    A poem written by Stephen Duck, Esq; Born in the Parish of Caln in the Year 1705. A Thresheer in a Barn in the County of Wilts, at the Wages of Four Shillings and Six-Pence a Week; which were publickly read in the drawing-room at Windsor Castle on Friday the 11th of September 1730. to her Majesty, who was thereupon most graciously pleased to take the Author into her Royal Protection, by allowing h
    Duck, Stephen
  • 104914
    Book Info
    A poem, address'd to the Right Honourable William Pulteney Esq; occasion'd by some late court writings.
  • 104915
    Book Info
    A postscript to Asgill's Essay upon charity
    Asgill, John
  • 104916
    Book Info
    A practical discourse concerning death. By W. Sherlock, ...
    Sherlock, William
  • 104917
    Book Info
    A proper reply to Mr. P-----'s answer
  • 104918
    Book Info
    A proper reply to a late scurrilous libel, entitled, Sedition and defamation display'd
    Pulteney, William
  • 104919
    Book Info
    A proper reply to a late scurrilous libel; intitled, Sedition and defamation display'd. In a letter to the author. By Caleb D'Anvers, of Gray's-Inn, Esq.
    Pulteney, William
  • 104920
    Book Info
    A proper reply to a late scurrilous libel; intitled, Sedition and defamation display'd. In a letter to the author. By Caleb D'Anvers, of Gray's-Inn, Esq.
    Pulteney, William