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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 104,921 - 104,940건 출력
  • 104921
    Book Info
    A proper reply to a late scurrilous libel; intitled, Sedition and defamation display'd. In a letter to the author. By Caleb D'Anvers, of Gray's-Inn, Esq;
    Pulteney, William
  • 104922
    Book Info
    A proper reply to a late scurrilous libel; intitled, Sedition and defamation display'd. In a tetter [sic] to the author. By Caleb D'Anvers, of Gray's-Inn, Esq;
    Pulteney, William
  • 104923
    Book Info
    A proposal for enabling the clergy to accept advanced rents, in lieu of fines
  • 104924
    Book Info
    A proposal humbly offer'd to the P------------t, for the more effectual preventing the further growth of popery. With the description and use of the ecclesiastical thermometer, very proper for all families. By C- P-, Esq;
    C. P
  • 104925
    Book Info
    A proposal humbly offer'd to the P-----t, for the more effectual preventing the further growth of Popery. With the description and use of the ecclesiastical thermometer, very proper for all Families. By Dr. S-t. To which is added, the humble petition of the weavers and venders of gold and silver lace, Embroiderers, &c. As also two poems, viz. Helter skelter, or the hue and cry after the attornies
    C. P
  • 104926
    Book Info
    A proposal to determine our longitude
    Squire, Jane
  • 104927
    Book Info
    A rational grammar; with easy rules in English to learn Latin, Compared with the best Authors In most Languages on this Subject. By J.T. Philipps, Preceptor to his Royal Highness Prince William, Duke of Cumberland
    Philipps, J. T
  • 104928
    Book Info
    A remonstrance address'd to the clergy. Shewing, Where the Charge of Deism (without returning to the Old Divinity) will necessarily terminate. By a Friend of the Clergy
    Warne, Jonathan
  • 104929
    Book Info
    A review of Mr. Glass's observes on the original constitution of the Christian church; in a letter to him. By Thomas Aytone
    Aytone, Thomas
  • 104930
    Book Info
    A scheme for a course of chymistry, to be performed at Gresham-College,
    Pemberton, Henry
  • 104931
    Book Info
    A scheme for a course of chymistry, to be performed by Henry Pemberton, M.D. Professor of Physick in Gresham-College, and Fellow of the Royal Society
    Pemberton, Henry
  • 104932
    Book Info
    A seasonable proposal to prevent the further growth of popery. Heartily recommended to every true Protestant. By a lover of his country
    Lover of His Country
  • 104933
    Book Info
    A second letter from a hawker and pedlar in the country, to a Member of Parliament at London. In which The true yearly Revenue and Expence of a Nation is fairly Stated. The Encouragement of Frugality is recommended as the best Method to Increase the Nation's Revenue, and Diminish its Expence. All Monopolies proved to be an Encouragement to Idleness and Luxury. Every Restriction upon Trade a Step t
    C-------l, James
  • 104934
    Book Info
    A second letter to a deist, concerning a late book entitled, Christianity as old as the creation: more particularly that chapter which relates to Dr. Clarke. By the author of the former
    Balguy, John
  • 104935
    Book Info
    A second vindication of Christ's divinity: or, a second defense of some queries relating to Dr. Clarke's scheme of the Holy Trinity: in answer to the country clergy-man's reply. Wherein the learned Doctor's scheme as it now stands, after the latest correction, alteration and explanation, is distinctly and fully consider'd. By Daniel Waterland, D. D. Master of Magdalen-College in Cambridge: And Cha
    Waterland, Daniel
  • 104936
    Book Info
    A select collection of modern poems. By the most eminent hands. Viz. The Right Honourable the Earl of Murlgrave [sic]. The Earl of Roscommon. Mr. Pope. Mr. Addison. Sir John Denham. Mr. Tickell. Mr. Dryden. Mr. Congreve
  • 104937
    Book Info
    A sermon occasion'd by the death of the late reverend John Kinch, L.L.D. preach'd April the 11th, 1731. In the Artillery-Ground, Spittle-Fields. By Jeremiah Hunt, D.D.
    Hunt, Jeremiah
  • 104938
    Book Info
    A sermon on the great and general day of judgment; preach'd at St. Paul's Cathedral, London, before the Right Hon. Humphrey Parsons, Esq; Ld. Mayor, and Court of Aldermen, on the 25th of July, 1731. By the Rev. Dr. Bacon, D D.
    Bacon, Phanuel
  • 104939
    Book Info
    A sermon preach'd at the ordination of the Rev. Mr. Thomas Amory, and Mr. William Cornish, at Taunton, Somerset, Oct. 7, 1730. in Which, among other Things, the true Notion of preaching Christ, and the Decay of the Dissenting Interest are briefly consider'd; With a large preface concerning the Foundations of Morality, and the excellent Morals of the Gospel. By Henry Grove. To which is added, a cha
    Grove, Henry
  • 104940
    Book Info
    A sermon preach'd before the Lords spiritual and temporal in Parliament assembled, in the Abby-Church Westminster, on Saturday, January XXX. 1730. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Robert Lord Bishop of Peterborough
    Clavering, Robert