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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 104,961 - 104,980건 출력
  • 104961
    Book Info
    A treatise of the small pox. In two parts. Part I. Containing a Description both of the Distinct and Confluent Kind; when they proceed regularly; and of the curative Indications in every Period; and of the Methods of managing variolous Patients, as to Heat, and Cold; Clothing, and Diet; Medicines, &c. Also an Account of the incidental Symptoms, as to their Causes and Effects, and the Indications o
    Lobb, Theophilus
  • 104962
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    A treatise of the suffocation of the matrix, commonly called, the fits of the mother. Wherein are not only explained the cause, progress, and danger of that deplorable distemper, but the proper remedies prescribed at large, for the Prevention and Cure of the same. Written in Latin, by that Celebrated Physician, Doctor Lockman, And now Translated into English. To which is added, An Explanatory Dict
  • 104963
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    A treatise of the system of the world : By Sir Isaac Newton. Translated into English.
    Newton, Isaac
  • 104964
    Book Info
    A treatise on harmony: containing the chief rules for composing in two, three, and four parts. Dedicated to all lovers of musick, by an admirer of this agreeable science
  • 104965
    Book Info
    A true copy of the journal of the High-Court of Justice for the tryal of King Charles I. As it was read in the House of Commons, And Attested under the Hand of Phelps, Clerk to that Court. Taken by J. Nalson, LL.D. Jan. 4. 1683
  • 104966
    Book Info
    A view of the beau monde: or, memoirs of the celebrated Coquetilla. A real history. In which is interspersed the amours of several persons of quality and distinction. With several original songs by S-y C-gs Beau N-, &c. Coquetilla's Family, &c. -Her Flight from her Fathers. -Deserred when big with Child. -Pitied by Mrs. H-ll -Her Amour with the D. of- -Mrs. H-'s Advice in a Song. -Runs away. -Fall
  • 104967
    Book Info
    A view of the depredations and ravages committed by the Spaniards on the British trade and navigation. Most humbly offer'd to the consideration of the Parliament of Great Britain.
  • 104968
    Book Info
    A view of the town: or, memoirs of London. In which is contained a diverting account of the humours, follies, vices, and what not? of that famous metropolis: Where every Offence meets with its due Correction; Knaves are Scourg'd, Fools Jirk'd, and the Ladies have a Stroke by the by. In fine, not to pall your Appetite, by a tedious Lift of Particulars, here is, in short, as much Sing-Song as in the
  • 104969
    Book Info
    A vindication of a late Essay on the transmutation of blood, Containing The true Manner of Digestion of our Aliments, and the Aetiology: or, An Account of the Immediate Cause of Putrid Fevers or Agues. As also Observations upon the Noble Specifick Cortex Peruvianus. To which is Added, (by Way of Appendix) A Dissertation concerning the Manner of the Operation of Chalybeat Medicines in Human Bodies,
    Knight, Thomas
  • 104970
    Book Info
    A vindication of human liberty. In two parts. I. With Respect to the Mind's being Passive in Sensation, Reflection, Memory and the last Judgment of the Understanding. II. In Regard to God's Prescience. By J. Greenup
    Greenup, J
  • 104971
    Book Info
    A vindication of the Bishop of London's second pastoral letter. In answer to a late pamphlet, entitled, A second address to the inhabitants of the two great cities of London and Westminster. Addressed to the said author by an inhabitant one of those great cities, author of the two first Vindications,&c.
    Inhabitant of one of those great cities
  • 104972
    Book Info
    A vindication of the Old Church of England. Or; an answer to Mr. Wainhouse's novelties of the Church of Rome
  • 104973
    Book Info
    A vindication of the learned and honourable author of The history of the apostles creed, from the false sentiment, which Mr. Simson has injuriously imputed to him
    Hadow, Ja
  • 104974
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    A vindication of the proceedings in the case of Mr. Ayscough, of Corpus-Christi-College, Oxon.
  • 104975
    Book Info
    A vindication of those who take the oath of allegiance, to His present Majestie from perjurie, injustice and disloyaltie, charged upon them by such as are against it. ... In a letter to a non-juror
    Hearne, Thomas
  • 104976
    Book Info
    A vindication of those who take the oath of allegiance, to His present Majestie from perjurie, injustice, and disloyaltie, charged upon them by such as are against it. ... In a letter to a non-juror
    Hearne, Thomas
  • 104977
    Book Info
    A vindication of three of our blessed Saviour's miracles: viz. The Raising of Jairus's daughter, The Widow of Naim's son, And Lazarus. In answer to the objections of Mr. Woolston's fifth discourse on the miracles of our Saviour. By Nathaniel Lardner
    Lardner, Nathaniel
  • 104978
    Book Info
    Abr{acute}ege' sur les sciences & sur les arts : par demandes & par r{acute}eponses. = A short treatise upon arts and sciences, by question and answer.
    Palairet, Jean
  • 104979
    Book Info
    Acts and laws passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesties province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England, begun & held at Boston, upon Wednesday the twenty-sixth day of May, 1731. And continued by several adjournments unto Wednesday the third day o November following
  • 104980
    Book Info
    Acts and statutes made in a Parliament begun at Dublin, the twenty eighth day of November, Anno Dom. 1727. In the First Year of the Reign of Our Most Gracious Sovereign Lord King George II. Before His Excellency John Lord Carteret, Lord Lieutenant General and General Governor of Ireland. And Continued under His Excellency John Lord Carteret, Lord Lieutenant General and General Governor of Ireland,