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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 105,001 - 105,020건 출력
  • 105001
    Book Info
    An Act for the more effectual punishing stealers of lead or iron barrs fixed to houses, or any Fences belonging thereunto
  • 105002
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    An Act for the relief of the creditors of James Mead and George Curtis, late bankers In the city of Dublin
  • 105003
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    An Act to enable ideots and lunaticks, who are Seized or Possessed of Estates in Fee, or for Lives, or Terms of Years, in Trust, or by way of Mortgage, to make Conveyances, Surrenders or Assignments of such Estates; and to prevent Delay in Suits in Equity where Trustees cannot be found
  • 105004
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    An Act to encourage the improvement of barren, and waste Land, and Boggs, and Planting of Timber Trees and Orchards
  • 105005
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    An Act to explain and amend an act, Intituled, An Act for the better Regulating the Work-House of the City of Dublin, and to Regulate and Provide for the Poor thereof, and to prevent Mischiefs which may happen by keeping Gun Powder within the said City; And also, for Explaining and Amending one other Act, Intituled, An Act for the better Enabling the Governors of the Work-House of the City of Dubl
  • 105006
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    An Act to prevent the throwing or fireing of squibs, Serpents, and other Fire-Works
  • 105007
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    An abridgment of Mr. Locke's Essay concerning human understanding.
    Locke, John
  • 105008
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    An abstract of the laws and statutes in force for the election of Members, to serve in Parliament, for the shires, towns, and boroughs in Ireland
  • 105009
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    An act for the government and regulation of seamen in the merchants service
  • 105010
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    An address to the people of Great-Britain; occasioned by the republication of the Craftsmen : in which the mischievous influence of that course of writing on our foreign affairs, is evidently shown
  • 105011
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    An anatomy of atheism. A poem. By the author of The duties of the closet
    Dawes, William
  • 105012
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    An answer to a late pamphlet, Intituled, Observations on the writings of the Craftsman. Being a third letter of advice, to the people of Great-Britain and Ireland, &c.
    Amhurst, N
  • 105013
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    An answer to one part of a late infamous libel, intitled, Remarks on the Craftsman's vindication of his two honourable patrons; in which the character and conduct of Mr. P. is fully vindicated. In a letter to the most noble author
    Pulteney, William
  • 105014
    Book Info
    An answer to one part of a late infamous libel, intitled, Remarks on the Craftsman's vindication of his two honourable patrons; in which the character and conduct of Mr. P. is fully vindicated. In a letter to the most noble author.
    Pulteney, William
  • 105015
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    An answer to the Plea for human reason: In Vindication of The Bishop of London's Second Pastoral Letter. Wherein The Author's Misrepresentations and Mistakes are laid open, and his fallacious Reasonings confuted. In a Letter to the Author
  • 105016
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    An answer to the letter to Dr. Waterland. In Relation to the Point of Circumcision: Wherein the Letter-Writer's Gross Mistakes are Examin'd and Confuted
    Marcus, Moses
  • 105017
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    An answer to the postscript of the second part of Scripture vindicated. Wherein is shewn, that if Reason be not a sufficient Guide in Matters of Religion; the Bulk of Mankind, for 4000 Years, had no sufficient Guide at all in Matters of Religion
    Sykes, Arthur Ashley
  • 105018
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    An apology, being a series of arguments in proof of the Christian religion. With a postscript, concerning a late Irreverent and Unbecoming Manner of Treating Religious Subjects in the Stile of Ridicule. Address'd to all Impartial Free-Thinkers. By Edward Aspinwall, D.D. Sub-Dean of his Majesty's Chapel Royal, and Prebendary of St. Peter's, Westminster
    Aspinwall, Edward
  • 105019
    Book Info
    An appeal to all lovers of their country and reputation. Occasion'd by a groundless aspersion, cast on William Hatchett, gent. By Monsieur de Montaud, (nephew to the Cardinal de Fleury) who resided here sometime incognito, and of which he falsly reported the Right Honourable Lord Harrington, and Sir Robert Walpole, were the Authors
  • 105020
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    An appeal to the nation: or, the case of the present Prime Minister of Great-Britain truly stated. In a view of the fortunes and fate of all those ministers, who have borne the office of Lord High Treasurer, from Henry IV, to this time