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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 105,061 - 105,080건 출력
  • 105061
    Book Info
    Animadversions on a reverend prelate's remarks upon the bill now depending in parliament: entitled A bill to prevent suits for tythes, where none, nor any Composition for the same, have been paid within a certain number of years. By a member of the House of Commons. To which are prefix'd the reverend prelate's remarks
    Arnall, William
  • 105062
    Book Info
    Annuities upon lives: or, the valuation of annuities upon any number of lives; as also, of reversions. To which is added, an appendix concerning the expectations of life, and probabilities of survivorship. By A. de Moivre. F.R.S.
    Moivre, Abraham de
  • 105063
    Book Info
    Apollo Anglicanus: the English Apollo. Assisting All Persons in the Right Understanding of this Year's Revolutions, as also of Things past, present, and to come. A Twofold Kalendar, viz. Julian or English, and Gregorian or Foreign Computations, more plain and full than any other; with the Rising and Setting of the Sun, the Nightly Rising and Setting of the Moon, and also her Southing, exactly calc
    Saunders, Richard
  • 105064
    Book Info
    Ars pr{aelig}scribendi : sive Pharmacop{oelig}ia extemporanea reformata. In Qua Praescriptorum Elegantium & Efficacium, facile Parabilium, & ad omnes fer{grave}e Medendi Intentiones accommodatorum, Paradigmata Tyronibus imitanda proponuntur. Un{grave}a cum Scholiis, Catalogo, & Indice annexis. Editio sexta. Per Tho. Fuller, M. D. Cantab.
    Fuller, Thomas
  • 105065
    Book Info
    Astro-Theology: or, a demonstration of the being and attributes of God, from a survey of the heavens. Illustrated with copper plates. By W. Derham, Canon of Windsor, Rector of Upminster in Essex, and F. R. S.
    Derham, W
  • 105066
    Book Info
    Athelwold: a tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's servants.
    Hill, Aaron
  • 105067
    Book Info
    Athrawiaeth yr eglwys. Y rhan gyntaf. Yn cynnwys XII o draethiadau bucheddol, a'r amryw achosion, wedi eu casglu allan o rai o homiliau etholedig Eglwys Loegr. ... Gan Peter Nourse, D.D. At yr hyn y' chwanegwyd Gweddiau boreuol ... o waith ... William Wake, ... An cyfieith gan E. S. ...
    Nourse, Peter
  • 105068
    Book Info
    Authentick memoirs of the life and infamous actions of Cardinal Wolsey. To a certain Gentleman, who takes the Character of Cardinal Wolsey to Himself
  • 105069
    Book Info
    Authentick memoirs of the life and infamous actions of Cardinal Wolsey. To a certain Gentleman, who takes the Character of Cardinal Wolsey to Himself. An Epigram. How vain, Sir Knight, is thy affected Rage, That Thou and Wolsey, in the self-same Page, Stand charg'd Alike?-The Cardinal, 'tis true, Had many publick Vices; - so hast Thou: But He had Virtues, as his Foes agree; Which, thy Friends own,
  • 105070
    Book Info
    Barnaby Carroll Esq; appellant. Richard Viccars gent. respondent. The appellant's case
    Carroll, Barnaby
  • 105071
    Book Info
    Basia Joannis Secundi Nicolai Hagensis: or The kisses of Joannes Secundus Nicolaius of the Hague. In Latin and English verse. With the life of Secundus, and a Critic upon his Basia. Adorn'd with a cut of the author, and another of his Mistress Julia, engrav'd by the famous Bernard Picart the Roman
    Secundus, Johannes
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 105072
    Book Info
    Batavia illustrata: or, a view of the policy and commerce of the United Provinces: Particularly of Holland. With an enquiry into the alliances of the States General, With the Emperor, France, Spain, and Great Britain. In three parts. By Onslow Burrish, Esq;
    Burrish, Onslow
  • 105073
    Book Info
    Batchelors-hall. A poem. By George Webb, ...
    Webb, George
  • 105074
    Book Info
    Be sober, be vigilant. A sermon preached in the parish-church of St. Olave's Southwark, January 31. 1730/31. By Philip Ayscough, ...
    Ayscough, Philip
  • 105075
    Book Info
    Books printed for, and sold by Joseph Hazard, at the Bible against Stationers-Hall, near Ludgate, London
    Hazard, Joseph
  • 105076
    Book Info
    Britannia depicta or Ogilby improv'd; being a correct coppy of Mr. Ogilby's Actual survey of all ye direct & principal cross roads in England and Wales: ... And to render this work universally usefull & agreeable, ... are added ... 1. A full & particular description & account of all the cities, borough-towns, towns-corporate ... By Ino. Owen ... 2. The arms of the peers of this realm ... 3. The a
    Ogilby, John
  • 105077
    Book Info
    Bywyd a marwolaeth yr annuwiol dan enw Mr. Drygddyn. Wedi ei annerch i'r byd mewn ymddiddan cyfeillgar rhwng Mr. Doethineb a Mr. Ystyriol. Gan Joan Bunyan ... Wedi ei gyfieuthu i'r gymraeg gan T. Lewys ... At yr hwn y chwanegwyd bywyd a marwolaeth Joan Bunyan. ...
    Bunyan, John
  • 105078
    Book Info
    C. Julii Cæsaris quæ exstant, interpretatione & notis illustravit Joannes Godvinus Professor Regius, in usum Delphini. Juxta editionem parisiensem
    Caesar, Julius
  • 105079
    Book Info
    Calista. An opera. As it was designed to have been perform'd at one of the theatres. Dedicated to her Grace the Dutchess of Queensbury and Dover
  • 105080
    Book Info
    Calista. An opera. As it was designed to have been perform'd at one of the theatres. Dedicated to her Grace the Dutchess of Queensbury and Dover.