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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 105,101 - 105,120건 출력
  • 105101
    Book Info
    Damon and Phillida; a new ballad opera. As it is acted by a company of comedians at Tottenham-Court Fair
    Cibber, Colley
  • 105102
    Book Info
    De morbis cutaneis : A treatise of diseases incident to the skin. In two parts. With a short appendix concerning the efficacy of local remedies, and the manner of their operations. By Daniel Turner, of the College of Physicians, London.
    Turner, Daniel
  • 105103
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    De mundi systemate liber Isaaci Newtoni. Opus diu integris suis partibus desideratum. In usum juventutis academic?
    Newton, Isaac
  • 105104
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    Death. A poem. In two books
  • 105105
    Book Info
    Deism defeated, and Christianity defended; or, the evidence for Christianity set in a new light and proved to amount to Certainty: and the present controversy between Dr. Tindal, Dr. Waterland, and others, relating to the Case between Reason and Revelation stated and solved. Occasion'd by a late pamphlet, entituled, A demonstration of the insufficiency both of reason and revelation, separately or
    Henley, John
  • 105106
    Book Info
    Demosthenous logoi eklektoi. = Demosthenis selectæ orationes. Ad cod. Mss. recensuit, textum, scholiasten, & versionem plurimis in locis castigavit, notis insuper illustravit Ricardus Mounteney, Coll. Regal. apud Cantab. Socius. Præfiguntur huic editioni Observationes in commentarios vulgò Ulpianeos
  • 105107
    Book Info
    Devil knows what. A poem. To which is annex'd, The compromise; or, a dialogue between W. and P. In imitation of the 9th ode of Horace, book the 3d. Both written by a state lunatick
    State lunatick
  • 105108
    Book Info
    Dialogorum sacrorum libri IV. Et ad linguam rectè formandam, & ad vitam sanctè instituendam, Christianae juventuti apprimè utiles. Autore Sebastiano Castalione.
    Castellion, S{acute}ebastien
  • 105109
    Book Info
    Directions for daily communion with God. In three discourses, shewing how to begin, how to spend, and how to close every day with God. By Matthew Henry Minister of the Gospel
    Henry, Matthew
  • 105110
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    Dissertatio de stylis veterum, et diversis chartarum generibus
    Clerk, John
  • 105111
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    Divine benevolence: or, an attempt to prove that the principal end of the divine providence and government is the happiness of his creatures: being an answer to a Pamphlet, entitled, Divine rectitude; or, An Inquiry concerning the Moral Perfections of the Deity. With a refutation of the notions therein advanced concerning beauty and order, the Reason of Punishment, and the Necessity of a State of
    Bayes, Thomas
  • 105112
    Book Info
    Edward Fitzgerald, Esq; - - appellant. Thomas Fitzgerald, gent. - - respondent. The appellant's case
    Fitzgerald, Edward
  • 105113
    Book Info
    England's Reformation, from the time of King Henry the Eighth, to the end of Oate's plot. A poem in four cantos. By Thomas Ward. With Marginal Notes to justify the Facts related: As also the Author's Life, with several Alterations and Additions faithfully extracted from the Author's Manuscript, hitherto not extant in any of the three Editions of this Work already printed
    Ward, Thomas
  • 105114
    Book Info
    Ephemeris: or, a diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological, for the year of our Lord, 1707. ... By Job Gadbury, ...
    Gadbury, Job
  • 105115
    Book Info
    Erasmi Colloquia selecta: or, the select colloquies of Erasmus. With an English translation, as literal as possible, design'd for the use of beginners in the Latin Tongue. Fourth edition. By John Clarke, Master of the Publick Grammar-School in Hull
    Erasmus, Desiderius
  • 105116
    Book Info
    Essays upon several moral subjects. In two parts. Part I. Upon Pride. Upon Cloaths. Upon Duelling. Upon General Kindness. Upon the Office of a Chaplain. Upon the Weakness of Human Reason. Part II. Of Fame. Of Musick. Of the Value of Life. Of the Spleen. Of Eagerness of Desire. Of Friendship. Of Popularity. A Thought. The Entertainment of Books. Of Confidence. Of Envy. Of the Aspect. Against Despai
    Collier, Jeremy
  • 105117
    Book Info
    Exceptions taken by Bertie Hopkins and Margaret his wife, to the report of Mr. Alderman Barnard, Humphry Morice, and Joseph Jordan, Esqrs. and merchants, dated the 28th of November, 1730, and made in a cause wherein the said Bertie Hopkins and Margaret his wife are complainants, and Isaac Honywood is defendant
    Hopkins, Bertie
  • 105118
    Book Info
    Fables of Æsop and others. Newly done into English. With an application to each fable. Illustrated with cutts.
  • 105119
    Book Info
    Faithful memoirs of the life, amours and performances, of that justly celebrated, and most eminent actress of her time, Mrs. Anne Oldfield : interspersed with several other dramatical memoirs
    Curll, Edmund
  • 105120
    Book Info
    Forms of prayer vindicated; and the liturgy of the Church of England recommended: in a sermon preach'd, pursuant to the will of Mr Hutchins, In the Parish-Church of St Mary-Le-Bow, April 26. 1731. By Joseph Watson, D. D. Rector of St Stephen Walbrook in London. Publish'd at the Request of the Trustees of the Charity-School of Cordwainer and Breadstreet Wards
    Watson, Joseph